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Yag is a shared Role Playing Game virtual table intended to be played online with friends.Everything you need to know:Complete info about Yag can be found on its website.

You'll find there:
  • The detailed list of features ("Features" tab)
  • Links to Youtube tutorial videos in english and french ("Tutorials" tab)
  • Links to all available videos, tutorials and news ("Videos" tab)
  • The full YAG-LUA API documentation ("Lua api" tab)
What you can do with Yag:
  • Create a server / connect to a friend's server (up to 8 simultaneous players)
  • Setup an infinity of parametrized procedural dungeons and their environement with different visual themes
  • Choose your characters/creatures among hundreds of 3D animated miniatures.
  • Equip your 3D characters with hundreds of weapons/spells/objects and have them ride any 3D creature.
  • Share pictures from the internet: use any picture available through a public url as a map or a pawn.
  • Have 3D dice rolling and get their results displayed in a journal (results can be public or private)
  • Manage Character Sheets with automated dice rolls
  • Manage action rounds with initiative
  • Use embedded LUA scripting to:
    - Fully automate character sheets
    - Fully customize the dice language
    - Modify pawns properties (initiative, health points, ...)
    - Create rulesets
    - Generally do what you want with a scripting language
  • Change day/night time and have the sun move at any chosen speed for real time scenes
  • Hide your pawns from other players (e.g: invisibility spell) or from all players if you are the Dungeon Master
  • Use 3rd or 1st person view to see through the eyes of any character/creature.
  • Prepare and save your scenes (dungeons, pawns, character sheets, options)
  • Import/Export your Character Sheets in text format to prepare/edit/save them in any 3rd party program.
  • If your video card is Ansel compatible, use Yag as a map generator by creating high res pictures of dungeons and printing them for your real table.
  • Make beautiful screenshots using in game mechanism (any custom res), Steam, or Ansel (if you have an Ansel compatible video card)

Yag is system agnostic: it does not rely on any game rule and can be used to play any game with any rules as long as it requires a gameboard, pawns, and dice.

Yag offer a lot of possibilities and hence is fairly complexe to fully use, but it can be used progressively:
  • first only as a shared visual setup (dungeons and pawns): Yag is designed so that setting up a complexe scene should only take seconds.
  • then you can use ingame dice with the journal
  • then you can learn to use the ingame character sheets that will let you manage characters and automate dice rolls
  • then you can use initiative, manage rounds, and use the more complexe options Yag has to offer
  • finally you can learn to use the API with the LUA language and do whatever you want

Yag is entirely silent: you'll have to use a 3rd party audio server (Teamspeak, Steam, Discord...) to talk with your friends.

Yag is not a single player game, there is no AI, no goal set ingame, no villain to fight, nothing to win, it is merely an online shared gaming table.
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Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: windows 7 or later
  • Processor: 2.33 Ghz or faster x86-compatible processor
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 20 GB available space
  • Sound Card: no sound
  • Additional Notes: Depends on the amount of assets you choose to display on screen.
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Last Modified: Aug 23, 2019

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