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Ellie will be the only playable character in the game

Comment from Runaway13077
Naughty Dog creative director Neil Druckmann confirmed that Ellie will be the only playable character in The Last of Us Part II. Earlier the developers said that Joel is alive.
What do you think about this decision? I don't ask for the character choice or something like this, but, as for me, the ability to switch to another character (no matter, Joel or someone else) for a mission or a part of the game, even short, is great. We have this feature in the original TLOS, why don't they make it again? And I miss Joel...
Sir Lagsalot
I'd love to see more Joel, and I am heartbroken as he might be dead. After all the game is set 5 years after the events of the first game =(
Serge Ulankin
Gameplay trailer looks amazing and makes me feel sad I completely missed the first part. Have to play it when the sequel comes out.
Elly became deadly, like Joel, that there will be no difference in each character gameplay, like in the original TLOS. Whatever, I'm gonna miss Joel too
Ísak Agnarsson
Lol Ellie sure was the only playable character in this game, half the game is a steroid ape that you are forced to play, while going from hating that person to actually hating playing the game lol

Other comments6

The Last of Us Part II is a masterpiece in every sense of the word. From its stunning visuals to its emotional and gripping storyline, this game is a true work of art. The game takes place five years after the events of the first game and follows Ellie as she sets out on a journey of revenge and self-discovery. The character development in this game is exceptional. Ellie's journey is not just about her quest for vengeance, but also about her personal growth and the relationships she forms along the way. The voice acting and motion capture bring the characters to life in a way that truly makes you feel like you are part of their world. The gameplay is also top-notch, with smooth and satisfying combat, puzzles that challenge you in new and interesting ways, and breathtaking environments that will take your breath away. The level design is expertly crafted, with a balance of action and exploration that keeps you engaged from start to finish. Overall, The Last of Us Part II is a game that will stay with you long after you've put down the controller. It's a masterpiece that showcases the very best of what video games can offer: a captivating story, unforgettable characters, and breathtaking gameplay. If you're a fan of the first game or just a lover of great storytelling, do yourself a favor and play this game. You won't regret it.
...just worried.
I mean, of course, the girl that gave her appearance to Dina, Ellie's possible girlfriend from the trailer shown at E3 2018. Her name is Cascina Caradonna. She is a Youtuber (not very popular, though). And she restored the scene from the trailer:
I just want to say a couple of words about people's reaction to the trailer and Dina's look in particular. I think I'll never understand all this hatred some people express about somebody's else appearance. If this girl doesn't fit your idea of a character, it's not the reason to say dirty things about her. I hope that for the most of the audience it's an obvious statement.

P.S. As for me, Dina is nice. And Cascine is even nicer - she seems to be funny and lighthearted.
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Sony shown one of the most impressive trailers at E3 - The Last of Us Part II.