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Grand Theft Auto III review
by Alan Bessa

Kinda dated, but its very fun for GTAesque games.

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Why play this when you have GTA:VC and GTA:SA? its literally a worse game in every aspect to those two.
Not gonna lie, I only beat it to build up my repertoire - and prepare for GTA VI.

It's a fun game, mostly because of its unpredictability, but its formula didn't age well. It's playable but repetitive af. Basically, all you do is follow orders: do this and that, several times. The story is only here to serve the gameplay. That's not a problem in itself if the gameplay were more varied. Most of the time you're driving, which is bad, sinthe the traffic and physics are the worst I've ever played.

To make things worse, there are no checkpoints, so when you die, you have to redo the entire mission - including the absolutely boring part, which usually involves traveling to the actual mission. Speaking of dying... is the game difficult? Not exactly.

Most of the missions are fine. What makes you die often is the fact that the physics are crazy. It's really hard to explain how bad it is to drive in GTA III. Also, you can swim. Other than that, it's pretty okay.

If you're thinking about beating all the GTA games, I sure recommend it. Otherwise, there are better games to play.
Completed as of writing this review: Base Game.

As much as I appreciate this game for what shift in the series it created, GTAIII is, unfortunately, an outdated game. Filled with missions that involve driving 85% of the time, shooting only like 3-4 times, ridiculous precision for how you need to complete them, and also a plot that goes nowhere until the very end. But this is the first time and the series has improved a lot following Vice City and San Andreas, so for its time, I would say it was a good game. Delivered something unique and was a big part of the evolution of open-world games. I'd recommend this only to see what was the start of the change from top-down to third person, but if you will get too frustrated to continue, just go play Vice City, it will be more worth your time.
Will always have a special place in my heart. I HAD to have it, despite (or perhaps because of) my parents' disapproval. This and Hitman 2 will always be "that game" for me.
GTA III is the first entry of the series to be set in a 3D open world environment. This game is a true classic 20 years later. Liberty City, loosely based on New York is a very interesting place and fun to explore but without much to do apart from killing all pedestrians. The main story is very funny, the game is plagued with great jokes. The driving is quite easy, the only problem is that the cars are prone to explode in the moment you receive a couple of gunshots or when the car flips, which is quite annoying. Nevertheless, GTA III is a great experience but hard most of the time because it lacks of a crouch button to avoid being annihilated by the enemies. 
«GTA III» - popularized open-world games. With this installment, was made the transition from «2D» to «3D».

I am particularly interested in this part because it takes place in a prototype of New York (Liberty City). The gray and foggy atmosphere, industrial areas, skyscrapers, and rural countryside in the distance create a unique gaming experience and impression of the game.

The destructibility of objects, especially cars, is executed at a high level. And even more so, some cars have alarms. And all this in 2001.

With this part, «Rockstar» went for a cinematic style of storytelling. It was very interesting to watch the fate of Claude and other characters. Coupled with a decent storyline, it was a winning combination.
Gameplay 9/10. Graphics 10/10. Soundtrack 8/10. Storyline 9/10. OVERALL 9.0/10.0 (A 9.0)
«Can’t stop playing»
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
A fantastic Game when, like me, you are too poor to buy GTA V. However, as far as I cook the most, but that only APPLIES to GTA 3 on Steam, are the Vehicle Textures. In the Steam Version, they're all and that's heavily blacked out without Exception, why? No Idea, it's just like that. Luckily, I am clonter77 from Planet77 and can use Google through my Intellect to download, install and eventually use a Patch that fixes this Texture bug on the Vehicles. If you want to play with normal Textures, like me, google for this Bug with the Tags "Gta 3 steam cars texture bug" and something like that can still be trusted by today's people that they can, this so-called Googling. Otherwise, I can hardly add anything Meaningful here. The Game is fantastic, the Port is flawless apart from the aforementioned bug and otherwise does not cause any Problems, both in terms of Graphics, Sound and Options. All there as it should be. If you are a Fan of the GTA Series you have to get this Part, AFTER all, GTA 3 is the first Part in 3D and by then the Graphics are also relatively good, you have to bear in mind that it was one of the first Games for the Playstation 2. In addition, it should be noted that the History of GTA 3 goes on for many more parts, because from GTA IV a completely new Story begins and only starts with Secrets as a Nod to the GTA 3 Series, as it looks with GTA V, I do not know. I really can only recommend it.
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Microsoft from Norsk
When I was a wee little poorly soggy moggy and he was itsa itsa I spent all the CA$H I got for my birthday on a ps2 system and a copy of GTA III. I played it _very_ intensely until the ending credits appeared. Now Im at it again, I shall fly that mutilated Dodo one more time. - blodbad88