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Red Dead Redemption 2 review
by Darragh

My personal choice for the greatest videogame ever made as of 2020. Not only is the Van Der Linde gang's saga, An utterly heartbreaking slow death, But it is one written which such poise and consideration that it remains burned into my mind to this day. It is a game that against all odds is utterly uncompromising in it's vision and scope and the world that you will inhabit and the stories you will experience will be folktales in your gaming portfolio for years to come.

It often feels restrained and realistic. You will find yourself giddy for a heist, and then tapping your feet aching to get out of danger for the sake of your gang members. You have such a raw connection to them through learning them like a book as you progress through the story, They remind you why you keep playing even when the game has a few lukewarm missions and they remain consistently entertaining with campside stories and friendly insults in passing. This is a feature of the game that extends to wildlife as well. Red Dead 2 remains remarkably faithful in simulating the habitats and daily activities of hundreds of species. 

It all feels so real and it draws you into the game bit by bit as you pick your way through the game's content. And in the very end it all remains just as real life memories do, Moments. Listening to the horses hooves clod off the red sand as I slammed my way through a particularly bad sandstorm, Watching townsfolk look up from their newspaper to eye me like vultures as I saunter into town for the first time, Watching a boy sprint in the other direction as he sees me reach for my revolver.

Experience this world, Experience Arthur's story and remember to take your time before it all passes like a gust of frontier wind. 
«Blew my mind»
«Sit back and relax»
«That ending!»
«OST on repeat»

Other reviews78

«Blew my mind»
the best game I've ever played
One of the most beautiful, interesting, exciting single player games
«Blew my mind»
Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC) - Finished on March 27, 2021.