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World of Goo review
by deleted_576403

Puzzle game molto particolare che basa tutti i suoi livelli e meccaniche di gioco sulla fisica. I puzzle sono basati su delle sfere che hanno varie caratteristiche e proprietà che devono essere combinate fra loro per costruire strutture, ponti, torri, funi ecc.. per riuscire a raggiungere un tubo di scolo in cui far risucchiare le sfere. Nel gioco è presente anche una trama di contorno abbastanza carina ma che non è il focus del gioco ne uno dei suoi punti forti. Molto bello graficamente e artisticamente con una grafica 2D disegnata a mano con bellissimi ed originali fondali rappresentate un mondo distorto e molto colorato rispetto al nostro. Il gioco risulta molto divertente per l'originalità di alcuni puzzle dove l'abilità del giocatore di capire la via migliore e la struttura migliore da costruire risulta fondamentale, e che si difenda bene da tutte le insidie e trappole che il gioco inserisce nei vari livelli. Tecnicamente anche se la cavo molto bene su pc ed ha anche un più che discreto comparto sonoro, alcune canzoni riescono perfettamente ad accompagnare le risoluzione dei puzzle che vengono proposti. Abbastanza rigiocabile per la presenza di molti livelli da riaffrontare per cercare di salvare più sfere possibili. Purtroppo non è un gioco molto longevo, qualche capitolo in più con una varietà di situazioni e livelli più ampia non avrebbe guastato.

VOTO 9/10
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»
«Can’t stop playing»
«OST on repeat»

Other reviews8

It's a remarkable puzzle game that uses physics to create interesting levels. You use «Goo balls» to build various structures, with the goal of overcoming obstacles and reaching the end of the level.

The use of physics in «World of Goo» is interesting. The construction of complex structures requires an understanding and application of basic principles of physics, which makes each level unforgettable and engaging.

At the end of the game, a new mode opens where players can compete by building their own towers from the remaining «Goo balls». This mode is a wonderful addition to the main game and gives players the opportunity to use their skills in a new context.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
World Of Goo is one of the Games of my Library that I always like Games. The Game mechanics are simple: Click on a gol ball, pull it to a Spot within Reach of its Peers and place it there. It probably doesn't get Any easier than that. For that, a lot of the Levels have it in them. Whether floating on the Water or rotating in a Barrel, you have to build your Turret to get to the magic Tube into which the goto balls are sucked in, which they also have audible fun at ^ ^. Of Course, the Game doesn't just consist of building towers out of goose balls. Some large Clubs have to be overcome, the Construction has to be supported by flying goo Balls (these fly like Helium Balloons and can carry a certain Load) and one has to take into account above all the Physics that I Think is genuine in this Game. Well implemented. This never makes the goo constructions be overly shaky or steadfast. Music The Music in World Of Goo often repeats itself when, like me, you write a Review and you have the Game running in the Background, however, it varies from Chapter to Chapter and also partly gorgeous and coherent to the Game. The Advantage of this Game is that it runs on 100% of the Computers that exist in the world without Rucklers, which not every Game can claim.:D Well, it's not a 3D but 2D World. I can only fully Recommend it, especially if it is available in the Sale for little Money. It is definitely his Money 100%ig value:]. An important Tip: There is no way to make Sound or Display settings in the Game. The Game started with me By Default in the 4:3 Format with 1280x1024 resolution (vllt because exactly that was the Resolution at The first Start of the game, I can't say anything further). This can be easily changed: In the Steam\steamapps\common\World of Goo\properties folder, you open the config file and change screen _ width to 1920 and screen _ height to 1080 (for Full HD, otherwise enter the specific Values of Desktop resolution there), the C Stores On a temporary and starts the Game now, now it is likely to maximize to full Screen.
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Microsoft from French
This game was already Nice on Nintendo Wii at the time: handy with the remote! It is exactly the same on iOS: that's fine but a few novelties would not be refused. I love this dark side in history, the concept of the game!
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Microsoft from Swedish
The kids and I are having soooooo much fun with this game! I'm pretty sure the creators are heavy on drugs. No one can be this creative without drugs. And the game is so smooth! It has f l a w l e s s controls. It's full of humor. It's gorgeously b e a u t i f u l. It's ingenious. It's addictive. You have been warned.
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Microsoft from Danish
One of the Best iPad games, truly worth the money. Very innovative and easy to get into but hard to master. The only problem I have with the current version of the game, is the framerate do sometimes drop abit. The game is still fully playable and a lot of fun, but needs a patch that can fix it. But if your in the market for an original iPad game, look no further then world of goo!
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Microsoft from Danish
It's a really cool game. Very Addictive. When I saw the game for the first time, I think it looked a little bit. But when I tried it with a friend of mine, I was bitten. If you Get started first, you'll be bitten too. The Idea is brilliant, the graphics are super. You get to use the brain in a funny way. Don't Usually have patience for this kind of puzzles, but I can only stay in a good mood of the World of goo. 5 stars from here. :) :) :) :) :) Hope there soon comes a 2 's:)
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Microsoft from Italian
World of Goo is, first of all, a unique experience: • The atmosphere that you breathe in the levels of the game seems to derive from a strange dream, but often mixes with images and situations taken directly from a nightmare. • The music adapts well to the context and accompanies the game during the levels without ever getting tired, the sound effects have been made very well and, above all, are many entertaining. • The gameplay is really brilliant and on iPad gives the best of itself: you have the impression of being able to manage the Goo with your fingers as if you were really on the screen of the iPad. • The longevity of World of Goo is very high, the single-player campaign is rich in levels, it is also quite amusing to replay those already made until you get the maximum possible result. Rated 5 Stars at the game, 4 stars to the app just because an update to the new iPad would be made because the graphics of the game is a bit grainy on the new Apple jewel.
This was probably the first indie game I ever played at that point. My friend, who shared the room with me, introduced me to World of Goo, and I instantly fell in love with it. I completed it many times, and each was a unique and happy adventure.

The gameplay is really fun, the story is inventive and keeps you entertained till the last chapter. Hell, there's even a love storyline. 

To be honest, I'm getting so excited about World of Goo right now, writing this review, that I'll probably play it again soon. And if you have never played it, do it. It's a chef-d'œuvre of a game.
«Blew my mind»
«That ending!»