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Cyberpunk 2077 review
by Reiko_LJ

The launch unfortunately fell foul to the Internet hate bandwagon. A real shame because under a few bugs (no doubt worse on 8 YEAR OLD consoles) lies an incredibly detailed, vast and enthralling world.
My first play through was around 115 hours and even during that I was thinking what type of build I'll run next.
As a big fan of the Cyberpunk genre it was amazing to get lost in that world. So many Easter eggs, hidden treats and great characters.

It's clear that along the way, an already ambitious project such as this had to make some hard decisions and cut content here and there. Maybe one day we'll see it fleshed out even more and those niggles fixed too. I enjoyed it as is so would be awesome to see even more added to it.

I'll be back!
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
«OST on repeat»

Other reviews58

the main and side quests are definitely worth playing. there is some smaller copy+paste content that isn't worth it
It is very good as you can enjoy the game in the future where you can live your fantasy :) teehee
«Sit back and relax»
Good story writing
Having played release and now on 1.6 the difference is night and day. This Game really shines now the bugs have been ironed out and the story is a genuine joy to play. If you never played it at release I urge anyone who was interested to give it a go now as this is now the experience we all wished we had at release.
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
I have no idea why everyone rated this game "exceptional" but sure isn't. The story might be "good" but the gameplay is bad, repetitive and boring asf. I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone but of course, this is just my opinion.
«Buggy as hell»
ost and presentation elevate this to way higher than it deserves
«OST on repeat»
Good one.
«That ending!»
I started playing a long time after release and I didn't experience many issues. I saw a car flip into the air for no reason, that was fun. I had to clear out all enemies from an area and one of them was in the group, that was not so fun. Ultimately, I enjoyed running around Night City and meeting some interesting characters. I didn't much like the FPS style combat and didn't feel like my character upgrades were doing much of anything.

Date Completed: 2022-08-21
Playtime: 30h
Enjoyment: 7/10
Recommendation: It's no Witcher but, at this point, I think it's worth a run through.