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World of Warcraft review
by Clint Crocker


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I remember playing this game for the first time in June 2008, on a private server. I only found out about the MMORPG based on «Warcraft» in the fall of 2007 when I got internet access, and it took me a year to fulfill my wish.

I remember it vividly. I played with a classmate, knowing nothing about the game - each of us chose a Night Elf Warrior. At that time, it was our second MMO, as before that, we had played «RF Online» together.

We diligently leveled up, playing every day. I remember the rates were x5 and levels came easily. At that time, we knew nothing about gear colors, dungeons, let alone raids. We just did quests and enjoyed ourselves.

Since it was a private server, there were not only lags and bugs but also «rollbacks». That's when your progress rolled back, for example, 12 hours. It was amusing.

This story ended in August when the server decided to switch to «The Burning Crusade». Somehow we didn't bother to find where to get this expansion, as we hadn't explored the vanilla content. As a result, our adventure ended there.

It was an interesting experience of getting acquainted with «Western» MMORPG.
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
I played WoW for a little bit way back when it first started. And only after playing other MMOs... (Everquest, FFXI, Ragnarok Online) did I go back to WoW. And I fell in love. Sadly, I've never made it to end game because of computer issues. My current computer nearly blows up even on the lowest graphic settings. Not to mention its difficult to afford it... Still, I love this game. I wish they'd bring it to consoles. I would find a way to afford it! XD
There's a reason every upstart new MMO wants to market itself as "the WoW killer," and there are reasons why WoW is still very much alive.

No, I haven't played in a while, but I'd say there's absolutely no chance that I won't go back at some point, because as most people that have played WoW will tell you, you never really leave WoW.

Here's the test: When you say you're quitting WoW, why not give all your gold and non-soulbound stuff away?

That's right. You'll be back.
«Blew my mind»