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God of War (2018) review
by Dylan

"First the moon and the stars will be lost in a dense white fog. Then the rivers and the lakes and the sea will freeze over. And finally, a wolf named Skoll will open his jaws and eat the sun, sending the world into an everlasting night. I think I hear the wolf at the door. "

"BOY ... you sure are missing out if you don't play this game." So, I'll admit, I never enjoyed the other GoW games. There was just something missing from them for me. This new entry into the series hits just about every nail on the head. You've got interesting characters, Atreus isn't useless like most NPC companions, game looks great on standard PS4 though at some parts I did get very noticeable frame rate drops, great soundtrack and some good boss fights too.

One thing I didn't like about the game was the bosses that were essentially just re-skins of others with little to no variation in  move sets.

All in all, this game has set the bar high, I can't wait to see what comes next. 9.5/10 

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A stellar franchise reboot.
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just missing those epic boss battles
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Boring. Dropped it a few hours in.
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