Went in really wanting to like it. Also am a huge horror fan who has never seen any Blair Witch anything so I thought I might benefit from a novel perspective on the story. There were stretches of the game that were fun and that were creepy, but as I got further and further along I became more and more disinterested. After looking it up, I was pretty close to the ending but had no desire to push forward and could see some of the twists coming from pretty early on.
Other reviews4
All in all it was a pretty mediocre game and the ending was way too dragged out. At least they didn't rely on cheap scares (aka jump scares) too much.
Date Completed: 2020-10-01
Playtime: 5h
Fear Factor: 3/10
Enjoyment: 5/10
Recommendation: Its short and (mostly) okay so take it or leave it.
The whole game has that Alan Wake feel to it, you even kill the monsters with your flashlight like in Alan Wake. I do like the mystery of the main character and obviously the dog which is the star of this game. Loved the Bloober feel and style in it too, the story also delivers. The thing is, that this game has some gamebreaking bugs and some xbox live bullshit (couldn't log in and cuz of that no saves, achievements didn't work and some other minor inconveniences). I would recommend picking this up at 15euros after some patches. I heard people complain about optimization, but for me it works good on my mediocre rig.