Average Playtime: 2 hours

Bad North

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Your home is under attack. The king is dead at the hands of Viking invaders. Hope is a distant glimmer in the fog, fading fast with every passing moment. As you rise to take your father’s place as ruler, it will fall to you to stage your defenses. But make no mistake – this is no fight for victory, but a desperate grasp for survival.

Bad North is a charming but brutal real-time tactics roguelite. Defend your idyllic island kingdom against a horde of Viking invaders, as you lead the desperate exodus of your people. Command your loyal subjects to take full tactical advantage of the unique shape of each island. Everything is at stake: fail, and watch the blood of your subjects stain the ground red.

It’s charmingly brutal, with beautiful procedurally-generated islands and adorable soldiers juxtaposed against the blood-stained realities of war. You control the broad strokes of the battle, giving high level commands to your soldiers who try their best to carry them out in the heat of the moment. It’s accessibly deep, with simple player inputs masking a dynamic combat simulation that make it inviting to new players while challenging veterans.

Keep fighting, warriors. Not for power or riches or glory, but for hope of peace to come once again in the harsh lands of the Bad North.

Key Features:
• REAL-TIME TACTICS ROGUELITE: Position and relocate your troops to fend off the Vikings, who each have their own counters to the threats you pose. Pick your battles and plan your evacuations carefully! Lose a commander and they’re gone forever; lose everything, and it’s game over!
• INTELLIGENT UNIT CONTROLS: You command the broad strokes of your defenses and monitor positioning — your soldiers do the rest, navigating and engaging intuitively in response to the situation at hand.
• PROCEDURALLY-GENERATED ISLANDS: Each island is both stylistically charming and unique in its layout. Plan your strategies around every nook and cranny, for you only get one chance to save them from the enemy invasion.
• UNLOCKABLE UPGRADES: A stronger, smarter defense leads to greater rewards. Use these to develop your subjects from a ragtag militia into seasoned warriors.

Release date
Raw Fury
Plausible concept
Raw Fury
Age rating
13+ Teen
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  • Additional Notes: TBD

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  • Additional Notes: TBD
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Last Modified: Oct 22, 2024

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1,000,000 items
Bathed in Blood
Kill 15000 vikings
Folk Hero
Complete the campaign on hard, recruit all commanders and keep them alive
Split the Party
Win 3 islands on a single turn
A New Home
Complete the campaign on any difficulty
Ready for Anything
Fully upgrade one of your commanders
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11 items
Feb 9, 2023
Strange New Update?
Feb 9, 2023
unavailable commander rules?
Jul 28, 2022
Traits - what are some of your ideas?
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Bad North reviews and comments

Bad north takes the concept of strategy games and only takes the core parts of it to make a minimal game with beautiful graphics, great sound, excellent design, excellent gameplay and some difficulty. Bad north is an excellent strategy game that will give you hours of gameplay and fun, highly recommended.
It was a bit repetitive and had a really hit-or-miss level of challenge. However the visual style is so zen and chill that kept me coming back for some nice, simple to a fault strategy game. 6/10
«Sit back and relax»
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Product received for free I can only join most gative reviews. The Game is too repetitive. The Game starts with 2 Squads of units. The first 4 missions pass slowly and are relatively light. Only after collecting 6 Coins (about the first 5-6 level) can you improve your Squads. Regrading The Squads is very important as the missions become heavier and heavier. But it is not shown how difficult the Island is. In my first Run I was completely destroyed on the approximately 11 Island, because the big Vikings are very powerful. Only grinds are hiflt there. Only that doesn't work out either, as there is only this one Game Score, the Islands are getting heavier and Heavier and the Dead is catching up.
Translated by
Microsoft from French
This game may not be worth the €15 that I put there, but the atmosphere transmitted, whether through music, sound, textures, sells dreams and testifies to the potential of this game. It is often said that the game is quickly repetitive.. But to finish the game to 100% (success steam) you will pass this detail, captive by the complexity of some fights (you will bite your fingers for sure!). It must be admitted that the game lacks a few things that would make the game of advantage interesting. Whether adding new mobs, a larger class choice, or a longer campaign with possibly an easier mode with backups to "start" and motivate the most hardcore players to play hard and finish the game at 100% (adding steam success). The addition of steam card could also be nice, a series of badges made by the community and voted for no! Feel free to share your opinion under this message if you have anything else to add or contradict! :) I highly recommend (even more on sale! D:)
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Update: 25.11.2018 After a few Hours of Playing, my Fun has increased even more. Having understood some Things more, as before I have now realized what Depth of play lies in this Game and what real, tactical Possibilities this game has. At this Point I would also like to Thank ExplodingHamster, who with His Game series on Youtube has shown me many new Possibilities for this Game. Can only recommend these Videos: https://youtu.be/YFYHdV4cXhY So more and more a hammer Game of the Highest class. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A great Game! Simple Mouse control, beautiful Graphics, strategically demanding, high Gameplay through live action, Replay Stimulation through randomly generated Islands, Improvements of its own Armies, each Island has its own Strategy claim and thus influence the Choice of Own Troops: A fast, partly nerve-wracking Action game that I can loosely recommend for Strategy fans. In Terms of Replay Appeal, I may still lack a Point Rating/high score list at the End of the Game to be able to compete with previous Results. But even now, Replay Appeal Is already present-and if only to have real Fun.
Fun simplified RTS game play that is replayable with great rogue-like randomly created islands. Repeat runs make for a slow start and a I still haven't been able to beat the game. But fun for a run. (Has been updated since.)
Review in English below ↓
Estrategia en tiempo real. muy bonito visualmente, con niveles generados aleatoriamente que hace cada partida un poco diferente de las anteriores.

El combate se basa en un sistema muy parecido al que tiene Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom, en el que por ejemplo las lanzas son efectivas contra los escudos y los escudos contra los arqueros.

En cada nivel te pueden dar un ejercito o un accesorio para mejorar las tropas, a las cuales tambien puedes mejorar con dinero que consigues evitando que los "invasores" destruyan las casas de cada isla, a mas casas consigas salvar, mas dinero generas y mejores cosas puedes adquirir.

Galeria de Imagenes (Spoilers): https://imgbox.com/g/4S43odTC80
Real-time strategy, very beautiful, with randomly generated levels that makes each level a little bit different from the previous play.

Combat is based on a system very similar to what Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom has, in which for example the Spears are effective against shields and shields against the archers.

In each level you can get a new army or an accessory to improve the troops, to which also you can improve with money. The money you can get it avoiding that the invaders destroy the houses of each island. The more houses you avoid being destroyed, more money you will make and better things you can purchase.

Photo Gallery (Spoilers): https://imgbox.com/g/4S43odTC80
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