Average Playtime: 3 hours

Band of Defenders

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Band of Defenders is modern online COOP FPS game where up to four players protect one central object against masses of savages and mutants who rule the world slowly recovering from nuclear apocalypse. Players build, repair and upgrade barricades and turrets, craft weapons and try to survive waves of enemies.

Each game consists of few waves of enemies and players have time to build their defenses after they deal with each wave. The last wave is always lead by one of the boss enemies, highly dangerous individuals that will test your defenses and skills to the fullest.

First of all, we wanted to create fun shooter game that has everything players expect and desire. Tons of different weapons, fluid animations and good feel from shooting bad guys. And because Band of Defenders is cooperative game, you can play it solo, with friends or with complete strangers - it is completely up to you how you want to enjoy your game. World of Band of Defenders is also extremely brutal so make sure you can handle a little bit of bloodshed.

Do you like survival games where you have to build defenses to survive attacks from savage enemies? We love those but we think that it takes too much time to play for example 7 Days to Die and really enjoy it. Band of Defenders is coming with similar idea but focused on shorter (around 20-30 minutes) individual battles. You start with only basic equipment but you fortify your stand to beat more and more dangerous waves of enemies and beat boss that comes at you in the end.
You build various barricades and automated turrets, craft weapons, set minefields to protect vulnerable spots and prepare for the worst which always comes.

You get experience points after each battle and when you level up you get crate with some useful equipment - new gun to craft, new upgrade to your turrets, new barricade to build, perk giving you a better gun on start of each game...so higher level means more and better equipment and higher chance to survive, especially if you want to play on higher difficulties.

Are you ready for one of the best visual customization experiences you can have in online shooters? Without buying keys to actually get items you rightfully won? Band of Defenders lets you customize all characters without trying to rob you. You just win a game, get new items and try to figure out what combination of visual items give you the best looks. From character skins, headwear and face accessories to cool armors and knife skins, ranging from regular items to crazy ones, you will have almost infinite number of combinations so your character will be unique.

You are mercenary, member of elite Band of Defenders. You came from the vaults deep under destroyed surface of the Earth and you want to reclaim what is rightfully yours. But the world is still very hostile place with Cult of Gore uniting mutants and savage bandits into the horde that is the main power that kills, pillages and stops any attempts to start human civilization anew.
That means a lot of work for you and your fellow mercenaries and you take pride in protecting remnants of what once was a decent human society (decent enough to destroy the world with nukes...). Only you are able to defend weak and wealthy against hazards of this new deadly world.

  • Band of Defenders is packed with content and action so you enjoy every minute of many hours you will be playing it.
  • 30+ weapons including pistols, assault rifles, grenade launchers, mines, grenades and more futuristic pieces like laser or tesla rifles
  • 10+ enemies ranging from expendable bandits trying to punch you to elite mutants in heavy armor and mortar in hand
  • 5+ maps in various post-apocalyptic sceneries
  • 4+ boss enemies that will test your defenses at the end of each battle
  • 4 difficulties that come not only with scaling of enemy stats but also with completely new sets of waves of enemies that will be attacking you
  • 4+ characters to choose from - do you see yourself as valorous soldier, sexy woman lieutenant or huge mutant that switched sides and fights against his own?
  • 200+ items for visual customization - hats, face accessories, armors, character skins and knife skins and models
  • Endless mode - protect yourself against waves of enemies, next one always stronger than the previous one
  • No microtransactions so all content is yours for taking!
Alda Games
Alda Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 or higher
  • Processor: Intel i3 or AMD alternative
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia 750Ti with 2GB or AMD alternative
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 15 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: requires online connection
  • OS: Windows 7 or higher
  • Processor: Intel i7 or AMD alternative
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia 1060 or AMD alternative
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 15 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: requires online connection
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Last Modified: Sep 17, 2019

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UNE DÉFENSE PROPRE ! (Band of Defenders)
Mar 16, 2018
NEW Fort Defense Game! FALLOUT Wave Defense (Band of Defenders Gameplay)
Apr 5, 2018
Mar 13, 2018
Ulitmate Turrets and Defending the Nuke! - Band of Defenders Gameplay
Apr 5, 2018
Mar 17, 2018
May 9, 2018
Vicio ONE MO...
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34,191 items
Maximum defense
Upgrade any barricade to level 9 in-game.
Knife lover
Equip Epic knife skin.
They said military would be fun!
Win Medium game.
I like hurting them
Gain "Assist king" award.
Good soldier
Kill 500 enemies.
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Burn or Bliss #3
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12 items

Band of Defenders reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
So, before us game from the creators of the shooter-bagel Killing Room, which I personally delivered a lot of unforgettable experiences. Let's see what we will see in the new creation from Alda Games: Pros:-You can play alone or in a coope. -In Principle, usable graphics and decent animation. The Game on Unity, but all the action (running, jumping) are felt adequately, the feeling that you ride on the ice or oil is not. -Arsenal of weapons even though not as impressive as in another famous rental shooter Killing Floor 1/2, but I basically liked it. Even the Wintorez, loved by many fans of Stalker, brought. -A Variety of enemies, from hordes of raiders to mutants with machine guns and rocket launchers. -The Game is to some extent ridiculed postapocalyptic setting. -There are Loutboxes, but you can retire them (and you need to) just passing the game. Cons:-The Card is selected automatically. You cannot select a location from the menu. -I would like to see the dismemberment of a la Killing Floor 1/2. -The Soundtrack is so-so. Bottom Line: A Decent arcade shooter with a bias in the tower-defence, one to play may be boring, but the coop will be fun. So boldly put the game 7/10.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
I would recommend the Game to anyone who likes to be Round-based to protect something. Depending on the Level of difficulty, you fight 9-10 Rounds against many different opponents. These opponents try to destroy the Center (any Object) at the end each wave starts the Construction Time (this is very short) only during the Construction Period you can build weapons Tower Medis etc. And put. In the Last Wave you hit against a Boss these are all very different. All are very easy to defeat except The Shaman who can boost the Mobs around Boosts that then blow neatly. Here are some reasons why you should buy "Band of Defenders"!!! Pros-power mega fun solo/Koop Man gets a Box after EVERYONE won ROUND where you get SKINS and other Things you need in the Fight against the Opponents. After each Lvl, you also get a Box. It's not P2w and skins you can buy "yet" you don't have to get these. There are several Boss Monsters and many mob Types. Contras-There are an extremely many Bugs [but the Game is new;)] such as load bug, invisible Opponents, sound bugs, which some Players can only joine into Battle from Round 2 Onwards. On the Difficulty Level hard come several Bombers (is not bad) but when these blow up is all 1hit you have no Chance although we Build up 2 Layer of Baricads always and upgrade this to max. The bombers are far too Strong as they come mainly in a Gear and in the same Time with the Shedding. There are still few Players. My last Counterpoint is that there is an extremely high Addictive Factor because you want to get these Boxes. (Sry because of the Mistakes:D)
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