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Culdcept (カルドセプト, Karudoseputo) is a turn-based strategy video game. It has drawn comparisons to other modern strategy titles, and also shares features with non-video games Monopoly and Magic: The Gathering. The first installment to reach North America was the expanded port of Culdcept Second released for the Sony PlayStation 2, the North American release was simply titled Culdcept. The first game was initially released only in Japan for the Sega Saturn and PlayStation, but was ported to the Nintendo DS in 2008 as Culdcept DS.
On June 28 2012, a Japan-only sequel, Culdcept 3DS was released on the Nintendo 3DS, followed by Culdcept Revolt on July 7, 2016 in Japan (October 3 and October 6, 2017 for North America and Europe respectively) on the same system.

Release date
NIS America, Interchannel, NEC Interchannel
Age rating
Not rated
Other games in the series

System requirements for PlayStation

System requirements for Dreamcast

System requirements for Nintendo DS

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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Culdcept reviews and comments

It's reasonable to be skeptical when you hear a game described as "Magic the Gathering meets Monopoly," but the Culdcept franchise combines the turn-based strategy elements of both of those games to make something really unique. It's a great video game that is also great board game and a great card game.

Familiar RPG elements mix with the property-developing, toll-collecting mechanics of Monopoly and it's hard to describe the experience to someone who's never played it. You have never player a game like Culdcept before. If you can imagine a Mario Party game where characters battle each other for control of spaces by summoning creatures and equipping them with gear, you'll have a rough idea. If you're an RPG/strategy fan of any sort, these games scratch that itch in an original way.

Culdcept is not perfect. On the more advances levels, games can drag on for a while (ever play a 4-hour game of Monopoly?), but this can be mitigated by setting the victory condition low. And once a player starts pulling ahead, it can be very difficult to catch up, especially late game. It's often obvious who is going to win a game well before it's over. But that doesn't change the fact that this is still a fun and complex game you can easily spend over 100 hours on.
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