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Drakensang is a third-person party-based RPG based on the pen & paper role-play rules of The Dark Eye. Drakensang is the first PC game for over 10 years to be based on Germany's most successful and popular role-play system.
Drakensang builds on the pen & paper rules as applied in version 4.0. The developers have optimized the rulebook specially for the PC realization in order to make the game more accessible. But the essential qualities and the depth of the original rules have not been compromised.
Intensive tactical combat and intriguing quests, embedded in a wonderfully detailed 3D graphic presentation — these are the cornerstones of the fantasy epic.
Experience an exciting story within a huge campaign involving numerous main and side quests
Adventure groups with up to four adventurers
Expert character-creation mode for experienced DSA fans
More than 40 spells, with over 30 talents and almost 40 special abilities allow a large range of possibilities for character creation
Numerous and varied enemies and monsters from the DSA universe, such as linnorms, ogres, undead mules, giant amoeba and many more
Story by original DSA authors
Rule-compliant implementation of the DSA licence in the tradition of the Nordland Trilogy
Tactical combat system with pause function
Varied and flexible magic system
Talent-based dialogue system

Release date
Radon Labs
DTP Entertainment
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP / Vista
  • Processor: Pentium® IV 2.4 GHz or better processor
  • Memory: 1536 MB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT with 256 MB RAM or similar video card
  • Hard Drive: 6 GB Hard Drive Space
  • Sound: DirectX® 9c compatible sound card
  • OS: Windows XP / Vista
  • Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E8200 2.6 GHz or better processor
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM for Windows® XP, 3 GB RAM for Windows® Vista
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 or similar video card
  • Hard Drive: 10 GB Hard Drive Space
  • Sound: DirectX® 9c compatible Sound Card
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Oct 3, 2024

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1 edit
Drakensang Online- The best player...
Jul 22, 2018
Drakensang online - 1 Day in lvl 55 / 1 day progress
Apr 18, 2019
HOW TO LEVEL UP FAST 1-55 | Drakensang Online
Jul 22, 2019
Alpha's Creed
Drakensang Live #16 - Dragan Countdown Part 1
Jan 31, 2020
Drakensang Online - My new Character
Jan 19, 2020
Drakensang Live #14 - Stream Castle
Jan 17, 2020
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Drakensang reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Good DSA Implementation. I Enjoy a lot of Fun ...
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Right Good Game Have it used to be often played through without Steam
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Fantastic. At Times my Favorite Game. It's a great pity that it can't be used to run on Windows 10. Edit @michiihcim Yes, I have to correct myself here. It runs when you start the Game in Window mode (Alt+F3 or start parameter "-windowed")
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I only knew The Black Eye from Books and have never played it myself. At some Point I came across this Game and I don't want to miss it any more. I love this Game. What I particularly like is the Selection of playable Classes, graphics and Quests.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
A super Role-playing Game with drunken Dwarfs. Class Characters, super Story and entertaining Side missions from, kill x from x, to different Puzzles. Top Buy recommendation:) (If you don't let my Playing Time affect you, it could already play several times on the CD until the kapput went:(.)
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Hello just broke through the Game. I love this Game although there is no Patch for windows 10, it can be played well under windows 10 rarely had problems with Game Crashes. Can only recommend it. Great Atmosphere, the Graphics are no longer the most modern but still quite pretty. I'm going to play now On the River of Time. ...... But the game is one of my Favorites.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
A Game that influenced me as the first Role-playing Game I played in a positive Way. It is not only a Game with a really good Story, but together with his Successor it is the pretty much only game that uses the Mechanics of the Pen & Papers and uses them well. So for every Pen & Paper Fan a Must but also for everyone else a really good Game with good Story, and a rare Set Of rules.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
If you don't want to go into the Adventure with a single Hero, you have to get hold of this Role-playing game. Ingenious Story, Breathtaking landscapes, miserable World, believable Characters simply everything a Role player needs to be happy. This Game time is very long but does not come close to Skyrim. However, this hardly comes to an end, because you have something to do all the time. There's Plenty for Collectibles here too
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
One of the best Role-playing Games I've played so far! It's a pity that the Developer Studio no longer exists and the Sequel is an MMO that after all the Time the Game is now available, I come back to it again and again to play it again. There are sometimes a few small Bugs, but I personally find the Setting, the Music and also the Design of the Game great! That's why I have a very clear Buy recommendation
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