- Slash & Stab! Weapons often provide more than one way of slamming them against those who get in your way.
- Health and inventory system fully based on body parts. Cut off their legs, then crush their skulls!
- Design your own versions of spells and techniques. Tame the magic, master the steel!
- Discover hidden rooms with treasure.
- Full built-in wiki, aka. Dungeonpedia.
Dungeonlike is still under development (alpha) and will be receiving periodic updates with hot new features. Currently the game is in its infancy and is still missing many elements which will be added with time. I am aiming for montly releases, unless life gets in the way.
If you got any feedback, ideas or suggestions, you can comment here or in Dungeonlike Channel on the Roguelike Discord . You can also shoot me an email on [email protected] or send a message to Dungeonlike on Facebook or post the thing in the community section below, but nowadays that Discord channel is where I can be reached most easily.