Average Playtime: 1 hour

Giants: Citizen Kabuto

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Before man climbed down from the trees to shop in megastores and drink cappuccino, before the Earth wadded itself into a cool blue ball, before the Moon even existed, there was the Island. The Island, a massive fragment of a long-lost planet, hurtling blindly through space. Upon the surface of this paradise wanders the giant, Kabuto. Little does Kabuto know that the Island was home to others before him. In the oceans, there dwells a matriarchal race called the Sea Reapers. In their pride, they created Kabuto, as a defense against intruders. But Kabuto became conscious of himself, his loneliness, his pain - and he went berserk.
Space castaways, the Meccs piloted their ship through space, looking for their missing friends. If you haven’t guessed already, they ended up on the Island. Faced with yet another unscheduled layover while on their way to Planet Majorca, the Meccs decide to make the best of their temporary home. Just their luck - the natives are already embroiled in their own little war, and the Mecc visitors are most unwelcome!
Meccaryns... Sea Reapers... Kabuto... One island isn’t big enough for the three of them.

  • Three unique races, each with a totally different gameplay experience
  • Bawdy humor that will keep you laughing throughout the game
  • One of the most original games ever created
  • original version from 2000
Release date
Planet Moon Studios
Interplay Productions
Age rating
17+ Mature

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10)
  • Processor: 1 GHz Processor (1.4 GHz recommended)
  • Memory: 256 MB RAM
  • Graphics: NVidia or ATI/AMD 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7 (compatible with DirectX 9 recommended)
  • Storage: 1100 MB available space
  • Storage: 1500 MB available space
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Last Modified: Nov 22, 2024

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Giants: Citizen Kabuto - This is why we can't have nice things
Aug 3, 2014
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PC: Giants Citizen Kabuto - Gameplay pt 1
Mar 10, 2009
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PC: Giants: Citizen Kabuto Part 1
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Exclusive Giants: Citizen Kabuto trailer by GOG.com
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Random Encounter - Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Giants: Citizen Kabuto - Gameplay [HD]
Giants: Citizen Kabuto speedrun (PC, v. 1.1) - 1:33:41
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Giants: Citizen Kabuto reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
When It was a long time ago, in the year 2006 I accidentally stumbled upon a disc with this game which was sold literally for pennies. Especially not expecting anything from the game (and it was not necessary, I was then 12 years and it was no difference in what to play) I bought it and went home, install on the Bitin comp. The First thing you notice, as for the game 2000, so it charismatic characters and dialogues, saturated quite simple but from that even more ridiculous humor. In addition to this constantly changing gameplay: a lot of different priblud for the runner of the main character, three playable characters with absolutely different mechanics, arcade racing and even RTS. The Latter was my favorite mode, where it is necessary to develop their base that would scrap Megibimbu and blow up the palace of the anti-aircraft simultaneously collecting resources, saving workers and beating down the attacks of Reapers with the help of turrets, AIR defense and all other things. For all the time I have never seen a similar game, with such a diverse and addictive gemplem, good humor and staging of the Catscenes, and all this in one bottle. Definitely worth the money and spent in those years of time! 11/10
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
GRANDPA Borjoyzi, the call of the tornado, devouring the evil wise. This Game left a powerful imprint in my memory at the time when I played her demo version on an ancient laptop, when the texture of the landscape was not drawn due to the weak iron. Then the little and impressionable me fascinated by the possibility of a third person to play for the coolest soldiers who can fly, and on which you may look not only from the back, but also their eyes. And now, summing up these all memories with sad and nostalgic gaming experience, which I slowly open and restore in my memory, I understand that this game is awesome in its simplicity and intuition. Gameplay, it's gorgeous. A Group of controlled cosmic paratroopers in spacesuit with Jetpaki, barely covered by a woman who is not afraid of the evil fish in the water, and a huge beast. Running on the ground on the linear levels, performing tasks on large locations with a diverse approach, strategy with the construction of the base, the arrangement of turrets, and the management of first-person turrets, a huge variety of magic and armament, racing on boats, and A huge ever-growing beast that crushes buildings and kills enemies-all of this has been packed into one truly unique game even then, in the far two thousandth. This game is hilarious funny, interesting, it gives great pleasure to responsive management and simplicity and fascination of the gameplay, memorable music, and it causes sadness-sadness because I have already once passed, and I can not Pass for the first time again.
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