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Deadpool wants to be the main protagonist of the game developed by High Moon Studios and in order to make them develop the game, he plants explosives in the studio. Deadpool even hires Nolan North to voice the protagonist. After Deadpool receives the scenario from the studio, he finds it boring and edits it with a pencil. The game continues according to the edited scenario after this point.

It is a combination of action, hack & slash and a third-person shooter, where new hit combos are unlocked further into the game. In order to get new combos, the players have to kill a certain amount of enemies. The main feature of the game is the breaking of the fourth wall by Deadpool. The protagonist often talks to the player directly, shares his opinion on the player's performance and reveals parts of the plot. The combat gameplay revolves around combining both melee and ranged attacks. The player can change Deadpool's equipment on-the-go. Deadpool has the same regenerative powers as Wolverine and will get blown up into pieces on some plot occasions.

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for PC

  • OS:Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
  • Processor:Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 @ 2.66 GHz or AMD Phenom X3 8750
  • Memory:2 GB RAM
  • Graphics:GeForce 8800 GT series with 512 MB RAM or ATI Radeon HD4850 with 512MB RAM
  • DirectX®:9.0c
  • Hard Drive:7 GB HD space
  • Sound:DirectX® 9.0c or later
  • Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
  • Additional:Internet connection is for Steam only. No online MP.

System requirements for PlayStation 3

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for Xbox One

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Last Modified: Mar 23, 2025

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox Store

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Deadpool reviews and comments

Gameplay is very mediocre. Combat is puddle deep and level design is pretty uninspired.
The character protrayal of Deadpool however still makes this a fun experience.
not amazing, but some good button mashing fun.
Mediocre gameplay held up by humor
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Since I'm an insane Deadpool Fan, of course I also had to play the Game. People who know Deadpool know that he is the greatest Antihero there is and doesn't really take himself seriously and that's exactly what gets the Game over very well, rarely laughed in a Video Game as much as here. Whether It'S Cutscenes, Minigames or the Genre change In-game, you always have something to laugh about and the Variety is more like given here and that's exactly why the Game itself is a lot of Fun. The Scope of the Game itself is also relatively large, enough weapons, a relatively long story For today's Standard, nice Graphics, vivid Characters, funny Level design And some Eastereggs as well as massive "Funny Moments" and that's exactly what makes the Game for me. I do not really want to criticise anything here, but there are two very important Points for me that pull down the Game a bit, which I think is a great pity. For One thing, the Controls leave a lot to be desired, I have the feeling that this Game was intended for a Controller rather than the Maus/keyboard Combination, because with that there are some Problems that can be quite frustrating because sometimes the Game at all It doesn't recognize that you're at Key pressing. As an Example, you have to stand 5-6 times in front of a Chest and press the corresponding Button so that he finally opens it, you then have Time Pressure and it doesn't work as it should in the Long run. The other important Point for me is the Fights in the Game, of course they are part of it and are still Fun at the Beginning, but this changes as the Game progresses. As I said, the "Funny Moments" play the biggest Role for me in this Game because they describe Deadpool and simply belong to him, but in The later Course Of the game the emphasis falls on the fights that I find a bit crisp for the bad Control. Always a mouse keyboard has always been a player and not a Friend of Controllers), in addition to the fact that after felt 100 Opponents you should look forward to a Rest and funny Moments again, but this is not the case as the Next 30 Minutes fight follows. There may be People who like the very thing about the Game and of course you always have to bear in mind that everyone likes something different, but the "Mass battles" just don't belong here for me and significantly disturb the Course Of the Game, but despite Deadpool is a great Game that Every Deadpool or Marvelfan should have played, especially for the small Price for which it is available:)
Hah! Underrated. Not the best game, but fucking funny, and pretty hard to beat at the end. Played it through in one session. Recommended to do so!
«Can’t stop playing»
Deadpool as a character is awesome. Deadpool as a game is a bloody mess. They did all the gameplay totally wrong starting with uncomfortable controls and ending with the lack of checkpoints at the end of the game. Sometimes you don’t understand, who is attacking you. You can die before you figure out what that was. That’s why the game feels imbalanced. I understand they tried to add some challenge but the result is just frustrating. And the rest complaint: only old and not the best games have checkpoints BEFORE cutscenes. Think about it. 
The main problem of Marvel games is their short duration. All the rest is amazing: Deadpool is a very fun game, with all his saucy jokes and unrealistic violence. The gameplay doesn’t want you to be a master: it’s simple but enjoyable. The remastered version isn’t much better visually than the original, so you can choose just Deadpool: if you love this character, the game will blow your mind.
It’s safe to say that Deadpool has recently made his way from geeks’ favourite villainy superhero to the world’s favourite villainy superhero with the release of the movie. High Moon Studios, the guys behind the Transformers: War for Cybertron/Fall of Cybertron, did a great job with the budget they had, and the game came out much funnier and more playable than nearly any comics game you have these days. One major flaw is porr level design as lots of levels look the same. But overall I’d give it 7 out of 10, because this is the Deadpool from Marvel comics we all love.
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