Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

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A diverse locale, rich with endemic life.
Numerous monsters that prey on each other and get into turf wars.
A new hunting experience, making use of the densely packed environment.
Monster Hunter: World, the game that brought you a new style of hunting action,
is about to get even bigger with the massive Monster Hunter World: Iceborne expansion!

  • All-new Hunting Mechanics

All 14 weapon types have new moves and combos. Each weapon has more unique actions than ever before. Every weapon now lets you use the clutch claw, a new function of the slinger, to grapple onto monsters. You'll drain your stamina while clinging onto monsters, but it opens up various new ways of controlling their movement!

Release date
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for PC

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PlayStation 4

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Last Modified: Feb 17, 2025

Where to buy

Xbox Store
PlayStation Store

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Conqueror of the Hinterlands
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True Large Crown Collector
Obtain a gold crown for almost every monster in your hunting log.
True Miniature Crown Collector
Obtain a miniature crown for almost every monster in your hunting log.
Ultimate Collector
Find all treasure.
Monster Master
Maximize the research level for almost all large monsters.
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Monster Hunter World: Iceborne reviews and comments

Stellar. Hundreds of hours of additional content, amazing new monsters and a comfy hub
Probably the best game I've played so far!
«Better with friends»
«OST on repeat»
Hey this game is sick if only my friends would get off their asses and come into Iceborne with me.
«Better with friends»
I rarely get into the deep, dense games that require a lot of a time commitment these days. Having never played a Monster Hunter game before, this required a lot of my time to get into. I'd say I was probably 60 hours in once I really "got" it. And even before I really got it, I was hooked. If you're wondering if you could handle a game like this, I'd recommend just getting the very basics of the game down and keep playing. The game continues to open up and teach you more the farther you go.

There's something so satisfying about losing to a terrifying beast 4 times then finally overcoming it with everything you learn with each death. Whenever I approach a new monster, I'm legitimately scared. It's so intimidating that I spend a lot of time both mentally preparing and preparing my character with the right decorations and items. But once you're a few minutes into that first battle, you start identifying the monster's patterns. That monster which was once terrifying is now a dummy that you can manipulate and have a little fun with. Playing through World, Nergigante was the first very challenging monster for me. After overcoming him, I felt like he was my monster. Then it was Kushala-Daora. Then Barioth (that bitch). Point is, not every monster takes tons of practice, but every couple do. And those real challenging ones are very satisfying, and you feel a connection to them.

I only play solo. I'm a little older with a full-time job, so it's hard to find friends that can commit to a game like this. I know that the game must be so much more fun with a regular team you can hunt with. I'm 160 hours in and haven't even finished the Iceborne story yet. You can really play this game at your own pace which I enjoy. Now I'm getting more in-tune with the community, updates and events. So now I see tons of great gear that are only obtainable from quests that require a certain level that I haven't hit yet, so I am feeling some pressure to finish the story and rank up.

A game hasn't captivated me like this in a very long time. If you're a newcomer to the series and can get through the first few hours, it is well worth whatever price you paid for it.
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