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Myst V: End of Ages

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The Grand Finale of the greatest adventure! Decide the fate of a civilization in this triumphant final chapter to the Myst saga. Embark on an epic journey into the heart of a shattered empire as the only explorer who can still save it— or destroy it with the wrong choices.
Whether you’re a longtime Myst fan or new to the series, the Grand Finale is an epic adventure you won’t want to miss.
Key features:
Developed by the original creators of Myst: Rand Miller and Cyan Worlds bring you the ultimate chapter in a series already renowned as the pinnacle of adventure gaming.
Explore vast 3D worlds with an easy click of the mouse: Improved point-and-click interface offers several options to accommodate your exploration style.
Interact with the world like never before: The innovative new slate lets you communicate with mysterious creatures and manipulate the world around you.
The characters of Myst brought to life: New facial mapping technology brings characters to life with unprecedented emotion and expressiveness.

Release date
Cyan Worlds
Ubisoft Entertainment, Cyan Worlds
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Sep 21, 2024

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[24 HOUR STREAM] ~Myst V: End of Ages~ on "Throwback Thursday" with ItsMistahT
Myst V End of Ages
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Myst V: End of Ages reviews and comments

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Microsoft from Deutsch
I start with the Negative: Unfortunately, Myst V is moved away from Concepts that have always been made up of Myst:-The beautiful pre-rendered scenes, in which one could only revolve around one's own Axis were replaced by the Possibility of becoming free Move. What at first Glance looks like a great Progress turns out to be a Wrong Decision: The Graphics are now quite a bit behind Myst 4 and even Myst 3, since no longer pre-rendered, but now calculated in Real time. The wow effect that every Myst game brought is now definitely missing. Moreover, free Movement does not really bring playful Advantages. On the Contrary, it tempts it to run through quickly, which makes no Sense in a Game like Myst. After All, you can still activate the earlier Modes of Movement. After Much rest, I decided on the "Classic Plus" mode, which corresponds to the Controls you know from Myst 3 and 4. -There are no more real Actors-which is a huge Step backwards. That was a Core Element of Myst and provided a real Atmosphere. The Performers have now been replaced by normal "NPCs," as they are known from other Games. This is horrible. If you still know Yeesha from Myst 4 and now see this pixel figure ... This is not possible at all. But now for The Positive:-Still great, crazy worlds to explore and whose Secrets have to be revealed-The Puzzles are crisp but fun (more on this below). It's always a great Feeling when you've taken a Puzzle step-The Concept with the Panel to draw Symbols on is a nice Idea-if you've played the previous Myst parts and Uru, You're rewarded by lots of Hints and Innuendo. Myst 5 is built almost on the Predecessors, i.e. the Knowledge from the previous Parts helps you defnitively-Attention Spoilers: ... Return to Myst Island (Part 1)!!! Difficulty: The Degree of difficulty is hotly debated. Some say the Puzzles would be far too easy, others say they would hardly be manageable without a Solution. I myself have played through all the Myst parts and also Uru so far. Still, I had some Myst 5 puzzles quite nibbling on. The Temptation to look after was already very great. But if you do not do so, one is rewarded with the uplifting feeling of having come upon it yourself. This AHA effect is truly irreplaceable. If you look in solutions in General, Myst 5 is definitely nothing for you! You will find the Solution to a Mystery, but not the Reason why this is done in this way, which is of course frustrating. You only have Really fun with the Game when you get into it and take your Time-a lot of Time to take a close look at everything and think through it. When you sleep over it one Night, you usually come up with the Solution. In Myst, exploring unknown Worlds and figuring out how it all works and relates has always been an essential Part of the Game. Verdict: I'd give the Game a "Thumbs to The side" if there was this one. Unfortunately, there is no such thing, so I narrowly opted for Thumbs up. If you know Myst 1-4 und/or Uru, want to complete the Saga and also are not Afraid of challenging Puzzles, Myst 5 is certainly worth a Look for. However, you should bring some Background Knowledge for Myst 5, that is, you should have played the Previous Parts (at least the first part), in order to really understand everything. In addition, it is helpful to have played Uru as well, because here, too, there are Connections. If You don't know Myst so well, I encourage you to play Myst 3 & 4 instead, which are true Masterpieces! And if you don't know Myst at all, it's best to start with Part 1-there's now even a very good 3D implementation on Steam Called "realMyst: Masterpiece Edition."
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