Average Playtime: 4 hours


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Outrage is a short cyberpunk dungeon crawler. You manage a team of vigilantes and must undertake various missions in the city to strengthen your team and your cause in order to bring a powerful enemy to justice. However, you will not be able to undertake every single mission and therefore have to choose them wisely.

Some missions will bring you valuable new gear or a new teammate, whilst others will give you useful intel or advantage in an upcoming main story mission. In addition, most missions will affect your reputation, either positively or negatively.

Will you hunt down petty criminals and help the police or will you do questionable acts to further your own goals? Either path can lead you to victory, but beware – your overall reputation will affect what happens in the end.

General Features:
  • Build a team of vigilantes and undertake missions in the city to deal your own brand of justice!
  • Choose your missions wisely, for you have a limited number of days between the main story tasks.
  • 6 different vigilantes to choose from. Pick any 2 to start with and recruit the others as you progress through the story.
  • Reputation system: Most missions either increase or decrease your reputation. With positive reputation, police will tolerate you, whilst underground movements will despise you. Negative reputation does the exact opposite!
  • 3 different endings, depending on your overall reputation in the endgame.
  • Customize your team with a large variety of weapons, armour, and add-ons
  • Semi-random rewards: Loot found in supply boxes and given upon quest completion will not be the same on every playthrough.
  • 3 difficulty modes: Casual, Normal, and Tough.
Release date
Astronomic Games
New Reality Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP or above
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.Ghz or above
  • Graphics: Minimum 640x480 Desktop Resolution
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
  • Sound Card: Stereo Sound
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Last Modified: Sep 17, 2019

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1 edit
Journalists TRASH Cyberpunk Creator Mike Pondsmith's Defense of Cyberpunk 2077 From Outrage!
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Cyberpunk 2077 Outrage & Boycott Over Character Creation Menu Changes, CD Projekt Red Responds!
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The Paradox of Cyberpunk 2077 Outrage
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Upper Echelo...
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Force Gaming
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230,178 items
Complete the game on Normal difficulty or above.
Complete the game on Tough difficulty.
Advocate of Revolution
Complete the game with the High Negative Reputation ending (Rep -6 or worse)
Law and Disorder
Complete ‘Law and Disorder’ mission.
Trap Sapper
Neutralise a set of Hard booby traps via battle.
view all achievements
41 items

Outrage reviews and comments

Outrage is designed by the same devs as City of Chains and I love it. It's not a "pure" RPG, but dungeons to explore, while accomplishing different missions to advance the scenario. The graphics style is the same as City of Chains and the music is still good. On the other hand, a game can be completed in 1 hour, but there are 3 endings to get and 3 game play are needed to get them all.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Product received for free-get free (via Gleam/Group)-+ good combat System in the Well-known Style + Also the Inventory, equipment, Skill system + sound fits + graphics familiar ok + 2 Initial characters to choose + later More And more characters join the Group -Variety-Story-"Forward go principle" And now to what has been made too easy for me personally. And that's the "West, East, South, North, Stay" system. This can be found in all Levels, in these you can only go forward by go West, North etc. Once you have reached a Level, you can rip it again at a later Date, only the Story/opponent/loot are different. And so it goes on all the Time. Example: Day 1, I'll go to the Level. There go West, go East, Stay, Etc. Struggling Day 2 to ... From the Sense pure Repetition After Day 9 it was me too doof, sorry.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Product received for free Outrage is a nice, small Indierollenm Game In cyberpunk style. It was Developed with the RPG maker, which means rather nostalgic, but quite beautiful Graphics and a rather uncompact Operation (No Mouse support, No WASD). A Pass in the Game is quite short, under two Hours, but to see everything, you have to Play through it several times. It's Fun, is rather simple. It's nice that you can choose from different Characters at the Beginning and then play each Pass with two of them that allows Variety. Story is present, is also ok and has different Ends, but you can't expect an Epic. I recommend it to People who like Cyberpunk and like to play nostalgic Role-playing Games. Pro:-Cyberpunk Setting-Selected Combat System-Music-Many Missions-Different Characters With Different Attributes-Non-Linear and Different Ends-Short but Resurtable Is Promoted-Old Fashion-Con:-Operating (None Mouse Support, no Way to change control, no WASD Movement) old fashioned
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Experimental but entertaining Maker-RPG According To City of Chains, Astronomic Games/Matthew Ashworth remains true to his Motto of bringing Innovations into the Genre instead of simply emulating Well-known JRPG schemes. Outrage is a very experimental Game that is damn short on top of that, dispensing with an exciting Story and memorable Characters. What remains is an interesting Game, which, thanks to its original Mechanics, maintains the Interest long enough to get to The End Credits and even fun. If you don't feel too bothered by the Defects and want to play something innovative in the RPG maker sector, you can access it here. Pro and Contra:-Replay Value through three different Levels of difficulty and Ends-accustomed To uncomplicated control via Keyboard or Controller-offers many creative Ideas (neither Exp, Level-Ups or Random Battles available, caroraster level structure, free Selection from different Orders) Neutral:-based in Essence still on the RPG maker game principles (Lap fights and so)-Graphics and Sound are based only on the prefabricated expansion pack of the RPG maker Kontra:-Playing time is very short (2-3 Hours)-looks quite monotonous from the second Run-Graphic Kit is unused but rather unattractive-Story and Characters offer hardly any Substance The full Review: http://www.gamecontrast.de/outrage-review/#more-81692
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