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Painkiller Redemption

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Welcome to a world of pain. Heaven is once again in danger and threatened by a reckless army of hell spawn monsters - and they will stop at nothing. This time, only two heroes can save heaven from total destruction: Daniel and Belial, two champions from previous Painkiller stories, have to team up and put an end to the conflict in the old epic struggle between heaven and hell. Unfortunately hell’s army is even greater and stronger than before: The new general of the abyss has been endowed with powers of all the previous leaders combined, and she’s determined to see the next war through until hell’s victory. Her legions won’t back down without a long and bloody battle. Can you survive the endless attacks of nightmarish minions and terrifying fiends?
Key features
  • A new campaign guarantees for 7-10 hours of new and genuine Painkiller action
  • Even more bloodshed and action per square meter: immerse into freaking intense gameplay & ultimately challenging FPS action
  • More dense maps and sick enemies than ever before: kill over 6.000 uniquely spawned wicked monsters
  • 6 all new maps and an easy to use map editor for your very own Painkiller experience
  • Two familiar heroes with unique weaponry and specific powers
  • Improved graphics, AI, environments as well as new atmospheric soundtrack
Release date
Homegrown Games
Eggtooth Team
THQ Nordic, JoWooD Entertainment
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
  • Processor: 2.4GHZ+ (per core)
  • Memory: 2GB or better
  • Graphics: Radeon 3800 / Geforce 7800 or better
  • DirectX®: 9.0c (included)
  • Hard Drive: 6GB
  • Sound: Required
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Last Modified: Oct 20, 2024

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1 edit
Painkiller: Redemption Final Level P1
Feb 27, 2011
Painkiller: Redemption - Final Boss + Ending (Nightmare)
Mar 3, 2011
Painkiller Redemption Review and Gameplay
Feb 25, 2011
Painkiller: Redemption. Видеообзор
May 2, 2011
Painkiller: Redemption - Official Trailer [HD] English version
Feb 25, 2011
Painkiller Redemption PC Gameplay FRAPS recorded in HD 1080P
Feb 26, 2011
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Painkiller Redemption reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Redemption may require even more Memory and Nerves than Resurrection and Overdose together as Far as opponents are concerned. The Balance is dead in this Game. Just dead. Dead Trampled by the Legions of Opponents coming towards the Player. This Game has nothing new to offer. Neither new Weapons, nor new Enemies, nor new Maps. Yes, the Maps are from Multiplayer. Fighting The massive Opponent is frustrating enough, but it is also so damn tight in these Maps. You don't have the necessary Freedom, Ammunition, Perseverance Patience to take on these Opponents without any Cheats or the extra built-in Difficulty "Snooze" Where your Health comes back up on its own. This time you slip into the Role of the first Two Protagonists, Daniel and Belial. Sounds damn horny, doesn't it? Well, it will never sound more than just like that, unfortunately. There are no Cutscenes. The Story is told in Lyrics, Classic Doom Style. There are no Dialogues. We never see Daniel and Belial talking to each other. All you get from the two Protagonists is; That we should fight in one Level with Daniel's Weapons Against the tremendous Enemy masses and the next with the weapons of Belial. Not even Belial's Comments Do we get to hear. As for Boss Fights, it's even more disappointing than Resurrection. Here you haven't even Bothered for a Re-skin. There's only one boss for the whole Game: BOOH'S King Alastor, just without the Strategy. Just baller until it goes down. Are we Used to. Shortly around, Redemption is nothing more than an even lazier fanmade mod.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
I don't know what to make of Painkiller Redemption! Tendency rather negative. First of all, I played through the Original Painkiller several Years ago, and it gave me great Pleasure. That is why I thought that all Successor parts must be at least as good. On 07.03.2017 I bought Painkiller Redemption here on Steam, and alluded to it. Even after five Minutes I asked myself whether I was going through playing the Game. Not because it's so hard, but so long-winded! Every five Meters spawn felt 5000 Opponents. You just have to ball down without it. No Strategy, no Puzzles, no Thinking, just Whitewashing. Sure, the Genre may speak for itself, and Painkiller is well known for that, but in the Long run it becomes monotonous. Since I didn't play all the other Parts between the first Painkiller and Redemption, however, I had some Novelty. What's Nice is that you switch from two Characters, one of which seems to be a former Hell-demon, giving some Spice to the measly aspect of Story. And that accordingly both Characters have different Weapon Sets-which are virtually identical in function, but relatively adapted to Origin in design. (Even if the Razorcube is reminiscent of a Mixture of the Hellraiser Cube and the Soulcube from DOOM III.) What is stupid, however, is that you have all the Weapons right in from the start. The Opponents are also surprisingly reciprocal. Sometimes it is the common Undead with Sword, axe And scythe, sometimes Sci-fi soldiers and flying Aliens, times Knights Templar, sometimes soldiers, sometimes zombies, patched up Frankenstein experiments, and soaked Puppets (again Hellraiser lets greet again). The Supergau, however, was when I noticed that this sweet Game has only 8 Levels. All right. Maybe I wouldn't have endured it for any time either. But that is really little. And it's poorly balanced! Friends, I don't know what you guys were hosting. But ide's first two Levels of difficulty Are real Kindergarten. The third, in which one is finally able to collect tarot cards, is almost impossible to create. I'm stuck in the first Level, where I already lack ammunition and Health. In short: You may not be able to complain for 5 Euros. I thought I was catching my hotly awaited original, which has declined sharply in Price due to the long Time. But no. It still seems indexed. Instead, you get such Scrub Versions, which are comically just as brutal but freely available. Should give you pause for thought!
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