Average Playtime: 3 hours

Rise of Insanity

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Rise of Insanity is a psychological horror for PC, additionally with support for VR (but googles are not required).
Impersonate into the role of the doctor of psychology and get into psychedelic detective story, located in American '70s, with professional dialogues and realistic graphics. Dark atmosphere of uncertainty is surrounding the player, who by explorating of many locations, meet logical puzzles, and events like...flying through deepest parts of human’s consciousness.
Overcome your fear and get to know what has really happened to your family.

Some aspects of human’s consciousness today, as well as in the 70’s, were mysteries for the doctors. Dr Stephen Dowell has to face the case of his new patient. The symptoms indicate many different disorders that are not connected to each other. Will the doctor solve the puzzle of the mysterious disorder?
The Game CharacteristicsMysteryNo one knows what has happened to your family. Cops cannot manage with the investigation. Did your family get lost or were they murdered? Only one suspect is your patient you are testing your experimental methods of treatment on. Who is responsible for everything that has happened?LocationsThe realistic graphics and diverse locations were inspired on architectural trends from early 70’s in the USA. Visit them all and check what do they hide and to what will they lead you.MechanicsWalk, explore, examine and solve the mysteries and sometimes, even flying. compass the deepest parts of human’s consciousness.Cinematic GameplayProfessional dialogues and soundtrack allow you to entirely drill down to the history and experience the same as the main character.Overcome Your Fear The constant pressure and uncertainty create a real challenge which we want you to meet. Don’t let us down and overcome your fear.For VR playersBecause it is a horror type game and we really wanted to preserve the immersion, the game does not posses the system of movement based on teleports. If the traditional way of movement causes the motion sickness (VR sickness), we do not recommend to play VR version. The game posseses the alternative snap rotation.
Release date
Red Limb Studio
Pineapple Works, Red Limb Studio
Age rating
17+ Mature

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: PC - Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600, VR - i5- 4590 equivalent or greater
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: PC - GTX 560 Ti, VR - GTX 970
  • Storage: 6 GB available space
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Last Modified: Jun 22, 2023

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Nintendo Store
Xbox Store

Top contributors


1 edit
Aug 2, 2017
RISE OF INSANITY - You Won't Believe The Twist!
Mar 9, 2018
John Wolfe
Scary Game Squad - Rise of Insanity [Part 1]
Mar 27, 2018
Jesse Cox
Rise of Insanity - Psychological Horror (Full/Non Early Access), Manly Let's Play [ 1 ]
Mar 3, 2018
Rise of Insanity - Announce Trailer | PS4, PS VR
Jul 12, 2019
The Gardener - Rise Of Insanity
Jun 19, 2018
Angory Tom
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FULL PLAYTHROUGH: Rise of Insanity VR on Oculus Rift S
Rise of Insanity [ENDING] : จุดจบของความบ้าคลั่ง
Full Broadcast: Livescream: Rise of Insanity / Josh Swears @ Slay the Spire
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Rise of Insanity reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Product received for free Folgt our Curator page: GGC curations if you want to read more Reviews like this. Where is the Border between a Dream and Reality? Summary: Rise of Insanity is a successful horror adventure that deals with an interesting psychological Topic and offers eerie moments of shock. + Atmospheric + Graphics overall Good, atmospheric Lighting effects + Matching Music accompaniment and Soundscape + Creepy Ambience, very effective Shock moments + interesting Theme ... +/-... From which one could have got a little More out of +/-Few Puzzles with extremely low Difficulty +/-Game Time about 1.5 Hours +/-Speaker mediocrity-Rent towards the End Genretypical of its initial Appeal graphic: Technically, the Graphics no longer like on the Be up-to-date (but the VR support needs to be considered), but Rise of Insanity is well implemented visually. The atmospheric Lighting effects, which perfectly underline the uncanny Atmosphere of the Game, are particularly positive. Sound: From dreamy piano Sounds, lonely Violin music to the psychedelic gently of a Game Clock, the Sparingly used music background skillfully promotes the mood of the Game. The Sound Effects are just as apt. Only the (English) Speakers could present their Texts a little more convincingly. Plot: The Plot of Rise of Insanity cuts to a very interesting Subject, but of course it's not completely new. You might have made a little more of it, too, because in the End the Bland feeling remains that the Narrative of the Backstory (s) has fallen almost a little short. Rise of Insanity, however, manages to maintain the Player's Curiosity To the End and thus the Motivation. The Dissolution, while not entirely unpredictable, is likely to surprise one or the other. Gameplay: Rise of Insanity is a Mix of "Walking Simulator" and "Adventure-Light," it doesn't include any action elements. The Player moves through a small Number of Locations and (alpine) dreamscapes, selects objects that have to do directly and indirectly with the Story and occasionally solves a slight Puzzle. Those who love complex Puzzles don't get their Money's worth here, but no unnecessarily tricky Passages hinder the Flow of games. Creepy Factor: For a Game like this, where there are neither difficult tasks to solve nor dangers to eliminate, the Atmosphere is one of the most important Factors and here Rise of Insanity can score properly. The Horror Factor is created not only by the purposefully used shock passages, of which there are also plenty, but also by a permanent Tugging at the Player's Psyche, a constant Tension and Expectation. Unfortunately, this Kind of Horror Game usually also has the Disadvantage that the initial Thrill-and thus the Appeal-soon subsides. Game Time: The End comes quite quickly. In about 100 Minutes of Play you saw and experienced everything. This isn't necessarily a Disadvantage, though, because "in brevity lies the Seasoning" and Rise of Insanity ends before it starts to get boring. Recommendation: Recommended, especially for Friends of the Greeting and even more so considering the low Fixed full Price.
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