Average Playtime: 4 hours

Shadowrun Returns

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Shadowrun Returns is a science fiction tactical RPG. The game became a revival of the original Shadowrun series, as the new chapter had some references to the 1993 Shadowrun. The Shadowrun universe includes several fictional cyberpunk elements because the main action takes place in the future. The game gives an opportunity to assume the role of a shadowrunner and to investigate a mysterious crime. To start a single campaign called Dead Man’s Switch players are offered to create their own character. The story begins in 2054 in Seattle, when the nameless protagonist receives a message from their shadowrunner accomplice Sam Watts, which was triggered by a dead man’s switch. The message is about Sam’s assassination, and the protagonist is aksed to investigate the case for Sam’s 100 thousand of local currency. The investigation will lead players through the story of serial killer Emerald City Ripper to the large-scale intergalactic conspiracy. In the course of the investigation, the character will participate in turn based fights and complete in-game objectives. Although the gameplay is mostly linear, it features some exploration and interaction with the environment.

Release date
Harebrained Schemes
Paradox Interactive, Harebrained Holdings, Harebrained Schemes
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS:Windows XP SP3/Vista/Windows 7
  • Processor: x86-compatible 1.4GHz or faster processor
  • Memory:2 GB RAM
  • Graphics:DirectX compatible 3D graphics card with at least 256MB of addressable memory
  • DirectX®:9.0
  • Hard Drive:2 GB HD space

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: OSX 10.6
  • Processor: Intel-based Macs only (x86-compatible, 1.4GHz or better)
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Hard disk space: 2 GB HD space

System requirements for Android

4.0 and up

System requirements for Linux

  • Processor: x86-compatible 1.4GHz or faster processor
  • Memory:2 GB RAM
  • Graphics:Modern 3D graphics card with at least 256MB of addressable memory
  • Hard Drive:2 GB HD space

System requirements for iOS

iPad Wifi, iPad 3G, iPad 2 Wifi, iPad 2 3G, iPad Third Gen, iPad Third Gen 4G, iPad Fourth Gen, iPad Fourth Gen 4G, iPad Mini, iPad Mini 4G, iPad Air, iPad Air Cellular, iPad Mini Retina, iPad Mini Retina Cellular, iPad Air 2, iPad Air 2 Cellular, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 3 Cellular, iPad Mini 4, iPad Mini 4 Cellular, iPad Pro, iPad Pro Cellular, iPad Pro 9.7, iPad Pro 9.7 Cellular, iPad 6 1 1, iPad 6 1 2
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Last Modified: Feb 1, 2025

Where to buy

App Store
Google Play
Epic Games

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Shadowrun Returns - Launch Trailer
Jul 18, 2013
Episode 1 - Let's Play Shadowrun : Returns - The Dead Man's Switch
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Shadowrun Returns reviews and comments

Amazing game great writing and wordbuilding,interesting characters,good choice and consequence mechanics, satisfying turn based combat with good variety in weapons and different skill trees. The Cyberpunk atmosphere of the world is also amazing this is awesome cyberpunk themed turn based rpg highly recommend for the fans of turn based genre or fans of Cyberpunk genre. The entire Shadowrun series is perfection.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
So I don't regret buying it in the summer sale. The Game has its Weaknesses, but on the whole it captures the Sadom-run atmosphere very well, the Story has a few Twists and the Fights offer quite a certain Depth and excitement, even if XCOm or Divinity Original SIn are quite more Fun (and a Similar turn-based System). The three SR Games for not even 11 Euros were a good Investment! I'm excited to see if the fan mods are good too
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Basically, Shadowrun Returns is an excellent Game. The Story is great, Character System etc all right. Unfortunately, the Game is bursting with Bugs. After I tried 3x to finish a Mission and couldn't do so every time, because suddenly the UI disappears or the Cursor no longer reacts to Inputs I really lost pleasure. If, after 30 Minutes just before the End of The mission, something is not possible again and you have to play the whole Mission again, you really miss it. It's a shame actually!! If you then find an Entry of the Developers in the Steam Forum (from 2013): Error is known ... You are not allowed to save during the Mission I can only shake my Head ...
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Shadowrun Returns offers classic Old-School RPG FUN without deviating from Playability too far from the modern System. The Numbers are actually intuitive to understand by the clear Shadowrun system even for Non-connoisseurs and the Difficulty of the Fights is also suitable for Non-tacticians who just want to move forward in the excellent Story. The frequently mentioned Criticism of Length was not relevant to me. The Game offers a great Arc Of Tension, interesting Characters and a lot of varied Places. That the whole thing then tilted to An end after about 12-15 Hours is not a bigger Leg Break, because these Hours were filled for me first-class RPG entertainment. There are practically no Genre-typical Endless hose dungeons (I'm looking at Dragon Age) that make for a lot of Idle in total, nor are there unnecessarily huge areas (Skyrim) that don't contribute to the Story and only give the Player an inconsequential Thing in the End Distract Side quests. Rather, it's more like a well-directed Pen and Paper Adventure. A good Master won't deliberately drag the Players away from History either, just because other things would have to be done theorethically in the Area. That's Exactly how Shadowrun Returns plays out in the End. I can recommend it to any Cyberpunk/Fantasy RPG Friend and had my Pleasure with it. For undecided, there is also a Let's Play to the Game on my Youtube channel-/user/alanarion by listening to the Dialogues and Game Texts. Maybe that will help you make the Purchase Decision!
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