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Signs Of Darkness

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Kidnapped and thrown into the dark depths of the Undercrypt to die, you are rescued by an unknown ally. Eager to find the motive behind your abduction you set out on an unexpected journey through the Kingdom of Rosenfare. Master sorcery and swordsmanship to overcome the evil forces out to put an end to your existence.

Grab your gear and get ready to explore the vast Kingdom of Rosenfare. Gain experience as your character progresses through the kingdom. Advance your character by defeating the deadly enemies that await your challenge.

Make a name for yourself by completing challenging quests throughout the kingdom. Earn and gather powerful loot that advance your characters stats and abilities. Team up with companions to aid you on your journey.

Master quick action based combat to gain the upper hand in battle. Dodge, jump, slash and cast your way the dark dungeons and crypts you encounter.

While at the tavern, play the turn based multiplayer mini game BattleHex. Host your own game, join a friend's game or play single player. Note, BattleHex can only be accessed from a tavern and is not available from the start of the game.

Seek revenge, forge your own journey in the vast Kingdom of Rosenfare!
Release date
Press Pause Games
Press Pause Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: 64-Bit OS Required, Windows Vista 64 Bit or Newer
  • Processor: Dual Core Processor
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA 9800 GT 1GB / AMD HD 4870 1GB (DX 11)
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 20 GB available space
  • Sound Card: 100% DirectX compatible
  • OS: Windows 10 64 Bit, Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 3470
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB / AMD HD 7870 2GB (DX 11)
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 20 GB available space
  • Sound Card: 100% DirectX compatible
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Signs Of Darkness reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Early Access Review SINCE FEBRUARY 2018 THERE ARE NO UPDATES. GAME ABANDONED. DO NOT BUY The game has potential, has good graphics and is well optimized. But for my taste sin of excessively linear, come out enemies of the nothing and without ton or are, the IA is Justita, the fights are quite crude... He'S got a lot of work to do. History has to improve a lot. To enjoy it well you have to play with command. It Can become a good game but as I say it needs a lot of work ahead. Right Now It is at an early stage and is only recommended for those people who want to risk knowing that this in EA and what that implies. PROS:-Good graphics. (The best of the game, pity that the rest is not accompanied)-Good optimization. CONS:-IA pretty Justita. -Music at the end is repetitive. -Very coarse and badly synchronized Fighting. (Almost the worst of the game)-Enemies come out of nowhere. -Very Linear. -Load screen to every bit (when you open a door, etc...) He'S a little short on work. The worst is the fight, it is unsmokeable. And It's a shame because the graphics are very good and the idea is good. Then the inventory system is very complicated. You could make It easier. More like most of the games of this type. I would give it a positive if it were not for the fighting system and the rudimentary management of the insured.
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Product received for free Early Access Review Español: no es un mal juego PERO... se nota que esta en EA, le falta muchisimo, mas que nada una buena optimizacion y pulir el sistema de combate si arreglan eso, quizas llegue a ser un buen juego... Combate: los controles y el combate es bastante similar al Dark Souls, uno puede fijar enemigos,esquivar (rodar),hay un menu de combate, tambien durante el combate puedes abrir un menu que "congela todos los elementos en pantalla" muy similiar al Dragon Age, en el que puedes seleccionar habilidades,pociones etc. Actualizaciones/Parches casi todos los días el juego recibe como minimo 1 actualizacion donde corrigen muchos errores Controles: es muy recomendado utilizar un joystick/mando, ya que el teclado y mouse puede llegar a ser muy confuso (con las mismas teclas que caminamos "W A S D" nos moveremos por el menu, pero tambien nos moveremos en el ecenario del juego ) English: It's not a bad game BUT... the game still in EA,it has a lot to improve, like the optimization and the combat system if they fix this, it's going to be a great game! Combat: the controls and combat are similar to Dark Souls, you can lock on to enemies, dive, also there is a combat menu, during combat you can bring up a menu that freezes all motion (similar to Dragon Age) and select abilities and items like potions updates/patches : almost every day the game receives at least 1 update where they correct many errors Controls: It is highly recommended to use a joystick / control, since the keyboard and mouse can become very confusing (with the same keys that we walked "W A S D" we will move through the menu, but we will also move in the game scenario)
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