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Velvet Assassin

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The hero

The game is inspired by the real story of the British spy Violette Szabo. The owner of the St. George Cross, Violetta successfully fulfilled the tasks of the British special services. She was caught and killed in a concentration camp during the war. The player will go on a stealth adventure in the era of World War II and take control of Violette Summer, which runs deep behind enemy lines.

the story

The story tells of a girl from Dorset, Violette Summer, who lived happily with her family. But the war was all the same, and in the darkest times for the country, Violette joins the secret services of Britain. The game consists of secret missions and sabotages in which she took part. The action takes place in war-torn Europe: the agent is operating in Poland, Germany, and France.

Key features

From gameplay the point of view, the game is practically no different from other representatives of the genre: from the very beginning, Violette will have to hide in the shadows in order to survive and move through levels. The user interface helps the player to navigate in terms of how visible his/her actions are: it shows the silhouette of Violette, which can be in three states - each one representing how well the agent is hidden. The game does not provide a complex combat system, but the ability to detect a rebuff to enemies is available. Also, players can upgrade agent’s skills on three branches: Stealth, Morphine or Strength.

Release date
Replay Studios
Missing Link Games, SouthPeak Games
Age rating
17+ Mature

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP / Vista
  • Processor: Singlecore CPU with 3GHZ
  • Memory: 512MB RAM
  • Graphics: Pixel Shader 3 Graphics Card with 256 MB VRAM (Geforce 6800 or ATI X1600)
  • Hard Drive: 5GB Free Hard Disk Space
  • Sound: Stereo Sound
  • OS: Windows XP / Vista
  • Processor: Dual core CPU with 2Ghz
  • Memory: 1GB RAM
  • Graphics: Geforce7900gt or ATI X1900 xt
  • Hard Drive: 5GB free Hard Disk Space
  • Sound: 5.1 Surround Sound

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Mac OS X 10.7.5 or higher
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 5 GB HDD space
  • Video Card: ATI HD 2600, NVidia 8600 or better with minimum 256 VRAM
  • DirectX®:

System requirements for Xbox 360

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Last Modified: Oct 2, 2024

Where to buy

Xbox 360 Store

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Velvet Assassin reviews and comments

So forgettable that even invincible lingerie mode can't save it
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
VELVET ASSASSIN-A Woman in the midst of the dirty World war! HANDLUNG: Without Spoiler World War II is heading for its Climax. The British Secret Agent Violette Summer has a Mission: She is to wipe out the Leadership camp of the Wehrmacht in a face face cover by the ranks of the Germans. In addition to the Knife, which is always available, we have only a few Means at our disposal to do so. In other words, Sneaking is the order of the day. A difficult Affair In narrow Bunker Complements and sun-drenched Courtyards. But there is always a Way ... But are we really in the Here and Now? The initially confusing but then more and more revealing players raise some Questions. GRAFIK: Velvet Assassin was released about 5 Years ago. Of Course, the Claims cannot be as high as with a state-of-the-art Title. Especially the Level Of Detail in the Level and the partially slurred Textures no longer impress these days. The Fire effects are Also quite meagre. The very atmospheric shader effects and lighting are still very strong. LEVELGESTALTUNG: The Levels are quite to very linear. Also, there's not much extra to discover Besides a few Collectibles. However, the Missions can (almost) always be solved in several Ways. Do you Shoot the Soldier in front of one now and use Ammunition or take the Risk of slowly sneaking up on him and quietly getting him done with the Knife? It is Precisely this Question that will be asked in a forcible way. UMFANG: You should plan around 13 Hours for the Campaign. Even if there is little to discover in the Level as already mentioned, the Circumference is so full fine. Only the Finale seems a bit rushed and abrupt. BALANCE: Velvet Assassin is not a Game for Harakiri homewalkers. Sufficient Patience, strong Nerves, Tactics and good Timing are very important. Because the action adventure is demanding to unfair. Often, several Attempts are needed to meet the Challenge. Certainly a Bit wanted but still sometimes uncomfortable are the sparse Checkpoints. But that's how you prefer to think twice about how you want to put your Opponents around in front of you. ATMOSPHERE: Perhaps Velvet Assassin's greatest Strength. The strong Lighting combined with a pressing, wonderfully matching Soundtrack and very good Speakers do what they're supposed to do. The world war mood is hardly ever captured in a comparable Game. It doesn't bother so much that every Soldier lets go of the same Saying At every Turn. FAZIT: Atmospherically strong sneak adventure for Professionals, but unfortunately often too linear! RECOGNIZING: 75
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