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Comment from Андрей Рощевкин
Pretty sure you recognized Doc
His stare in music clip The End Of Something scares me all the time.
Serge Ulankin
I didn't! It's from Johnny Mnemonic, right?
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Cyberpunk 2077 portrays a hyper-capitalist future where megacorporations have beyond the capacity of governments to control them, creating a dystopian world. Everything is for sale; nothing is protected. Dedication to this environment is what makes Cyberpunk a wonderful success story.
CDPR having released Cyberpunk2077 gave us such a new concept as "late early access".
This game would have ended up a much better experience with more time in the oven. As it stands, it's buggy, overly-large, and uncompelling. However, I'm confident that Projekt RED will continue working on this game until it is in a relatively decent state.

Also, this game isn't going to be that great unless you have an extremely powerful computer or a next gen console. Even then, there's a lot of work for the devs to do.
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Here's the tweet by William Gibson, who is known for pioneering cyberpunk in literature. It reads: "The trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 strikes me as GTA skinned-over with a generic 80s retro-future, but hey, that's just me." 

Mike Pondsmith, the creator of the Cyberpunk tabletop game (which is CP2077's source-material), who also works on the videogame's storyline, already responded: "For those who wish it was more rainy and dark and stuff: Five words: Day/night Cycle Weather Algorithms ANYONE can make it dark and rainy and neony. We already knew we could do that. We wanted to prove that it can be the Dark Future ANY TIME OF DAY OR NIGHT."

Read the full response here →
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Cyber-retro views, a very stylish visuals, neon lights - Cyberpunk looks just like I expected. Hope they will reveal the launch date soon.
Share your thoughts about this new project by CD Projekt Red! Can they make a game better than The Witcher 3?

For me Cyberpunk is something completely new and it's not very fair to compare it to The Witcher. It's a such anticipated game that it'd be easy to get disappointed - Cyberpunk is over-hyped right now. But I'm sure - and the trailer proves it - CDPR can create a masterpiece.