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Arx Fatalis

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This critically acclaimed first-person RPG takes the player on an amazing journey into the fantasy world of Arx. The game mixes intelligent story with immersive and actual medieval surroundings. Arx Fatalis allows the player to feel that all his actions have a direct consequence on those around him.
The goal of the game is to destroy the secret cult of Akbaa, the god of destruction. As a player, you must prevent the return of such a cruel creature to the physical world. Should you fail, Akbaa is bound to impose its terror upon the world of Arx.
You will become the hero of an underground world - with weapons, spells and magical items to defend against goblins, trolls, rat-men and other vicious opponents.
Besides brute force, stealth and the "onscreen gesture based magic system" are the three alternative ways to succeed. Using the mouse, flaming runes can be drawn in mid-air. A combination of these gestures can create powerful magic spells that will protect you or empower you to defeat opponents and pursue the quest.

Release date
Arkane Studios
Arkane Studios
Age rating
17+ Mature

System requirements for Xbox

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System requirements for PC

Minimum: Windows XP, 500 MHz Pentium ® III or compatible, 64 MB RAM , DirectX 8 or higher, DirectX 8 compatible sound- and graphics card with 16 MB, 750 MB fixed disks
Recommended: 900 MHz Pentium ® III or compatible, 256 MB RAM , DirectX 8 or higher, DirectX 8 compatible sound- and graphics card with 32MB, 750 MB fixed disks
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Last Modified: Feb 16, 2025

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Let's enjoy Arx Fatalis // PART 13
Let's enjoy Arx Fatalis // PART 11
Let's enjoy Arx Fatalis // PART 12
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Arx Fatalis reviews and comments

I lost a single key that you can obtain at the beginning of the game that is required to progress to an area needed to beat the game.
The magic system is fantastic, the melee is fun enough and the interconnected world is super interesting, but boy does this show it's age
Very engaging Magic System, kinda shows its age
Try it. You will be shocked by what today's videogames do with your brain!

This game is gonna let you do what you forgot you actually could!

It's a little uncomfy in the beginning, but as soon as you get used to it, you will enjoy it.

got it randomly at school . pleasure,but difficult 
A coding nightmare.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
In advance: Unfortunately, does not Work (under Win 10, also in Compability mode). Starts with just an Error Message Update[1]: You can still use Arx Libertatis (http://wiki.arx-libertatis.org/Download) to make the Game work. (Start The Installer by admin rights.) But you still can't start it by Steam. Update[2]: A more recent Version can be found at: http://arx-libertatis.org/files/snapshots/(Step in Update[1] is still necessary.) Content review:-followed
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
1. Buy Arx Fatalis because you remember how beautiful the Game was back then. 2. Almost despair because the Game is so bad. 3. Apply To "Arx Libertatis," and at the Occasion resent having Spent money on a Game that is now Open Source. 4. Install Arx Libertatis, and rejoice in how good the Game still is today. 5. Notes that the €2.50 in the Sale was well spent in order to be reminded again of what made good Games in the past and still makes up today. 6. Close Steam and Load Arx ... A Classic, made even better by Fans. Costs nothing, just google.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
It's a Gorgeous rpg one of the best that ichje have played. Man must fight underground against Acbar, eldds, rat people, hearing dogs, snake people and much more as the sun has darkened and an ice time of evil has broken out. Geniest it. My Tip VERY NOTHING: It could be that the team version doesn't work on IOS devices and Before THAT doesn't work via MSI gk, buy the CD online or Downloaded (crack) that doesn't cost you anything if you think since it was necessarily to buy a team after all (caurea) and it You can't give it back, you can find the application at the buy chronicle at steam.
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