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Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

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Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is the second installment in first-person multiplayer shooter series Counter-Strike. It is the only game in the Counter-Strike main series that includes a single-player campaign. In the campaign, you play as a leader of a special forces squad. You form your team from a cast of pre-made characters with unique features and go on through several unconnected missions. The missions themselves are mostly a string of multiplayer matches played with AI bots and some additional challenges like killing enemies with a specific type of weapon
The multiplayer part of the game is very similar to the previous installment. There are two teams in every match: terrorists and counter-terrorists. You choose one of the sites and have to defeat the enemy team by killing hostile players or completing different tasks. For doing this, you also get money rewards which you can spend on more advanced weapons and gear.
The game also features Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes, the early version of the game, developed by Ritual Entertainment before the game was handled to Turtle Rock Studios.

Release date
Valve Software
Turtle Rock Studios
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Minimum: 500 mhz processor, 96mb ram, 16mb video card, Windows XP, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection

Recommended: 800 mhz processor, 128mb ram, 32mb+ video card, Windows XP, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for Linux

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Last Modified: Mar 23, 2025

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Counter-Strike: Condition Zero reviews and comments

It's like Counter-Strike 1.6 but better. Don't listen to haters.
«Can’t stop playing»
The game is a kind of remaster of the original «Counter-Strike», with the game on the same engine «GoldSource». I liked the redesign of the original maps, as well as new, exclusive to «Condition Zero».

Remarkable and single player mode - «Tour of Duty».
It allows you to play on the usual multiplayer maps in an arcade single player mode. It uses the new AI bots, and you can choose your teammates. Each map has a certain number of objectives, which include killing a certain number of enemies or rescuing hostages. The objectives come with some restrictions, such as killing an enemy with a certain weapon or within a certain time frame.

After completing these objectives, the player earns reputation points. Reputation points are needed to unlock the next set of cards, and are also used to recruit new or more experienced teammates.
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Microsoft from French
The servers are almost all empty, but we still find a part quite easily on the most well-known maps. No Pajamas that scream at the microphone, less serious than CSS in the game (few players play their lives), more fun and much less ragy. This CS is aimed at adult players who do not want to take the lead with others.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
"Condition Zero is the worst Counterstrike!" Everyone says, but is it really that bad? Comes Up to it, there's in the Bundle with Cs1.6 and that's supposed to be soooo good. Why is Condition Zero so bad? Because of the rather one-sided "story" mode by being commander or something and controlling Anti-terrorist Units with poor synchronization. But GENAU I think that's good. So not synchronization, but that you can play a one-sided singleplayer. If you want To play Counterstrike 1.6, then most of the time you can only do it on the server and if not, then the opponent is the nastiest seeker who no longer has a life or does not know that there are new cs sharing. But you play with Bots, with old weapons on maps with bad Graphics. That'S exactly what I wanted.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Counter Strike Condition Zero is a minimally improved Version of CS 1.6. The Graphics are a little better, there are new Maps and Character Models (ever one for T and AT) and you can now complete smaller Single-player missions, but they are never more complex than "kill 3 Enemies with Weapon XY" or "win a Lap in 60 Seconds." If YOU already own CS 1.6, you certainly don't need this Version. However, this Game still comes with a Spin: Counter Strike Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes. This is a complete Single-player campaign with typical CS gameplay. Stud only that the Quality of the Levels fluctuates quite a bit, that Is Synchro FURCHTBAR AND the whole Game is extremely Crisscrossed by Bugs. Here are two Examples: Directly in the first Mission there is a Place where a Soldier should open a Door to you and accompany the Rest of the Level. If you're Unlucky, however, he stops in the middle of the Door and you don't get through! When you shoot it, you have lost the Mission and even if the Section restarts, it still stops there. Only Way: Do the complete Mission again. Here's even a more stark Bug: I died at one Point and guess where I spawn? In HALF-LIFE. Yeah, read right, I was suddenly in a very different Game (Who doesn't believe me, I took a Screeshot of it)!!!! Ok, I understand why this happened. CS is a HL mod and when you download CS, you also automatically download the HL folders. But just to be thrown into a completely different Game, probably borders on a Cheekiness and is a Bug of a Magnitude like I've never seen before. Verdict: CS 1.6 + Mediocre Campaign with worse Synchro and the starkest Bug ever. Not recommended.
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