Doodle Fightbox
Made for Mini Jam 82: Doodle
Take the role of a prototype battle robot in this first-person shooter and shoot down waves of enemy robots. Fight paper robots with paper guns, in a paper simulation. Maximum paper!
Each time you defeat a batch of enemies you get the chance to spend earned bounty money on upgrades in the shop. Waves get progressively harder and more challenging. There's a total of 11 waves with last one being the boss battle. Every death is permanent and no upgrades carry on.
TIP: Melee punches usually kill in one strike and regain some ammo based on what weapon you're currently using, they however cost stamina.
Game Duration: ~15 minutes
Please note that this game has been made in 48h and so bugs can occur, as well as there's not that much content yet.
Note2: ESC goes back to the main menu without saving your game! There's no way to pause the game right now, sorry about that.
FancySnacks (me) - coding, materials, textures
The game has been made using Unreal Engine 4
Fire Weapon
Left Mouse Button
MeleeEJumpSpace Bar
CrouchLeft CTRL
Switch Weapons