Average Playtime: 2 hours

Half-Life: Blue Shift

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Half-Life: Blue Shift is the second (after Opposing Force) expansion pack for the original first-person shooter Half-Life. The game setting is the same as the one in the original game: the story takes place in the science laboratory called Black Mesa Research Facility in New Mexico. However, the game portrays the events of Half-Life through the eyes of Barney Calhoun a security guard employed by Black Mesa. Till the things have gone the wrong way the protagonist was responsible for the lab equipment and personnel welfare, but after the accident, his only aim is to protect a high-ranked scientist Dr. Rosenberg. The gameplay is almost similar to the original Half-Life’s: the storyline continues by navigating through the sequence of levels. Each level consists of both combat part and solving puzzles. Although Blue Shift is an expansion to the original Half-Life, both weaponry and enemies range face no changes or additions, so players use same guns to shoot same aliens. The only new mechanics is escorting a character to a specific location.

Release date
Gearbox Software
Valve, Sierra On-Line
Age rating
17+ Mature
Parent game

System requirements for Linux

Minimum: Linux Ubuntu 12.04, Dual-core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHz, 1GB Memory, nVidia GeForce 8600/9600GT, ATI/AMD Radeaon HD2600/3600 (Graphic Drivers: nVidia 310, AMD 12.11), OpenGL 2.1, 4GB Hard Drive Space, OpenAL Compatible Sound Card

System requirements for macOS

Minimum: OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3, 1GB RAM, 4GB Hard Drive Space,NVIDIA GeForce 8 or higher, ATI X1600 or higher, or Intel HD 3000 or higher Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection

System requirements for PC

Minimum: 500 mhz processor, 96mb ram, 16mb video card, Windows XP, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection

Recommended: 800 mhz processor, 128mb ram, 32mb+ video card, Windows XP, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection

System requirements for Dreamcast

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Last Modified: Mar 19, 2025

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Half-Life: Blue Shift reviews and comments

«Blue Shift» is a really good example of that when expansions were like a whole game.

It's a link between «Half Life» and «Half-Life 2». Here we get to know Barney, who will play a key role in the second part of the game. He is the only one who was able to get out of «Black Mesa» and was not put in stasis by G-Man.
I don't really get what this is bringing to the table. Opposing Force at least brought some new stuff to the table with the new weapons and seeing a new perspective of the main events, all in a shorter, more fast-paced game. But this one had fewer weapons than the original and was more a new perspective on Opposing Force, which boils down to "a couple scripted scenes literally from Opposing Force." Except for the scene in Opposing Force that Calhoun was literally in. Functional and everything but there really isn't a hook like there were in the original HL and OF.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Black Mesa was experienced from the Point of view of the one responsible for the Disaster. As a Soldier we had to stop the One and next we are the Caretaker!? Not quite, this time we are the Security Guard Barney who actually just wants to keep his Shift off. Who starts with a clamping Door. Ohh ..., again one of those Days ... This Add On came in Original with improved Character and Weapon Models. Which was really quite nice, but not decisive for a Purchase. The Campaign has unfortunately been very Short, the last Boss was perceived by me as an Between Boss and I sat in front of the End Credits, which is already all over. As a fast Player you certainly manage that in one Day, I maybe needed two or three at the time. So back then, as a Kid, it goes without saying. The Story is short, has its little Moments that stay in your Mind and it already was. As an Extension of the Universe to INCLUDE BLACK MESA, this has been sufficient. But Can also leave you disappointed by the short one. For Fans of the Range recommended for Buying in a Sale.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Game: A very well managed First-person shooter with small Puzzles, and beautifully designed Levels. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Single Player: You Play your way mainly through the Black Mesa Complex and Handle smaller Missions and puzzles. The Opponents AI has sometimes succeeded very well (unless one has already run past the Opponents ^ ^). The Story Plays at the same time as HL1 is very well done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Graphic: Is very good for the Time, but you shouldn't expect too much. Nevertheless, a very good Classic engine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Music: In any Case, it has not bothered not to be a Milestone, but has brought everything to the Atmosphere. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Control: Was good to play with Mouse and Keyboard, I didn't try Gamepad but I don't think I should be a Problem. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pro/Contra:-Could have improved with the new Source engine (Half-Life: Source)--------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------Conclusion: A very good Side story to HL1. The Level Setup is just very well done, the Opponents are well posted and Acting not plump. I can only recommend to anyone if Half-Life Complete (Retail) is On offer to buy the Package for Steam. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Summarized: Single player: 8/10 graphic: 6/10 Music: 7/10 Control: 10/10---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Game: 8/10
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