Average Playtime: 3 hours

LEGO Star Wars - The Complete Saga

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Lego Star Wars: The Video Game is an action-adventure game based on Star Wars set of Lego constructors. This is the first installment in the Lego Star Wars video game series.

Plot and art style

The game uses characters from the movie series and loosely retells the story of episodes I-III. It consists of several chapters each recreates a certain part of the movie.
Aside from terrain, backgrounds and special effects, all of the in-game objects consist of Lego pieces thus the name.


In each level, you play as a group of characters from the movie and have to complete a specific task. You control only one character at a time while AI commands your teammates, but you can instantly switch between them.
The game also supports multiplayer for two with drop-in/drop-out system so the second player can join you without going back to the main menu. The gameplay mostly consists of solving puzzles, exploring environments for secrets and fighting enemies and bosses. There are many characters to unlock as well as other collectibles. Different characters have different abilities and weapons the can be used in combat, puzzle-solving or accessing previously closed parts of the map. There is no game over in Lego Star Wars. Running out of lives makes you lose some in-game currency/points before instantly respawn.

System requirements for Android

4.0 and up

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for Nintendo DS

System requirements for PC

7 / 8 / 10
Processor: Intel P3 1.0GHz or AMD Athlon XP or higher
Memory: 512MB of RAM
Graphics: 128MB Graphics card with Shader Model 2.0 Capability
Hard Drive: 5GB of free space
Mouse, Keyboard

System requirements for iOS

iPhone 3G S, iPhone 4, iPod Touch Fourth Gen, iPad 2 Wifi, iPad 2 3G, iPhone 4S, iPad Third Gen, iPad Third Gen 4G, iPhone 5, iPod Touch Fifth Gen, iPad Fourth Gen, iPad Fourth Gen 4G, iPad Mini, iPad Mini 4G, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPad Air, iPad Air Cellular, iPad Mini Retina, iPad Mini Retina Cellular, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air 2, iPad Air 2 Cellular, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 3 Cellular, iPod Touch Sixth Gen, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPad Mini 4, iPad Mini 4 Cellular, iPad Pro, iPad Pro Cellular, iPad Pro 9.7, iPad Pro 9.7 Cellular, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPad 6 1 1, iPad 6 1 2, iPad 7 1, iPad 7 2, iPad 7 3, iPad 7 4, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPad 7 5, iPad 7 6, iPhone X S, iPhone X S Max, iPhone X R, iPad 8 1 2, iPad 8 3 4, iPad 8 5 6, iPad 8 7 8, Watch 4, iPad Mini 5, iPad Mini 5 Cellular, iPad Air 3, iPad Air 3 Cellular, iPod Touch Seventh Gen

System requirements for Wii

System requirements for macOS

Processor: 1.8 GHz
Graphics: 256 MB
Mac OS: 10.10.5
Hard Disk: 5 GB
Input: Keyboard

The following graphics cards are not supported: Intel GMA series, AMD 1xxx series, NVIDIA 7xxx series. This game is not currently supported on volumes formatted as Mac OS Extended (Case Sensitive).
Processor: 2.4 GHz
Graphics: 512 MB
Mac OS: 10.11.1
Hard Disk: 5 GB
Input: Gamepad

The following graphics cards are not supported: Intel GMA series, AMD 1xxx series, NVIDIA 7xxx series. This game is not currently supported on volumes formatted as Mac OS Extended (Case Sensitive).

System requirements for PlayStation 3

System requirements for Xbox One

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Feb 25, 2025

Where to buy

Xbox Store
Xbox 360 Store
Google Play
App Store
Nintendo Store

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1,000,000 items
Writer, Director, Designer, Programmer
Complete the game to 100%
Going for gold
Collect all available Gold Bricks.
Arcade Master
Get 100 points in Arcade Mode
Cloud Cover
Finish Cloud City still wearing a Helmet.
Mini Mayhem
Collect all mini-kits.
view all achievements
42 items

LEGO Star Wars - The Complete Saga reviews and comments

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga may not have the best levels, the best gameplay, or a notable amount of gameplay challenges. BUT, the two things that make me love this game is its boatloads of charm and my intense nostalgia, (one may be stronger than other). The gameplay is incredibly basic with little to no depth. The level design is also laughably easy, albeit, with several exceptions. Even after saying all of that, I find myself still loving this game. My appreciation of this title has definitely dwindled over the years but whenever I boot it up and jump back in, I forget all of that. I'm taken back to my childhood because of that wonderful LEGO charm. No matter how dated the levels and gameplay get over the years, that charm is timeless. I've made my bias clear here, I have no clue if this game is worth bothering with if it never was apart of your childhood. But if it was, I think we both know the verdict on this game.
«Better with friends»
PC 4.09.2017 Просто долго не играл и занимала место.
They should go back to not talking.
Singlehandedly one of the most accurate, replayable, and charming game adaptations of movies I could ever ask for.
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
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Microsoft from French
LEGO Star Wars the complete saga was released on November 13th, 2009 on steam/PC, while it was released more than two years before on the consoles, this game is somehow the grouping of LEGO Star Wars 1 and 2 in one game. This game has me several times annoyed, I must confess, especially in terms of length and choices made on the levels, I hope to no longer see this in the LEGO games, moreover, this criticism will be short, indeed the game is repetitive and does not break so much that the bricks (including the valve??). The story is very basic, we are tracing the events of Star Wars Episode I to Star Wars Episode VI, there are six chapters for each episode, plus two bonus levels, so count 48 levels in total. This game is one of the very first LEGO games, so do not expect to see an open-world or even be able to choose the entire gallery of characters to redo the levels, which may put off some. But if you like Star Wars, LEGO games, or spend a good time in front of a game without taking your head/without promising yourself to continue until 100%, it's for you, despite the slightly abused price. The game also has flaws, many, like having to do each level four times:-history mode requires-free game mode to find the minikits + red brick-challenge mode to find ten blue minikits in a given time-another mode where it Fau t redo a whole episode in less than an hour and having 100 000 pieces (and I shone before I learned that it was not necessary to have the coins, Google thank you to tell me something a game should tell me to save me time) as default , there are also the many bugs that persist even from a basic computer to a fairly powerful computer. I also have a question to developers, why not let us the possibility of skipper the cutscenes, the time saving would be huge by grouping everything, you do not find? I spent 40 hours on the 100%, believe me when I tell you that more than half was devoted to the challenges and it is slightly frustant. Let's move on to the note, I'll maybe be "nasty" regarding the note, but despite everything, I recommend this game because the first twenty hours were nice and it's a game still pretty nice to try between buddies (not all alone like me xD), the note will be 3.5/10, the game is slightly better than LEGO Batman first of the name, but if remaster there is, do it I do not think. Unless he has things to bring, and the remaster is not likely to happen. Anyway, I think that's all for me, bye! PS: Hello? Hello, Hello! Yes, it's to tell you that a guide dedicated to a certain game will arrive in the coming weeks, it'll be a page to shoot, and I prefer not to give dates because knowing me, they will not be respected.
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Microsoft from Dutch
Anyone who thinks it's stupid that you have to pay if you have a PlayStation Can you buy it for 2 tens and then you have a lot more so I'd do better because it's a fun game
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Microsoft from Italian
I had already played as a child with this game but never completed and bought the full version and now I have re-downloaded it and it has saved me that I had bought the continuous so now I try to complete it at 100x100
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Microsoft from Italian
I give 4 stars because this game has left me speechless but the only reason that does not deserve 5 stars that to continue you have to pay and then since a video game should have fun and then I put 4
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Microsoft from Deutsch
But is it possible that in the additional episode Arcade in chapter Stones Hunting on KAMINO a bug hides? You just do not get over to the one bridge. It looks at least in the game on the Ipad as if this was a programming error, the so-called power does not work on the chest!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I also can not quite understand why Lego HP is no longer in the AppStore. Or at least it is no longer available for the current IOS version. I would like an update, because I spent money on this game and would like to play it again.
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