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Perimeter is an innovative Real-Time-Strategy game that pits players against each other or AI opponents in a life and death struggle to seize territory and establish critical protective “perimeters.” Players will be introduced to the game’s unique “terraforming” feature, allowing them to move, build, construct and destroy the map environment. Set in a future where the Exodus civilization has abandoned the dying Earth, the game offers a well-balanced combination of new terraforming principles and territorial wars with traditional strategy elements.Key features:Fast paced Real-Time-Strategy action
Introduces principles of terraforming in which players can construct or destroy the very gameworld environments themselves
State-of-the-art engine and graphics that deliver powerful gameplay and solid audio and visuals
Detailed science fiction universe with original soundtrack, including high quality electronic music
Perimeter is affected by the GameSpy shutdown on the 31st of May. You can continue to play the game through LAN, DirectIP and GameRanger.

Release date
K-D Lab
1C Company
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP/7/8
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4+ or AMD Athlon XP 2GHz and faster
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: nVidia or AMD video card with 128Mb VRAM or more
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: Online play no longer supported, LAN play is possible
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Oct 1, 2024

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1 edit
NecroVisioN Review
Jun 1, 2018
Scicraft 132: Void Perimeter Finished
Jul 5, 2019
GTA SAPDFR - Episode 31 - Searching The Perimeter! (Polecat's Run)
Sep 21, 2016
Bay Area Buggs
Funcraft: 8 | I made a MEGA PERIMITER!
Dec 3, 2019
Hermitcraft V 618 The Perimeter
Jun 6, 2017
Perimeter 2: New Earth
Jul 4, 2008
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Highlight: Eric gets deleted
Perimeter Jams!!
Highlight: Gets yelled at for being too loud
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Perimeter reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Very Good game. Beautiful in every sense. Addictive. Learn more. 1. RTS with the ability to solve problems by non-standard and diverse methods (the usual method of canting meat very often does not work). 2. Some levels can take several hours (and it is not that in most strategies-a steep defense enemy base, so we build a pack of meat, kill, build-kill, then-in a circle, here is quite different). 3. A Beautiful story (would not say what to think, the plot is understandable)-the obligation to play for three frames. Each frame Has its own views, ideals, goals. Involuntarily you get to one and begin to experience dislike to others. Very interesting and elaborate universe. 4. Very good sound and musical accompaniment. 5. Low cost. 6. Uniqueness. 7. Beautiful sonorous names of events (Exodus, Return), technical aspects (spiral, nucleus, scum), technics (Scum-hammer, scum-harness). 8. High complexity of the game. For fans of hardcore and masochism the game will deliver a real pleasure on the verge of high. 9. Focus on the audience of long-standing gamers. Saw the comments that the game is not for everyone (write that is not for the average mind game). I don't Think so. I'm not a genius, but I'm happy with the game. Addictive that most levels are impossible to pass on the first attempt. You make one attempt, then try to repeat the same strategy, you know, that does not fit, make another attempt to replace the strategy, again losing, trying to repeat, again losing. The Eleventh time you win. The Sensations are pleasant. Each new level, as a rule, is another test. It Happens also that all accumulated knowledge does not help and it is necessary to look for new ways. Who doesn't exactly fit the game. Those who are accustomed to play strategy in style set up a lot of Tanchikov and demolish everything (red-ROGER-although Roger Gold appreciate and respect, I can pass it and now, a great game). The game is probably not suitable or unsuitable for those who are a lot of nervous, in the perimeter of the loss-a common cause. You need to be able to play and learn. But here losses all different. Even in every played level, in every attempted attempt. Summing up-If you like science fiction, thoughtful plot, beautiful elaborate game universe, lovingly made under the elaborate universe every detail of each creature, building and processes with them occurring, if you Used to not give up and find new solutions, take quietly. Your Money This game is absolutely accurate. The game has one mnemonic disadvantage-the time that you spend in it, flies, flies like a wind.
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