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Planet Centauri

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Embark on your greatest adventure to Planet Centauri! Discover new biomes, explore hidden dungeons, capture and tame monsters, build and protect a NPC community, craft your own weapons and create your own magic spells! Save and protect the native Chlorinian species from the evil Night Walkers! Develop and raise the Planet Centauri to the heavens as the cradle of a new civilization!Catch them all! Capture and tame monsters!
Your new companions will support you and will evolve to become stronger! Each captured creature keeps its unique features, evolving as it gains experience fighting by your side.
Suffixes, characteristics and runes
  • Use runes to enchant your equipment with various stats and effects!
  • Weapons and armor share 7 levels of rarity! Higher rarity always coming with stronger, and more unique effects and characteristics!
  • Monsters also happen to have rarity levels, rarer monsters being much more powerful and dangerous than their common counterparts, with unique abilities and reinforced stats.
Craft your own magic spells!
From controlling the arc and pattern of your fireballs to simply enhancing your jumping abilities, craft a plethora of magical effects to fit your desires.Agriculture and Cooking
Eat well to get stronger has never been a more truthful quote than in Planet Centauri. Eating various types of food will cause your character to grow stronger and develop his abilities.
Build a village and assign roles and jobs to its inhabitants
Save the native Chlorinians, build and fortify their villages. Befriend them and grant them jobs as hunters, tailors, guards, wizards, researchers and much more!

Programmable robots
Thanks to the LUA script, you can easily program custom AIs and behaviors for your robots and villagers! Imagination is your only limit! Mining, hunting, defense, exploration, whatever you want!Create without limits with our unique network system!
Planet Centauri's network system allows you to design various electronic systems, from humble automated house lighting to frantic death lasers! This is achieved through a large number of electric and electronic components, including : - generators, power wires, resistors, capacitors - noise, serrated, square and sinusoidal signal generators - up to 16 bit information signal, with a large variety of mathematical and binary operators!

You can find more detailed information on our network systems following this link :
http://s14.postimg.org/fqhfczo01/Electrical_Networks.gifAnd more!
  • Dimensions
  • Bosses
  • Mac port
  • Multiplayer
  • Themed dungeons
  • Mystery Biomes
  • Biomes : oceans
  • Fluid dynamics
  • Technological weapons and armors
  • Quests & Events
  • Vehicles & Mechs
  • Modding compatibility
  • Grapple hook / ninja rope
  • God Saucer (minigames area)
  • Tower of 100 challenges
  • Pipes
  • Achievements / Game encyclopedia
  • Thunder
  • Fire (buildings can catch on fire etc)
  • Temperature
  • Gas dynamics
  • Space exploration & combat
  • Exoplanets
  • ??
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Processor: DualCore 2GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Card with 256MB and support Shader Model 1.3
  • Storage: 250 MB available space
  • Sound Card: /

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Ubuntu 12 +
  • Processor: DualCore 2GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Card with 256MB and support Shader Model 1.3
  • Storage: 250 MB available space

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Os X 10.7+
  • Processor: 64bit intel CPU - DualCore 2GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Card with 256MB and support Shader Model 1.3
  • Storage: 250 MB available space
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Last Modified: Feb 20, 2023

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Planet Centauri reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review Evil Tongues would cry out again "Och nee already a Terraria Clone Again." But yes it looks a little like that, but it's not. Why? That's what I'm going to try to explain so well just möglcih in this Review. Terraria, to my Knowledge, was one of the first Titles to create enormous Complexity with minimalist Appearance. Now the Forefather (some might call it that) is already a little dusty and there is a lack of fresh Ideas and that's exactly where Planet Centauri comes into the Race and pulls past the dusty old sack in all Points. [So People if you like every Game even in the Look Terraria, there still doesn't have to be a Clone ...] Planet Centauri (referred to in the following P.C) comes with many fresh Ideas (some of which already work well). Eg. Dungeons-Everyone loves dungeons and here they are a good Challenge ... Fall, Evil Viewer and end up a Boss who already has it all ... (Have gotten some times thick collapse ...) The Crafting was Also set up in a wide range ... There are Decoration as well as different Stations and you can customize each component to your Needs (Pointed Roofs) I could now go on forever but you should also discover a little of the Possibilities That P.C offers ... But I still found One to 2 Criticisms ... Point 1: Where or Why or Who to The Vulture has the Audio Controls plastered/hidden??? Point 2: The life regeneration buffs don't vote ... A lv1 regenerates as much as a lv3 in The End I can recommend this Game to anyone who likes to love such Kind of Game.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review in Advance: I give a negative Review to WEIL's only 2 Possibilities and the Question is: Do you Receive this Game. And for a Recommendation, there's just a bit missing at the Moment. The Game is who played Starbound und/or Terraria, nothing new. Strictly speaking, it's a Mix of both Games (Graphically, it's Reminiscent of Starbound while Mechanics is very reminiscent of terraria). For me who played both Games a lot, went to Planet Centauri ran with a big Success. I wasn't disappointed but unfortunately I didn't find the big "this is it." It's still in Early Access and constantly getting edited. The DEV Team communicates with the Community and always gives Information about the State of Affairs. To the Game itself, it offers a small Helpful Tutorial for all those who have not yet played a 2D Sandbox, which is sometimes a bit difficult to understand, because there is no great Quest Info except 1-2 Sets. You then go off and start taking your Environment apart with Pickaxe and diligently collect resources to get Armor And weapons and Parts for your own Home. 2 great features offers to catch the Game with Monster and the Opportunity to transform yourself into the trapped Monster and create your own Spells (e.g. you choose an item, then choose how many Rays it shoots and dn Who goes straight, wave-like or in all Directions; The Strength of the Spells can also be determined). In addition to the normal Early Access Bugs that every Game brings, the low End Game content is a major negative Shortcoming. Unfortunately, like in Terarria, it only plays in one world, instead of As in Starbound in an entire Universe. For this there are small Dungeons like in Terraria or Challenge rooms that bring a little Variety. You can also bring your char to a new World and then farm the Items there again, which are only unique in a World. If the Game offers more Content, there is definitely a positive Review!!! Because it's really well on its way and can be seen alongside Starbound and Terraria as the third great 2D Sandbox.
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