The game is truly exceptional the stunning graphics and awesome story. Put this game on my favourites list. The frame rate drops sometimes but it might be because of my ps4 slim.
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This part is already a classic worth playing. The game presents a great story. if you haven't played yet, I highly recommend this store because the price is great:
if u love the kind of game that want to be beautifull but at the expense of the gameplay or just to be a game go ahead u will certainly like it other way it s kinda boring. it s the worst combat in any gow. the looting system suck and is force into the game to stretch waht could have been a 10 hour fun experience into something that need to let u have interminable session of press walking while the game talk.
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I've recently found this gorgeous art by Çağlayan Kaya Göksoy - he imagined Kratos in Chinese mythology.
And what setting do you think is perfect for new God of War titles? If I could place Kratos anywhere I want, I'd send him to the ancient India. Just think about Hindu gods: all these elephants with multiple hands, huge figures with blissful smiles on their faces, beutiful landscapes and fights in the jungle - so many possibilities to make something great! Or ancient Egypt - those gods with animal heads always scary me.

Just kidding. The guy created a video of a fight between Kratos and Marvel's Thor. Can it get more epic than that?

To be serious, what are your favorites of this year so far? I’ve missed so many games, but now I’m here to buy some! So any advice is welcomed 🙃
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I *love* supernerdy videos of Mark Brown. He dropped a real gem yesterday—an in-depth video about the axe in God of War with lots of details on designing the weapon and various mechanics the game implements with this basic wood-chopping tool.
It's so interesting how the series stopped using the prominent double-swords that have been the go-to weapon of Kratos since the very first game. I thought the axe was a perfect choice and after watching this video I am even more certain about it.
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Well. We need to be honest from the very beginning. I don't have a PS4, so I can't play God of War 2018. I hope I'll get this opportunity soon, but now I'm just watching the playthrough (and I haven't finished yet because the youtuber I watch is soooo slooow, and I'm a dedicated fan...). But when I saw the game for the first time, I was so impressed. The visuals are breathtaking for me, the level design is gorgeous, the world is so detailed that I definitely want to visit it (in my dreams, huh). And now artists from Santa Monica share their works. Just look at them!
Cliff Schonewill — Senior Environment Artist, made this awesome frosen effect for the axe, and also created Brok's shop and other pieces of the environment. And Kratos' house.
Kyle Bromley, Senior Environment Artist, along with other artists, created the nature.
Sarah Wang made loot-chests. I love them! And she also created the awesome fast-travel portal.
Melissa Smith, Senior Environment Artist, created all these ancient mechs Kratos uses and also drawn some of dungeons.
Can't mention everybody here but it's so awesome to know how much work was put into the game. This post is to praise all the talented people that made God of War a masterpiece.
P.S. If you want more artworks, go to Artstation. For example,

P.S. If you want more artworks, go to Artstation. For example,
Sony dropped a new trailer for God of War to celebrate Father's Day. No DLC was announced, it's just a trailer of the same game. However there's a New Game+ mode coming to the game so that you can replay the story with all abilities gained in your first walk-through and a harder difficulty.
This game is amazing , the gameplay, the plot , the grafics. This game makes you like the god of war series even more. The details of the game it's amazing. Cory Barlog is such a good videogame director and maybe God of War is game of the year
What axe mechanics do you use more? In general, I prefer close combat with light throws but guys, the thing when you throw the axe heavily, it stucks in the enemy and freezes him and then returns to you, hurting some enemies around, is totally awesome.
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I noticed that Kratos doesn’t speak much, as usual, but it can be connected not only to his nature. As we know, Scandinavian is his second language, so maybe he is so silent because he doesn’t know the words yet? He can’t read either. What do you think?
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