Average Playtime: 1 hour

Castlevania: Lament of Innocence

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Play as Leon Belmont as he searches a vampire’s castle in search of his kidnapped betrothed.
This title has been converted from the original PlayStation®2 version to the PS3™ system. Consequently, there may be times where the title plays differently from the PlayStation®2 version, or where some features may not function properly. This version does not support PlayStation®2 peripherals, therefore some functionalities may not be available.
This item is being licensed to you by Sony Computer Entertainment America and is subject to the Network Terms of Service and User Agreement, this item’s use restrictions and other applicable terms located at www.us.playstation.com/support/useragreements.
If you do not wish to accept all these terms, do not download this item. This item may be used with up to 2 activated systems associated with this Sony Entertainment Network Account. Please see software description for device compatibility

System requirements for PlayStation 2

System requirements for PlayStation 3

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Last Modified: Feb 13, 2024

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Dynasty Season 2 Episode 1 (New Season)
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence Any% - Leon RTA 43:59 IGT 34:39
(PS2) Castlevania: Lament of Innocence - Leon Any% in 0:34:58
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Castlevania: Lament of Innocence reviews and comments

Solid entry.
Good combat and while it's not visually impressive, the castle has a lot to explore.
Worth a go.
A good Castlevania/DMC mix.
The castle is expansive and varied, bosses are good and combat has decent depth.
A bit too much bootleg DMC
I haven't played any other Castlevania.
This was the first game I've bought on PS2.
I like this game because it has a replay value, it is fun to whack thing with a whip, I found it quite challenging at times.
This game has a cliche story and vague characters, but I find artistic solutions in the game pleasing and aesthetic to the eye and ear.
I could say this is a ,,cozy" game, sometimes scary.
«Liked before it became a hit»
Is not that Lament of Innocence is such an awful game or anything but is just plain mediocre, the combat is clumsy, the platforming is clumsy, the boss fights aren't even fun, they broke the little to less rhythm of the game and transform it to a waiting game. As for the story, I think is an interesting one but is also very lazy written that almost every part of it feels like a cliche, that being said, I really liked one of the last dialogues. In the end, is a playable and sometimes fun experience that will long 7 hours or so and you will forget it by the next Tuesday.
«Waste of time»
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