Average Playtime: 2 hours

Medal of Honor

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Medal of Honor is a first-person action shooter providing both single and multiplayer experience. It is the thirteenth game in the Medal of Honor franchise, but in comparison to the previous ones, its plot is unique. The game is set in the historical period of the War in Afghanistan. The single campaign opens up in 2001 during the invasion of Afghanistan. The action gives an opportunity to participate in the military conflict for the U.S. Navy. In the course of the storyline, players alternate between the roles of a Navy SEAL operator codenamed Rabbit, Delta Force sniper Deuce, U.S. Army Ranger specialist Dante Adams, and AH-64 Apache gunner Hawk. The gameplay is based on typical military operations including the completion of in-game objectives (raiding enemies’ checkpoints and rescuing hostages). Medal of Honor multiplayer offers a choice of joining one of the conflict’s forces: the Coalition or the Opposing Forces. Each side has its own weapons, however, comparable in general stats. To start a match, the player should choose a class (Rifleman, Special Ops or Sniper). Classes’ equipment and skills can be upgraded with the experience points earned in combat.

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Last Modified: Mar 18, 2025

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Medal of Honor
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Medal of Honor
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Medal of Honor Cat
Jul 9, 2011
To Defeat Your Enemy, You Must Become Your Enemy - Medal of Honor Above And Beyond
Jan 15, 2021
TAKING OMAHA BEACH WITH A 1911 | Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond
Feb 21, 2021
Medal of Honor / Linkin Park - "The Catalyst" Trailer (HD)
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Medal of Honor 2010 PC gameplay HD #3 on Zotac GTS 450 AMP!
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Medal of Honor Tier 1
Obtain all Campaign and Online trophies
Conspicuous Gallantry
Singleplayer: Finish every level in the game on Tier 1 Mode under par time
Multiplayer: Fire Controller
Use each offensive support action once (awarded at end of round)
Multiplayer: Tier 1
Reach top level in one class
Multiplayer: Raid Specialist
Play two hours of Objective Raid
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🐾🔞🐾[[18+FLCC]] - [[ 🐾More Pew Pew For You 🐾 ]]-[[ !socials ]]-[[ !kofi ]]🐾🔞🐾
[91/365] Acquiring a medal of honor before being sent off to the hogs of war /ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ | !challenge !goal !music !wad !wads
MOH first time in years playing it again
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Medal of Honor reviews and comments

middle of the road.  obviously rushed, short and not that exciting.  If you like war shooters, though, its not bad by any means.
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Microsoft from French
In 2012 or 2010 Jai kiffer this game when it was released on PS3 there were 3 class of 15 Max rank if I remember well pity that they have not put up as prestige because the players have very quickly deserting the game. On PC it's not bad I made them not long ago the solo https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVqPSKtd4gLurqncwsJWOIdYkLUilzRXw that's what it resemble good solo because the multi I think there is more a cat 🐱
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Microsoft from French
A solo finished in 4 hours of play. The scenario is not too bad, but the realization leaves to be desired, everything is too scripted, predictable. Few bugs, but no interaction with the environment... Luckily I didn't pay for it. The positives are that you have a small demonstration of the army arsenal, snipers, aerial support, which can be awesome.... Conclusion: I feel like I've tried a demo, I'm still waiting for the full game XD
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Microsoft from Deutsch
First of all, The Good thing:-The Atmosphere is quite okay if it is not destroyed by a bug-The Soundtrack is first class The Bad:-LOL 5 Hours of Play time-Permanent script errors, which you can only get away by restarting the Mission. Also a Possibility to extend the Duration of the Game-The Feel is totally forn ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ The whole Control feels unround-Would not have thought that you could do so ne lousy Graphic Quality With Frostbite2. BF3 shows how to do it right. -Resolution of 5040x1050 in the Menu is possible, but you still get a single 1680x1050 image on each Monitor. -Electronic Arts 5/10-would not buy again.
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Microsoft from French
Having spent a few hours on this game, I must say that it is rather bad. It is between a battlefield and a COD (without matching any of them). The solo is fun but far too short (5H big Max in the highest difficulty). Moreover, the solo is to be said ultra linear and far, very far from being Inovant. Multiplayer, don't even talk about it! If you have not played the games when it was released (or you could still find some fun), you do not have to dwell on the online servers again, because apart from being killed in a loop by the bombing spams of high levels players not even talking about the bombing at the spawn, you start again on a bomb just after you have been killed...) you will also be entitled to the totally unbalanced parts (horrible matchmaking), campers and so on. Moreover, choice of extremely limited classes (3 Max), very few weapons, and weapons that can be totally useless (why use a snipe when a machine gun does more damage and is more accurate--'). The only positive thing is the sound atmosphere. Fortunately I bought this game on sale with 2 balls because it is not worth more. In short, go your way and buy a battlefield or a cod because for the same price you have something that is worth at least the penalty...
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