Average Playtime: 11 hours

Resident Evil 5

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Resident Evil 5 (also known as Biohazard 5 in Japan) is the third-person shooter with elements of a survivor-horror game. This is the fifth main installment in Capcom’s acclaimed franchise Resident Evil.
The story follows Chris Redfield, the protagonist of the original Resident Evil, and his partner Sheva Alomar. As the members of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance, they are tasked to intercept an illegal bioweapon trade in Kijuju, Africa. Upon arrival, they find out that Kijuju is infected by Las Plagas, parasites that turn its carriers into zombie-like creatures.
The game is notable for being a departure from the series survival horror roots towards more action-oriented gameplay style. The other significant innovation in the series brought with Resident Evil 5 is cooperative multiplayer for two players. There are many situations during the game that requires two players cooperation therefore if in singleplayer the second characters is controlled by AI.

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for PC

  • Supported OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Core™ 2 Quad 2.4GHz or better, AMD Phenom™ II x4 3.4GHZ or better
  • Memory: 4GB or better
  • Graphics: 512 MB VRAM, NVIDIA® GeForce 9800 series or better, ATI Radeon HD 7770 or better
  • Display: Minimum 800 x 600 pixel resolution
  • Sound: DirectSound Compatible (DirectX 9.0c or higher)
  • DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c / Shader 3.0 or better
  • Hard Drive: 15 GB free hard drive space
  • Peripherals: Keyboard and mouse
Internet connection required for game activation.
  • Supported OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Core™ i5-3570 or better, AMD Phenom™ II x4 3.4GHZ or better
  • Memory: 4GB or better
  • Graphics: 512 MB VRAM, NVIDIA(R) GeForce® GTX 650 or better, ATI Radeon HD 7770 or better
  • Display: Minimum 1280 x 720 pixel resolution
  • Sound: DirectSound Compatible (DirectX 9.0c or higher)
  • DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c / Shader 3.0 or better
  • Hard Drive: 15 GB free hard drive space
  • Peripherals: Keyboard and mouse, controller supported
Internet connection required for game activation.

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for PlayStation 3

System requirements for PlayStation 4

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Last Modified: Feb 25, 2025

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Nintendo Store
Xbox 360 Store
Xbox Store

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Resident Evil 5 reviews and comments

great couch co-op.  more fun the more you play.
Resident Evil 5 is such a bizarre experience to me honestly. It's a game that genuinely is really fun to play and honestly while it doesn't improve on 4 much and honestly takes very weird steps back as far as certain elements like inventory management go, it's still a genuinely very fun co-op experience with a fairly silly story that gets pretty bonkers near the end.

Unfortunately the game is also weirdly racist at points to a degree of massive uncomfort. Like there's just weird handlings and otherings of African people as a general whole, the location is never really humanized in any particularly great way outside of a very small few very easy to miss diary entries, and the entire weird implication that a tribe "regresses" to wearing tribal clothing, spear throwing, and shields due to the plagas is REAL weird.

It's a pretty big stain on what otherwise I genuinely would recommend playing through with a friend. As I think mechanically the game is very very sound and extremely fun. Mercenaries especially in this game feels SOOOOO good.
«Better with friends»
«Better with friends»
Horribly paced and poorly plotted, Resident Evil 5 is a perfect example of a series that has lost the pulse on what its fans loved about it in the first place. Ditching the horror elements of previous titles for a focus on action would have been fine if they committed fully to the concept, but holding onto old series tropes like limited inventory space and relatively rare ammo make the game a slog at points, with a number of frustrating ui decisions that continued to hamper my good time. 

Things are passable for the first 3 chapters, but the back half of the game turns into a real slog once it becomes a cover based shooter. I understand that the Gears franchise was huge when this game came out but aping mechanics from others franchises that do it better leave large chunks of the game feeling dated. 

The plot is atrocious, even for resident evil standards; I had no real motivation to care about any of these characters. Chris is one dimensional, Sheva is barely introduced, Sheva's friend is just there to show up when you need a third character in the mix, the villains motives are vague and the characters themselves are cartoonish. The ending string of fights are truly atrocious to play, with me and my friend who I co-oped the game with left wondering if we were even doing any damage to the bosses due to a lack of feedback from getting hit. Overall, I would not really recommend this game unless you are a fan of the series and looking to play something with a friend. If you are looking for a single player action horror experience, stick with Resident Evil 4!
«Oh God i managed it»
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Quite honestly-I like the Game. Especially for Beginners of the ResEk series, you can get a little used to Building the Franchise with this Part. It's no longer a Resident Evil in The style of Part 4, but simply a good 3rd person zombie shooter. The Horror Vibe is more in the Background. The Locations are very varied and Albert Wesker as the Main Opponent just cool. I'm looking forward to every Sequence with him. If you Play it alone, the accompanying AI is of course, as always, only K and without I, but still better programmed than in many other Games and also not so annoying. There are some different Weapons and the well-known green and red Herbs, also the Menu guide reminiscent of the Predecessors. Only there is no Retailer. If you actually run out of ammunition, E.g. before the Final Boss, you have a tiny Problem. Now that I have played the Game in the Co-op, I probably have to adjust the Review a little bit. In Single-player, it's much lighter. The accompanying AI is not exactly clever, but of course knows what to do and heals you always at the right Moment. If you are in Two Ways, you learn to hate the cumbersome Inventory and could possibly despair of some Boss opponents (which, of course, I and my Partner did NOT do ...). In addition, you will always discover a few Bugs, some of which are funny, but rather drive you mad in the Game, because that's why you can't get any further. Plus, it's super stupid that the Game Offers an ingame EVERY Ammunition type, rather than just the one of the Weapons you also have with you. Because There's not much ammunition.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
The Game is a Bomb in my Eyes. I had played the latest Part of it before, which is 6 and it's not a "Comparison" to that Part. The 5th Part is really better, as so many had said. The Gameplay is a bit harder, especially if you turn around x'D I think it's because it comes harder. But perhaps it's because you always have the same Chars instead of something else every time as in six. Or the Zombies are harder to crack here? I think it's much more down to the ammo, because you really have to shoot Wisely here. Otherwise, as always, I will list the most important Points again for those who don't Feel like reading entire Texts:P PRO-different environments, varied Levels and different Enemies per Station, TOP! -Finding diamonds when you're adventurous like me:D-> Reward-> To buy money for Updates or new Weapons-What I think is great is that you can upgrade your weapons, the better the Greasy! -Graphic is still TOP for the Year where it was put out o.o-Story has what, is different but more interesting I would almost say-I find the Co-op mode in this Game better than in the 6th Part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to get rid of that, because in the 6th part there was always a Crash of the server, accordingly I was surprised that it was better oO '-weapons in the 5th part are really awesome, you get new Weapons in the Course of The Game, depending on which Player gets it , he doesn't have to pay anything, but if the other Player wants that weapon too, then you have to sheet for it. Find the Principle really good! CONTRA-Control as I said, very busy just as ' Sheva ' (Left shoulder view) Conclusion from my Point of view: I am satisfied and since I play it with a Friend, make all the more Fun x'D server Problems so far not cooked and the Horror got really good here Implemented, because I really have Shit in the Dark at this Game, or if it is too quiet that it is already too easy again. Definitely better than the latest Part and I would have liked to have only got this one, because you can really save the other Part! Definitely Thumbs up!
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