Average Playtime: 7 hours

Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia

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The year is 878 AD, the embattled English king Alfred the Great has mounted a heroic defence at the battle of Edington, and blunted the Viking invasion. Chastened – but not yet broken – the Norse warlords have settled across Britain. For the first time in nearly 80 years, the land is in a fragile state of peace.
Throughout this sceptred isle, the kings of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales sense a time of change approaching; a time of opportunity. There will be treaties. There will be war. There will be turns of fortune that become the stuff of legend, in a saga that charts the ascent of one of history’s greatest nations.
Kings will rise. One will rule.

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Last Modified: Jan 14, 2025

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Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Kings wants to rise. One will rule. Game World: + large, detailed British Map + very nice Graphics and good Performance (greatly improved Attila engine) + detailed Units and extensive Battle Maps (Cities, Villages, harbours, ...) + wonderful Slaughter atmosphere with great sound + Lever Effects (free for Owners of the Attlia DLC Pact) Circumference: + hundreds of hours of play + 3 basic Victory possibilities "Short" (Conquest, Glory, Kingdom) + Ultimate Victory with a Viking Invasion + Family Tree, New Recruitment, Loyalty, Diplomatic and Land ownership System + Multiplayer battles and Multiplayer campaign ~ 10 Factions (with Strengths, Weaknesses and launching Positions), like more (!)-(not yet) historical Battles-no Agents and no free trading System (automated) History: + historical Missions for some Factions + Developers strive successfully for historical Details and historical Development (Unit Size, historical Development, persons, Events, ...) Difficulty: + from Easy to legend, separate Settings for "Campaign," "Political" and "Battle" + Gefage realism, Time Limit + Management of Land Ownership and the maximum 10 City Holders requires a lot of Attention in the Late-Game and Administrative skill-AI in battle quite incapable, Battles relatively easy to Conclude even in Undercount: As a ToB Pre-order, I can only say that it was worth it. With minor Weaknesses, like any Total War, I find the negative Reviews of others unwarranted. In my Experience, I can only make a Buy recommendation. The Developers are constantly improving ToB with meaningful Innovations and taking the feedback from the Community to Herzen.I am in joyful Anticipation for upcoming Innovations and Improvements.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Too bad, too bad, Chance to make an interesting Era in TW-style tangible. The Game has been simplified and "streamlined" at almost every Corner. In Principle, you can finish any Campaign without playing a single Battle. From this reason you are forced to fight with smaller Armies in the open Field. I run from place to place with Full-stack armies and then occupies them, while a General Army occupies the Surrounding villages without Effort or Resistance. The Expansion of the Settlement does not require any strategic Planning at all. You just click the Buildings off Every Round like you would on a Checklist and build the next Stage. No Agents. If you had the Agents to a single Variety that you can specialize differently, and reduced to a limited Number, it would have been okay as well. So missing is another Building Block that had given previous TW offshoots more Depth. For someone who is playing TW for the first Time IS certainly acceptable. Not for most series fans, though. No Trade to work out through Diplomacy and Skill. The Trade runs completely automatically. For a strategy game again just not acceptable. Micromanagement is the Fascination Of expanding an empire and Conquering foreign Countries. As I said, here, too, "streamlined" was streamlined. What a pity. Pedigree and Loyalty are just annoying. Groundland possessions are allocated whenever one mucks up. Click here, Click there. Laaaa-weill! So far, I haven't once been in a tricky Position. Overall, very repetitive. After less than a Month, absolutely the Air out. On the Smartphone, this Offshoot would be better off; There he would at least still go through as a nice grind pastime. You expect something different on your PC. What a pity. It is a great pity. If Three Kingdoms does not show a Further development to its Predecessors with considerably more Depth than Thrones of Britannia, it was probably with the Series for me.
My personal opinion was ruined by initial presentation of the game. To put it simply — Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia sounds like one of those Creative Assembly games aimed at larger, mainstream'ish audience. With that said, Thrones of Britannia may be good, but I was hoping it to be somewhat reminiscent of Napoleon. And I honestly think that the game would have been better this way. Campaign driven, starting from the very small beginnings, explaining basic 4x mechanics until the player is ready to unite the Islands and have strict control over his actions. What we've got now feels more like Barbarian Invasion, or any other expansion that used to be popular within series. I never liked them, cause they usually were more limited in a way that players were forced to choose a specific tactic for a chance to win. As a balanced player, I never was good at rushing and raiding, so that's that. In this case, I simply can't afford the time required to go over all mechanics in Britannia. I'm getting older and busier, thus I did a pause while Creative Assembly was Warhammering and it's probably the main reason why now, I expected to be taken by the hand and led to a Throne. I was thrown upon it instead and it took me hours to figure out stuff that matters within the game. But even then, after hours of playing, one still have to check out new mechanics, to placate backstabby relatives, deal with amounts of peasants in their armies, figure out supply system and such. Again, for someone dedicated, or a fan of the series, this shouldn't be too much of a challenge, as well as I'm certain, some of the mechanics that I felt were important are probably useless anyway. Thrones of Britannia is a nod towards popular entertainment and rejuvenated hype about Viking era, it also focuses on one Kingdom, that is also the largest video game market on this side of the globe. I hoped that Creative Assembly is on a raid for new fans. If that's the case, however, I doubt they'll have any success. I had to battle my desire to run away from a game more than once until I felt comfortable with it. But I'm a patient guy and also not a complete noob.

Heh... Things age does to people. Never thought I'll say this, but this iteration of Total War needed to be simpler and boast deep, long and narrated tutorial campaign. It needs to present the flow of the game through a series of missions or encounters and simply attempt to immerse anyone touching it.
I finally got the grip of it and enjoyed the game, but I couldn't recommend it to anyone without experience in 4x or Grand Strategy genres. Having in mind that Total War used to keep these genres alive, I just feel like lack of newb oriented campaign is a wasted opportunity to really grow them.
«Oh God i managed it»
This game tries to add something new in the Total War series - like the recruitment, food, tech trees and finally full siege maps - and these changes make the game more realistic but they are not enough. The battles are still bad, they need to do something with this part of the game, really. Britannia feels like a mix of Rome 2 and Attila - but I don’t want another copy in a different setting, I want an original title! I don’t know, maybe, the problem is with me. I get bored with this game very quickly though I’ve been waiting for it. I didn’t want to write a negative review, actually, but this big and important release became a big disappointment for me.
«Disappointment of the year»
If you are a Total War fan, this game is a must-buy for you. At the first sight it looks like Attila - the graphical setting and the main menu are almost the same but are done better. This game looks awesome and runs on a good rig with good frame rates. The devs added many details and a huge amount of information about the settlements and character development. If you’re a newcomer and never played Total War before, it could be a little difficult for you to figure out how to play and win, though, if you finished Attila at least, you’ll appreciate the changes they made for this game. Another little secret: maybe, you should wait and buy the game on sale, because a little grey DLC icon hints that, probably, in a time you’ll be able to buy a bundle. I also hope that the community will make mods for this game in a while.
«Blew my mind»
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