Average Playtime: 5 hours

Brutal Legend

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Heavy Metal is a way of life and a world in itself, but Eddie Riggs found the real one, after the accident during a concert left him crushed by the scenery and making the involuntary blood sacrifice to the Ormagöden. The action adventure game with the real-time strategy elements in the open world introduced a star voice cast, compiled by musicians that became prototypes for some of the characters players will encounter during the game. Aside from the main story, players will be able to encounter dozens of side missions that may vary from the defense battles to a race. When using his V-guitar named Clementine, Eddie can cast spells, called Solos, by a simple rhythm game, reminiscent of Guitar Hero. Some story missions are so-called Battles of the Bands, where players will fight the armies in a real-time strategy fashion, and winning by outperforming the enemy band and destroying the stage.

Release date
Electronic Arts
Double Fine Productions
Electronic Arts, Microsoft Studios, Double Fine Productions
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for PlayStation 3

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for iOS

System requirements for PC

  • OS:Windows XP SP3
  • Processor:Intel Core 2 Duo at 2.2 GHz, or AMD Athlon 64 at 2.2 GHz
  • Memory:1 GB RAM
  • Graphics:512 MB GeForce 220, Radeon 4550, Intel HD 3000 Graphics
  • DirectX®:9.0c
  • Hard Drive:8 GB HD space
  • Sound:DirectX Compatible Sound Card
  • Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
  • OS:Windows 7
  • Processor:Intel i5 Duo at 2.5 GHz, or AMD FX 3.5 GHz
  • Memory:2 GB RAM
  • Graphics:512 MB GeForce 650, Radeon 7000
  • DirectX®:9.0c
  • Hard Drive:8 GB HD space
  • Sound:DirectX Compatible Sound Card
  • Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: : Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, fully updated
  • Processor: 2.2 GHz dual core CPU
  • Memory: 2 GB of RAM
  • Graphics: 256 MB GeForce 220, Radeon HD 4550, or Intel HD 4000 Graphics
  • Open GL: 2.1
  • Hard Drive: 9 GB HD space

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: : Snow Leopard 10.6.8, or later
  • Processor: Intel Core Duo Processor
  • Memory: 2 GB of RAM
  • Graphics: ATI HD 2600 / NVIDIA 8800GT / Intel HD3000 or better card with at least 512 MB VRAM
  • Hard Drive: 9 GB HD space
  • Note:Leopard is not supported
  • OS: : Snow Leopard 10.6.8, or later
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 at 2.5 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB of RAM
  • Graphics: ATI HD 4670 / Nvidia 285 or better with at least 512 MB VRAM
  • Hard Drive: 9 GB HD space
  • Note:Leopard is not supported
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Mar 25, 2025

Where to buy

Xbox Store
PlayStation Store
Xbox 360 Store
App Store

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Brutal Legend reviews and comments

Starts off as a decent action game, turns into a mediocre RTS. Mechanics are fun nonetheless, the soundtrack is specific but stellar if you like it, artstyle is hit or miss and the story is a joy to experience with very novel moments.
«OST on repeat»
One of the best main menus.
The RTS part is meh but if you like Metal this is still a must play
Unfortunately turns into a weird RTS type thing toward the end, but nevertheless is a very good hack-n-slash with a really good soundtrack and art style.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Bring like a Wall of Death and at the same time epic, like a good Heavy Metal – Ballad! For a long time, I considered how to Summarize Brütal Legend in a Nutshell and still live up to the Game Content in full. In my Opinion, the Time to publish a Game for the Friends of hard Sounds is more than aptly chosen. Although I must confess to my Shame that I have not accessed before. What stopped me before Was the Notion that Brütal Legend Might be a Kind of Guitar Hero – Clone for Posers, for whom ridiculous Auxiliary hardware in the Form of infantile plastic USB guitars etc. Far from it and these Prejudices fill me with Shame afterwards. What Double Fine delivered with Brütal Legend is a first-class genre persiflage with all the Prejudices you can actually have against Heavy Metal. (They're also voting on that!) Electric guitars and Drums, black (leather) clothes, long hair, Corpse Paint, Non-Stop Heavy Metal Game Music, hotrods, choppers, "High Voltage," fire, Headbanging, Cemeteries, swords, axes, etc etc etc. The List can be expanded at will. In Addition, there is a first-class cast of the Leading Roles with the Still living icons of heavy metal par excellence (including Original Voices!), with a lot of Air up here (perhaps at One or for a Sequel in Brütal Legend 2 ...?;-)). The History and Gameplay of Brütal Legend are not truly unique or even new in abstract terms (saving World, etc.), but the Details seem fresh and imaginative to me; Admittedly, I am not the typical Action-Adventure Gamer. What can probably be said undisputed is that one has very well absorbed and implemented the sometimes rather oblique Humour of the metal scene. That Entertaining Aspect alone has personally teased me about the Game. This Is probably because of this, too, I have been grieving very much afterwards since I completed it. (Resreplayable value 100%ig, even individual Missions can be selected later) The Story starts relatively tough at the Beginning after the first half Hour, but then picks up Speed and builds up a tremendous Arc of Tension. The Campaign is very linear, there are no Freedom of Decision. This is perhaps rather sobering at first, even I could not always comprehend one or the other decision Of my Alter Ego Eddie Riggs throughout history and might have done some things differently. Especially for the inclined RPG 'ler, this Situation is difficult. At these Points, however, I have personally remembered that one "only" is in the Role of a Roadie and at most lives with the Music, instead of conducting and influencing it oneself. According to this game Concept, this linear course Of action makes Perfect sense. The individual Missions are pleasantly distributed in terms of complexity, from simple (Protect X on the Way to Y) to tricky (if strategic Elements come into play), although this will probably also depend heavily on the chosen Degree of difficulty. For my Part, I played the Campaign from the Beginning on "Brütal" (high Degree of Difficulty) and I have no regrets. In order to be motivated in the long term, I can only highly recommend this to any half-fruit-resistant Tactician. Not every Mission will work out right away, but in Return you are constantly trying out alternative Approaches, which I Think results in a much more intense Gaming Experience. The Use of tactical Finesse, such as the Double Team with units commanded Depending on the mission, is also more important. Another Advantage of this is that you don't get used to the undisturbed flow of the lower Difficulty from the start, if you plan to play through the game on "Brütal" as well. Brütal is also feasible for the untrained Action Adventurer, I can confirm. ;-) Otherwise, the typical Gameplay of any modern Game applies without having to give too much away Beforehand: In the Beginning slight opponents, later difficult; In the Beginning normal Weapons, later more powerful; Open World – Game Principle a la GTA. In addition to the great History strand of the Main Quest, there are also smaller Secondary missions with very amusing Mini-games. These are very manageable in number, but this is not bad. Repetition is okay, but too much Repetition is harmful in my Opinion. The balance act has succeeded excellently here as well. So Should there be another Devotee of the heavy metal Music out there who hasn't yet immersed himself in the World of Brütal Legend: Don'T hesitate any further, but access it! The Purchase is fully worth it!
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Microsoft from Dutch
Excellent game! Beautiful surroundings, nice references to the metal scene. Fantastic role for Jack Black. Recommended!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
With German dubbing, I really could not believe it! Many thanks for the german voice to the developers!
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Microsoft from Italian
Strangely, it is always in a state of update in the App Store despite the fact that you always download the same version. The game itself is a mixture of an RPG and a strategic turn-based game that unfortunately didn't completely convince me.
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Microsoft from French
The quality of the game, the simple and fast gameplay to master the levels of control, the quality of realization, everything is there, and the quality of the game of integrated players is superb, we take a deep bath in the world a bit crazy metal fantasy but with superb quality, a superb addition the Appstore level games.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Soundtrack and dialogues are absolutely iconic. After I have unscrewed the graphics extras, it is also quite liquid on my 24 "iMac from 2008 (ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro) with Mac OS X 10.6.8, in native resolution, because in lower resolution, you can hardly see which Keys are meant for declarations Maybe I should mention that I use a video driver (KEXT) of 10.6.2, as later versions occasionally freeze my iMac. So no idea if the game works well with the video driver of 10.6.8.
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