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Project: Snowblind

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Experience the dramatic intensity of the frontlines of a war through the eyes of the first of a new breed of super soldiers in this gritty and epic first-person action game.
An augmented super-soldier must stop a renegade regime from eradicating the civilized world.
Hong Kong, 2065. 2nd Lt. Nathan Frost is just a regular grunt in an international army called the Liberty Coalition. When he takes massive injuries from an explosion on the battlefield, Frost undergoes an experimental procedure. The outcome of the surgery is something more than human; a transformation that makes him a unique weapons-grade warrior, with abilities that far surpass those of the average soldier.
Empowered with these extra-normal abilities via implanted augmentations, Frost is immediately sent to the frontlines of a war as a secret weapon against the destructive regime. Stranded in hostile territory, cut off from command and far outnumbered, Frost and a handful of men must try and stop the entire renegade militia's plan threatening to plunge the world into darkness.
Engage in battle online multiplayer with up to 16 players & voice over IP support in classic and new multiplayer modes.
A wide variety of game pacing ranges from the frenetic chaos of battlefield action to tactical stealth infiltration style missions.
Equip yourself with an arsenal of experimental weaponry such as the Riot Wall™ and Attack Drones, and other high tech gadgetry. Used in combination, the equipment yields a variety and depth of gameplay never before realized, especially in multiplayer play.
In multiplayer, vehicles are co-operatively used; one guy drives while the other mans the mounted turrets.
Augmentations such as Invisibility, Reflex Boost and Electrical Storm give you an edge on the battlefield against your highly equipped and battle-ready foe.
Pick-up & play, visceral action pulls the player through a cinematically immersive storyline from Minute One of play.
11 missions spanning across 16 maps including the Opera House turned Prison, a Buddhist Temple converted to a Military Base, and the sprawling urban Wastelands.

Release date
Crystal Dynamics
Square Enix
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Xbox

System requirements for PlayStation 2

System requirements for PC

Minimum: IBM PC or 100% compatible, Microsoft Windows 2000/XP, Pentium IV, 1.5 GHz (Or AMD Athlon XP equivalent) processor, 100% DirectX 64 MB 3D Accelerated video card with Pixel Shader v1.1 Capability, 256 MB System RAM, 100% DirectX 9 Compatible Sound Card, 3GB free uncompressed hard drive space (additional space may be necessary for saved games), 100% Windows 2000/XP compatible Mouse and Keyboard

As stated on the Project: Snowblind box, laptops and integrated video chips may work with Project: Snowblind, but are not supported. Should you incur problems while running the game on an integrated video chip, Eidos Tech Support will not be able to help you.

Recommended: Pentium IV, 2.4 Ghz (or AMD Athlon XPequivalent) or greater processor, 512 MB System RAM, 100% DirectX 9 128MB 3D Graphics Card with Pixel Shader 2.0 support, 3GB of Hard Drive Space

Supported Video Chipsets:
nVidia GeForce 3Ti/4Ti/FX/6000 series - Note: GeForce MX series is NOT SUPPORTED. ATI Radeon 8500/9xxx or higher.

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Last Modified: Oct 19, 2024

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Project: Snowblind reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Shooter Ex Project: Snowblind is a cardboard shooter with Deus Ex. Poured-Turk Plot. Soldafon during the special operation decided to ignore the warhead, pickeating a couple of meters from him, for which he paid...... The Soldfon is resurrected as a cyber killing machine. Poured-Turky. We have to kill the general who has travelled and stop the missile launch. The Mission was crowned with success. Fifteen hundred minutes look at the memorial to the fallen Nounemam type of Petty Officer Edward Jung and just Ferros. Gameplay As Such levels of difficulty, but the game is already easy. The Location is not much more spacious than the same Invisible War, just more rooms and they are more cramped. Sometimes It is possible to travel on ventilation or veiled second floors. Basically we visit some factories, factories, sewage, dirty doorways and bombed grey ruins. What are we doing there? Gaseem all the illuminated red-tinged sight of the threat of what is horrible (including the only boss), for robots can save a little reserve EMG. In fact, at each level of the hero opens the new skill-improvement, he finds a cool gun or grenade, and then all at once. In reality, it is enough just to run with a rifle and a slowdown, so that everything was in the shade. In the late stages of the game you can simply change the main gun to something more powerful-caster-yes fling occasionally on a pair of any grenades. The Cherry on the cake of the player's independence is a forced non-key "Aym assist", i.e. Avtoprihvat goals. Hey, maybe it's cyber-improvement, but it's always active. In the car I sat down only two times in the course of all passage, and the robot so at all did not saddle-the truth, and did not look for it. It is possible to save here only after passage of the chapter or at special points of record of quantum condition, kindly built for us by some higher forces. Jay... Jay C, was that you? For lovers of the dead online there is a handful of standard multiplayer modes in the spirit of "move the most" and "pick-bring-not die." The Technical implementation is no matter How cool, and the picture in the game looks like three years older than the release date. On Modern Systems The project behaves unsuitable-forced rendering in 4:3 mode and frequent uncausal departures. I Have on Windows 10 return to the desktop was carried out every half hour, set compatibility with XP SP3-Par does not see the game, threw in the folder with the game "Steam. dll"-passed the game with one crash without support overlay (well, like Vanilla Invisible War, AHA). And, yes, if to put the textual rusification-in the game The voice of all characters who are not involved in the cut-scenes will lose. !!! Almost every second positive feedback on this product contains a phrase such as "Game of Childhood", "I spent all my childhood", "Greetings from Childhood", "Nostalgia, yes and only", "as if again in childhood got", "Game of Childhood" x2 and all in the same vein. I didn't play it either in the teenage years or in 2005, and it didn't catch me right now. Probably, I just had a very dreary and heavy youth, the first one independently passed the shooter was the second Max Payne. Results: A really not revealing an ordinary shooter with a pumped hero for 5-6 hours. 5/10
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