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You can’t call that a MMO for that would be an insult the dying genre. Nor You can call that a shooter for that would be an insult for a few great games released. Nor you can call that an RPG for that it would be an insult for great games like Divinity 2 released this year. The only positive things here are great optimization and perhaps graphics. The gameplay is repetitive shooting against stupid AI, the campaign is boring to the point that you try to get through it as fast as possible. The game consists of 95% grinding and 5% dull content like weapons which just get reskinned with your level progression.
«Reviewers bribed»
You can’t name all virtues of the game: the content is numerous, the design is minimalistic in a good way and of the best quality, the music mix on the brink of lounge and ambient fits perfectly for the background, and so on, and so on. The only flaw is that it doesn’t have multiplayer.
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
Koei Tecmo has a reputation of doing terrible PC ports, but I’ve played more than 10 hours and experienced only one crashm which is a good thing. The gaming experience is very smooth with stable frames, controls and no glitches so far. So you won’t have a genuine PC experience with this as frames are not uncapped, the graphics are from the console and it doesn’t work with the mouse & keyboard. The game itself is okay, if you don’t mind playing a much shorter and less interesting witcher’s adventures in Asia.
The game was announced in 2014, and I’ve been waiting to purchase it since. It was hard not to be overexcited to with the actual release but it turned out even better than I expected.
The game is much more than a game, it's a piece of art with an amazing orchestra, stunning visuals and the old-school feeling of being difficult, but rewarding. In many ways it feels familiar, something like a Megaman, if it was introduced today by Disney. The Disney company itself can be proud for that it is really one of the most innovative products company offered to the public which is ironically also one the most classic.
The game is both great for playing single or with a friend, and it is even great just to watch things in motion. I hope a lot for a sequel or a DLC in the future, because you just can’t get enough fun from it.
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
The original game was decent, and I see the sequel as an improvement in what I wish to become a great series of games. The combat system is still well-balanced, the enemies are various, the bosses are challenging and memorable. But The Evil Within 2 brings more than its ancestor by introducing some open world feel and a crafting system, the latter is surprisingly a good fit, and I actually wonder why they didn’t do that in the first game.
However the biggest standout this time is the story and the atmosphere. Of course it has its plot holes and the pace is uneven at times, but at least there’s a feeling that you don’t want to retell the story, so that you won’t spoil somebody’s gaming experience. And unfortunately, this happens not often with modern triple-A games.
This game reminds of what real MMO RPGs must be about: exploring the world and discovering new things from the cramped dungeons to the vast open world.
Speaking of the environment, mountains are designed to be the main feature and they do their best in entertaining players for each mountain is unique and challenging. Maps here are filled with enemies to fight and locations to fight for, they are quite diverse and come in unexpected combinations which is exactly what you can expect from a good MMO RPG.
Path of Fire has had its flaws but under new direction it seems that a golden age has started. So don’t miss it, try it now.
It’s safe to say that Deadpool has recently made his way from geeks’ favourite villainy superhero to the world’s favourite villainy superhero with the release of the movie. High Moon Studios, the guys behind the Transformers: War for Cybertron/Fall of Cybertron, did a great job with the budget they had, and the game came out much funnier and more playable than nearly any comics game you have these days. One major flaw is porr level design as lots of levels look the same. But overall I’d give it 7 out of 10, because this is the Deadpool from Marvel comics we all love.
a tough game to review coz i really like the actual gameplay but the progression is terrible. even after the most recent changes you have to play for four hours just to open one crate that contains mostly useless shit. there’s already a special place for ea in hell for turning the game into endless grinding. and i don’t actually mind dem micro payments if they are fair but their system makes it really hard to enjoy the actual playing. i would say that it takes over 500 hours of playtime to unlock everything in the game without paying money based on my current playing experience and that is just plain ridiculous. i was also frustrated that ea used those sneaky tactics to hide grinding in review copies, so the players got not what they expected.
on the positive side the visuals and sounds are absolutely spectacular and the gameplay has improved a lot since 2015. but that’s just it, coz microtransactions ruin the game.
«Waste of time»
The DLC is amazing, the environment is stunning as always. My overall rate is absolutely recommend, but I’d like to cite some drawbacks.
First, I didn’t like the new ambush-style quests, there are just too many machines you have to kill.
Second, Frostclaw and Fireclaw. While the first can be fun, the latter is overpowered even for a high-level character and weapons a fight can take up to half an hour, and this is very tiresome. Also there’s AI cheating, both Claws can do a ground attack with a auto-target and large range. I once hid behind some rocks and then BOOM! I’m dead. So there’s you can run, but you can’t hide strategy.
Despite these flaws it’s still a great DLC, and if you like the original game, you should definitely buy this one.
«Blew my mind»
The sequel is more story-driven than the first game. There's also the addition of companions and their stories, so you don’t feel that they are just ‘cards’ played in the battle.

The new chance mechanics are curious, I really liked the dice and card wheel.The addition of fame and the need to use certain equipment is cool. New encounters make the gameplay something different, not just an ordinary success/failure mechanic in HoF.

It's not all good news, tho. First, the battles feel a little unresponsive, the reaction time feels really off. I failed a lot dodging and parrying because I just missed the prompts. Second, no endless mode. But the most annoying thing to me was the warp cutscene when you start and finish battles, it is just too bright and flashy, so if you are an epileptic, beware! No, I’m being serious here.

But overall, if you enjoyed the origianl HoF, give the sequel a try, you are sure to like it. It's not perfect but fun and you feel lots of love from devs in here.
I’d recommend the game, if you are not against SHORT and SIMPLE games, because that is what Cat Quest really is. Bu it is also FUN and JOYFUL, so to me that was not a problem.

Well, where do I start? First of all, this is a brawler with cats. The visual side of the game is very nice and colorful. The quest side is full of action.

This is a casual game for younger players - or older players that happen to like cats or just want to take a break from complex and heavy RPGs. But the quality of the game is above average, because when something is made for younger audience, you know how it happens, sometimes devs think kids are too stupid, so they will play anything that is for kids. So again I recommend the game for everybody who want to relax and laugh at some silly and clever cat-themed puns. Absolutely a must have to play with your kids. But if you are a serious PC-gamer and dig only deep storylines, complex characters and suchlike, then don’t bother to try it.
Skyrim on Switch does what it is for - being Skyrim on Switch. Nothing unexpected here if you’ve ever played Skyrim anywhere else. A huge open world with a lot of content in it, a compelling story - everything from Skyrim is here. The best part is that it’s portable, so it’s a good chance to revisit the world of Skyrim while travelling to work.
«Just one more turn»
«Can’t stop playing»
I played over 10 hours already and barely noticed the time. Nintendo has taken the Mario experience to the next levelm the game is HIGH quality. There's much to do, lots of content, lots of tiny things like clothes, etc. Lots of hidden secrets that accounts for great replayability level. Damn, I have the new Assassin’s Creed, and haven’t even bother to unwrap it, because the Mario being super good. If you own a Switch then this is a must buy game just like the new Zelda.
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
One of the best game i've ever played!  Original gameplay, unusual combination of genres and incredible world design.
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»
Uncharted 4 is cool and here is why:

- The game gives today's almost forgot feeling about playing adventure games. The Adventure Spirit. Do we need super dramatic relations between Nathan an Elena? Does it necessary to drop a player in a strong historical basis for every adventure? Do we need some philosophical dilemmas to focus on during game? The answer is «NO». 

- Uncharted 4 is catchy like any game in a Uncharted series. It really keeping you in front of the screen and this is exactly what we expect from it. To make some really insane action-movie stunts — grabbing AK-47 on a fly, when you falling down from crushing plane to shoot some nameless evil agent and grab his parachute and when to you landing into moving car. Piece of cake. 

- It looks great. It sounds great. 

For me, this game is golden standard for it's kind. And I could hardly imagine the other game to put in one row with Uncharted 4.
Basically the same old game that came out 6 years ago. Not the best antialiasing, but still looks gorgeous on the handheld. If you haven’t played it in the first place, or just miss a good detective story — give it a try on Switch.
New CoD goes back to the very roots of the series. And it’s not a good thing! The new game doesn’t take all the best from its ancestors, instead it picks a lifeless single player with a dull story and an old casual multiplayer that evokes nothing but a yawn. Oh, also the loot box system.

The critics praised it. You know why? Coz they all reviewed it at an event held by Activision, journalists being supervised for their impressions. Such journalism.

So at this point CoD feels like something people buy out of habit. not interest. I bought it and was utterly disappointed. The thing is I have lots of friends who fell in love with CoD when they were teenagers but continue to buy every single game now like this is some sort of a drug to them. Well, now it looks like it was also a drug for me, but I’m not buying any CoD in the future from this day.
For those, who are not familiar with the series — there’s no reason to buy it, it’s one of the worst games in the series. If you want to play a CoD, play one of the earlier games. If you are familiar with it — don’t repeat my mistake. don’t buy it.
Put aside rogue mechanics and see what's left: a pretty good isometric action.
Dere ain't no such fing as enuff dakka!
Pure delight of shooting. You. Will. Love. Every. Single. Bullet.