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Not much to complain, there’s an epic storyline, impressive setting (Kratos is dull tho), a solid fighting system. At some points the game makes you yawn repeating the same moves, but it’s a good thing to play for some days.
«That ending!»
Da Vinci rolling boulders down the hill killing peasants, crushing houses, defeating gods and eventually breaching into Marie Antoniette’s castle to squash her. Yeah, this is a game. Single player is fun but way too easy, so play with some friends and unlock endless fun.
«Just one more turn»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
A big step forward from Underground 2 in the graphics and the driving mechanics. However the best imrovement for me was the story. They really took the time to make it compelling and this time the game actually has an ending. There are tons of customization options like in the whole series, a fairly good soundtrack, but not enough vehicles to choose from. Also the vehicle physics and opponents’ AI didn’t change a bit, and these are the things that really spoil the fun a bit. 
All in all this is one of my favorite racing games of all time. Too bad the series went downhill after this.
«Sit back and relax»
The best Viking game to date! A brutal and funny hack’n’slash with great enemies, levels and a soundtrack to remember. Several types of weapons and multiple tiers within those types, also, as the title suggests, there are runes that give certain magical abilities to items. The voice acting is like a cheesy action movie of 90s, but it works. The art and items design are gothic+viking which is pretty awesome.There's also a mod that allows you to play co-op and even download some of custom campaigns for it. A multiplayer mode is also here and works well. Overall this game is great, it is is a hidden gem in the genre, if you are a fan of hack’n’slash, you shouldn’t miss it. Lots of fun and replayability. It's crazy this game is not very popular, especially since the guys behind it also made Heretic/Hexen games.
«Liked before it became a hit»
Very Good!  8/10
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
It's impossible to release a game better than this one
«Blew my mind»
I’ll start with disadvantages. First off, I’d say this is the smallest expansion to date among all expansions to the series. Also, devs could make use of a couple months to refine the original game and release the expansion afterwards.

The game mechanics and environments are great, tho. It’s worth playing overall, just don’t expect much.
The trilogy consists of three amazing games that just get better with the time. This franchise brought something completely different to the gaming world. The world is very captivating, the controls are easy to get used to and immersive, the gameplay is exciting, and the graphics, well, was stunning for its time, but still pleasant on the eyes today. If you own a Wii or Wii U, buy the trilogy, it’s one of the best things you can get for the platform and it’s worth all the money.
A breath of fresh air to the genre of action RPGs. It’s made by former Witcher devs, so there’s a truly open world and also some great music from the composer of the last Witcher game for starters. It’s an interesting mix of parkouring and stealth (Assassin’s Creed) and ‘might and magic’ classic RPG stuff, all with an isometric view. There’s also a decent combat system, an interesting story and lots of side content to keep you interested to explore every corner of the game. Definitely one of the best games in 2007 and a great choice to spend holidays with.
It’s not a game, it’s a piece of art. Dark, quirky, frightening art full of music and innovative visual solutions.

There’s also a good variety of weapons with some unique pieces. For one, there’s a jumping jack that bounces and hits enemies rapidly. I love the jack in the box that you can use like grenade or something like a trap.

The gameplay is plain ‘run and gun’, but the level design, effects and bosses with weaknesses to find make it quite compelling.

I was very disappointed with the ending. Such effort and time, all for CG video that explains nothing and even looks dull. It’s either programmers were rushing to release the game, so they came up with the ending in 30 minutes, or I just don’t get it - which is what often happens with every work of art.
«Liked before it became a hit»
This is the game that redefined RPGs in general and spawned lots of clones. All these clones made playing the original game kinda weird, coz you played it many times, so the original game feels secondary, but it’s vice versa actually! So keep this in mind if you want to play Diablo II now, but you played lots of other action RPGs already. Otherwise you’ll just get your typical hack-n-slash fantasy game.

Diablo II has many classes with large progress trees, lots of weapons and armor, and let’s be honest the game was meant to play online with all these trading opportunities. And my only gripes are also connected with that, coz there’s very little support from Blizzard against cheaters and bots.
«Can’t stop playing»
It’s an interesting game with unique elements that differ it much from other RPGs. I personally like the combat system that is just fantastic, add a solid story, a bit of humor, nice interface and the lovely atmosphere.
The devs call it a strategy game, but there is barely any. It’s more like a casual idle game where everything happens by itself - troops move, soldiers are recruited, enemies are fought… You control only the use of money to issue commands.

The tattoos from the title look sweet and the closer you get to the end of the game, the more you look like a Yakuza, but they are basically just an upgrade system.

The music and the character art are REALLY good (I even bought the soundtrack), but the gameplay doesn’t live up to expectations. Tokyo Tattoo Girls
«Waste of time»
I got a blast, while playing this game! It's so handcrafted and heartwarming that I count hours when I can play it. I miss that feeling for a long time.

Basically this is mix of many 3D Mario's but Hat in Time cuts everything slow and repeating. Every mission is unique and change levels, interface and rules again and again. Damn, counting for details takes forever so just take my word, even loading screen for each mission is orginal artwork.

BTW cause it indie game and it doesnt have huge supervisor — sometimes shows cute stuff like victim with a knife in their back, alcohol in childs room, slavery and many more.

Its not that obvious from visuals but almost all characters here is bad guys. But don't worry, its never goes out of control and game stays on friendly wave.

Saddly, game ends very fast. I NEED more! Hat girl, dont' go T_T!
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»
Short, but nice.
It's pretty much everything that I loved about Spiral Knights and Borderlands, but without everything that made me hate those games. Same elements and gameplay as SK, humour, jokes and style pretty much like Borderlands (but much less wasteland stuff). I guess this game lacks usable cars a little bit, but on other hand who cares. Way less grind than in SK nowadays, enjoyable missions, everything feels rewarding and in general it's just... I don't know. The only things I miss very much from SK here are TLoZ-like camera and gameplay desicions and bosses. Altho, Making a fort, having various objectives EVERY TIME and other fun stuff compensate that. I guess comparing it to SK isn't really relevant, but it was (and still is) one of my favorite games and I see a lot of similarities between them. And I still enjoy killing enemies with my sword, managing my shield and health and playing around positioning.

But SK's OST is still unbeatable.
«Just one more turn»
«Can’t stop playing»
Not bad... Not bad at all!..
Total War fans wishing for a fantasy setting won’t be disappointed, the game is definitely worth the money and time. I, being a person who has never played Warhammer, didn’t like the visual side of the game by which I mean the style, but I really love massive battles and this is where game particularly stands out. I hope that we’ll get more historic titles in the futurem but the fantasy world they built here is spectacular.
«Just one more turn»
«Can’t stop playing»
The game is a living legend, so it’s really hard ti review. Dota 2 is also a thriving pro cybersport with the biggest prizes, that means the game will be up for a long time with new patches and updates coming regularly. I’ve had so much fun playing it that I barely noticed 2000 hours passed.

Though popular the game is, but I must tell that it is not an easy pastime. You will be beaten, humiliated, hated, abused, tortured, broken and finally dead lots of times. And yet it’s hard to stop playing, coz you get superhigh when you win a 60 minute fight. The extraordinary number of players also leads to the phenomenon: no matter how well you play, there are always thousands guys who play better than you do. Keep this in mind if you only start playing now, there’s just no point in trying to become the best, that is just not possible.

It also has probably the highest concentration of douchebags, fumbfucks, dickheads and Dunning-Kruger patients in the entire gaming community. So the social part of playing often looks like this: one sane guy constantly tells his party of a few crazy guys to fight enemies, not each others.

If you are not afraid of all of the above, then give it a try, and you’ll get probably the best free MMO of all times with more than a hundred heroes and items, infinite replayability.
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»