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I understand the people who argue that this game isn't the one of the series were let down because by a great amount of changes. Nevertheless I think the game is a beautiful one and quite interesting to play. The gameplay is addictive, the graphics are wonderful, the visual style (again) is different from the previous games but still great, the music is gorgeous.
I've played it many times, hundreds of times I have thought ‘just one more turn.’ I know I won't be understood, but I would describe the game as Heroes II (the world and the story) meets the improved gameplay of Heroes III.
«Just one more turn»
«Can’t stop playing»
I haven't played any Myst game (including original Myst) before I played realMyst. I had fun with this game, the puzzles are brilliant. They are logical enough and with just the right balance between easy and hard to be entertained without any walkthroughs. After this game I tried others from the original Myst series and found out that the puzzles are the same actually and they weren't entertaining at all to solve for the second time. Also you get less beatiful graphics from the past. If you would like to play a Myst game or solve puzzles and have no experience with other titles, I'd recommend this one. But if you have played others, I wouldn't give it a try, unless you are a fan of the series.
The game had a chance to be an epic RTS to me but I honestly think that the hype hype surrounding StarCraft is misplaced. The game is just like any other RTS of that time. Some people state that SC is actually the first RTS ever made which sounds like a total bullshit, because in the days we already had Dune 2 and its later spin-off Command & Conquer. And then again, if you play it today you'll find no originality in it. You can't say the same for the first Mario game, or the first Sonic game, or any other classic game that defined the industry for many years onwards. The actual gameplay is good, I can't deny it, but when you realize Blizzard copypasted every other content from its predecessors, StarCraft loses its appeal. All in all, I'd recommend a game only for educational purposes — like how the games were made back then and what is the game that everyone considers the beginner of RTS.
«Waste of time»
«Reviewers bribed»
The best FPS I have ever played in my life. It's so good I still play it sometimes nearly 20 years after the release. 
I'm really impressed. This is the best video game story i've ever seen. Speaking about overall quality, 2 years after release the game still looks stunning with great graphics, and the great atmosphere, music and gameplay are all there. (Thanks, devs, for the good port for PC.) There’s only one question I have. Why the hell console exclusives are way better than any multiplatform games?
«Blew my mind»
Just a short speechless story, absolutely predictable and not catchy at all. Looks like an announce of "Finding Paradise", but I would prefer to watch a trailer and don't spend an hour on this game.
I finally revisited the series since I played San Andreas ten years ago! GTA IV is a good game, and it's definitely worth your time even if you are a Japanese indie-strategy lover or worse. I won't touch upon the subjects that was discussed through and through such as the gameplay (you kill and steal, duh) or the soundtrack (brilliant and authentic as always) or anything like that.

My personal experince was that in this GTA I really loved shooting. Never before assaults in the series have felt so good. Which is probably why there are lots of missions involving assaults in some form. The weapons felt different and guns make you change the playing style. This was the first game where I loved to shoot the pistol, the weapon that is usually regarded as the lamest one. Mastering the pistol is very rewarding in some sense, because when you finish storming the building full of gangsters wielding AK47s or M16s, you feel like a bad ass antihero that Niko really is.

In some sense, the game is truer-to-life than San Andreas, since there are no jetpacks or easily-stealable tanks or spy-planes. In some sense, it is not, since you can't work out to fight or run more effectively and you can't put on weight either.

As for the story, I demote the overall score from Exceptional to Recommended because of it. The story is sometimes not logical and sometimes too predictive (something like a bad action B-movie), some really interesting characters that you meet don't develop at all and die quickly. In this sense GTA IV really make you revisit Liberty City, since GTA III also suffered from the bad story (but it was kinda the first game in the series, so it was justifiable back then).
First, I'd like to point out some great features. There's a unique combat system, you can build up your own fighting style from the small elements. The game is not really that difficult so you can just smash around the buttons and block enemies' punches and that will probably get you through 90% fights (this obviously concerns only single player mode). But learning new moves (you have to block incoming blows to learn them, which is very inventive) and tinkering with your own combos is fun and rewarding though. This was the main thing that made me stay with the game for some time.

The single player mode sucks in all ways possible. I understand that this game was intended to put multiplayer in the first place, but that doesn't mean that the devs should have made the single player such a bummer. If you don't intend to satisfy gamers who dig single player capmaigns, you shouldn't release the single player in the game at all.

Speaking about gameplay, the most annoying thing is that there is no minimap, so you can easily end up going in circles. At the same time the world is so small and yet it manages to be boring and monotonous. Exploring is very unrewarding since there are no really unique locations, even objects are the same in all the parts of the world. You have a vase, some sort of a pile (which contains weapons/armor), and those are all the objects you can interact with.

I'm not very exacting when it comes to the graphics, as I appreciate the overall visual side of games (artistic style, use of colors and shades, creativity, etc.) more than just a high-res bright picture. But Absolver runs like shit on my mid-range PC and doesn't look demanding at all (see the screenshot above). For reference, Witcher 3 runs buttery smooth on mid-settings, and for Absolver I was forced to use nearly the lowest settings. Perhaps there's a problem with the code and the lazy devs. To me, it was the most disturbing thing with this game, I was fighting more bugs and glitches than enemies.

Overall, I'd give this game 5/10, since it is a good example of a fighter that is playable on PCs with heyboard+mose (which I like very much) and the game brings something new to upgrading and combat in general. But the single player and the glitches made me quit the game halfway through. If you love a good hand-to-hand fight online, I would definitely recommend the game though.
«Buggy as hell»
«Disappointment of the year»
Where To The Moon was warm and fuzzy, Finding Paradise had no mercy. Be prepared for all your hopes to be crushed, and all assumptions turn out to be wrong.

The gameplay was upgraded a bit since the first game. There are more puzzles and mechanics this time around. Also the actual story is more evenly paced in Finding Paradise. The main characters' backstory is also much more pronounced in the sequel.

I feel like writing anything else will just spoil this gem of a game, but I'll say thins. While To The Moon made me cry out of happiness, Finding Paradise made me empathise with a character more than any game released in 2017 (except for, maybe, Rakuen).

Definitely recommend if you're into games that will tear your soul apart with sadness and then piece it back together in the end.

Can't wait for part 3 of this amazing story.

«That ending!»
One of the best NFS’s! One of the best racing games even! Don’t rate this game based only on IGN review, coz the guys there downgraded it for some reason. Also some people hating on the game for microtransactions, but these are totally skippable. People also hating on speedcards and I dunno why. It’s just kinda an upgrade system that gives you random car parts. You don’t have to grind much either since you can tune up your car with INGAME CURRENCY, so you don’t have to race over and over for better parts and don’t have to spend your real money too. The microtransactions that I mentioned earlier will get you only some things like neon and other parts for pimping your car. The Ghost Games listen to their fans, so we got a game that NFS 2015 should have been. It's a fun game and I enjoyed every mile I drove. 10/10.
«Can’t stop playing»
The classic adventure and mystery-solving game with a unique steampunk style. The graphics are outdated for now, but still stylish. The puzzles are quite fun and not boring, not very numerous either. I can't recall bad language or adult themes in the game, so this is a good game to play with older children/young teenagers.
It's a Gone With the Wind of the gaming world! The story is really engaging with the flood twist. Also great work with the weapons, it's fun to use even the pistol here. 
Now the game looks a bit outdated but keep in mind that this was considered advanced graphics and great AI back in the days. Still glad that I revisited this classic. Solid 9 out of 10.
«Beaten more than once»
A fantastic addition to the series that continues what New Order finished. The gameplay, guns and exploring is very similar, it feels very episodic as expected. Some great characters and good voicing push the story. It ran smooth on my mid range i5 970 PC with medium to high settings.
«Can’t stop playing»
The best game ever, even better with Night of The Raven. I have played it at least ten times and loved each and every part of it. The mix of linearity and open world is perfect. Add here a really good combat system, compelling story, interesting dialogs, hard grey-shaded choices with consequences, beautiful environment and fantastic music. Exploring is so interesting and rewarding that you may forget about your wife and kids, which is the only bad thing about it. :-)
«Blew my mind»
«Beaten more than once»
The single-player campaign is surprisingly short, although the games is quite great for the time it was realised at. It’s an atmospheric FPS, the Stalingrad campaign is my favourite, very frightening and intense. I didn’t like much for the secret agent British campaign, but I guess it was alright, I am no huge lover of stealth missions. I’d recommend this game to anyone who haven’t played it, since it’s the time-tested classic of FPS.
A big advantage of the games that it is easy in all aspects – controls, gameplay, etc. It may be not for everyone, but I liked it for that. Also a good game to play with kids. Watch the trailer or download the demo and try for yourself. The only drawback is that there’s no multiplayer.
An immersive, content-rich and thoroughly detailed and complex RPG and amazingly addictive on top of that. The character development is endless and everything is important regardless of class. The music and sound-design enhances the mood, the world is magical and at the same time very real. The graphics aren't the greatest, but with all the years passed you can be reasonably indulgent.
«Can’t stop playing»
This game is worse than its parts summed. Actually it’s somehow worse than the worst games because the worst at least make you laugh sometimes at how bad they are. This one is just a long boredom with short periods of pain in the ass. I recommend to play this game only if you want to know how FPS haters feel.
«Waste of time»
«Ugly as my life»
I've never asked for this...
I want to have local amnesia and forget half-year of my life spent in Witcher 3. Just to play this game again.