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This game is really cool, I’ve spent lots of time with it. Pros: - immersive - lots to explore - trading, fighting, mining systems work fine - ships are cool - tons of various missions to your taste Cons: - nothing to do with your friends, although the game is sold like an MMO experience. No coop, almost no PVE, no escorts or some other things you expect to find in a multiplayer game Don’t buy it if you dig multiplayer. Single player is great, so I’d definitely recommend it.
«Just one more turn»
I only wish that people stopped whining ‘oooooh it’s like Diablo’. I mean, c’mon, we all know Diablo was an epic game that changed future RPGs in many respects, but I had more fun playing TQ. It has fancier graphics and I know Diablo is older, but we play it now in the future, so why should we play something dated when we have games with better experience overall and graphics too. To me this is a masterpiece, 10 out of 10.
«Blew my mind»
The puzzles are not challenging at all, but the game is good for small giggles in a company. So far my experience with the other players has been fine, but I couldn’t remember a single when I played more than an hour in one session, usually the game disconnects at some point. This is very frustrating when you finally find a group you really like to play with. Overall the game is a mild fun, but I’d say it isn’t worth $40 I bought it for. If it costs $20 or less, you can buy it without much thinking.
pay to shop
«Disappointment of the year»
I love all Amanita's games, and personally think they are the maker of AAA-games among indies (in a good way). Botanicula is no exception.

It is bright, vivid, and fun. It has an unspeakably creative story and manages to entertain you with no words. The gameplay is very meditative with some spots that make your heart bouncing from the emotional pressure. 

I also have a more intimate connection to the game, since I heard DVA for the first time playin it. DVA is the Czech duo making an incredible crazy out-of-this-world indie music. In fact, they quickly became on of my most favorite musicians of all time.
«Blew my mind»
«OST on repeat»
This was probably the first indie game I ever played at that point. My friend, who shared the room with me, introduced me to World of Goo, and I instantly fell in love with it. I completed it many times, and each was a unique and happy adventure.

The gameplay is really fun, the story is inventive and keeps you entertained till the last chapter. Hell, there's even a love storyline. 

To be honest, I'm getting so excited about World of Goo right now, writing this review, that I'll probably play it again soon. And if you have never played it, do it. It's a chef-d'œuvre of a game.
«Blew my mind»
«That ending!»
For me that was a step back after the solid original game. Fancier graphics didn't make the game any better, levels are lame, and there's something unspeakable and strange to the game — you just don't feel the fun you felt playing the original. Go for the original and if you love it, then you may give this one a try too. But if you start with the sequel you may be disappointed.
A great game, especially for an old fan of the Tony Hawk series who I am. It has challenging levels that will keep you screaming throughout the game, you can make finger-twisting combos which are very satisfying to land. It's fun for a quick play, when you have like 30 free minutes to spend. It would be great if there was some kind of free-roaming maps or infinite maps where you can just do tricks for your own pleasure, tho.
This game is full of paradoxes. The fighting is dull and uninspiring, but at the same time you have various unique powers and upgrades. The visual style looks great sometimes, but the graphics are dated even for 2009. I’d only recommend this game to Warframe fans who would like to see more of the lore. If you are not into Warframe, then skip this one.
This was the first game I played in the series, and I was rather disappointed. An unbelievably dumb story, infantile characters and a very repetitive gameplay. This was very week, go play something else instead.
Just fuck this! If you don’t spawn directly in sight of a sniper, you die from another enemy. Most of the defense maps allow the attackers to spawn snipers, sit back and camp. Total bummer. Do not buy this game at any cost!
«Waste of time»
Am a huge fan of AC, but Black Flag, widely praised as one of the best of the series, made me think if I ever would like to continue following. The map is very expansive in a bad way, it offers to much and you don’t feel like you are in an exact place. Previous games managed to convey the feeling of the time and space they were set in, and Black Flag does not. The sea travel was quite tedious for me, so crossing the seas to follow the main story was the greatest pain in the ass in the game. Boarding and unboarding in the areas with no ports were a real time-consuming headache. Overall I’d say that at this point AC became too epic for me, for I am a fan of smaller games.
A good game for Tomb Raider. I'd say this is neither good than the original, nor bad than the first reboot game. The plot was nice and I enjoyed it. The gameplay is also okay, but the wonky camera was very irritating and spoiled lots of jumps for me. I enjoyed the time spent, and I got this one for free for pre-ordering another Lara Croft.
An immersive world with a captivating storyline are here, however it can hardly be compared to the mighty sequel and the third part. First, there’s a dull combat that makes you keep the rhythm which is basically the only skill that will get you through the game. Side quests are very generic and unrewarding. The areas/maps/levels in the game vary in difficulty greatly which result in some grinding for experience. The game is definitely worth playing if you want to meet the characters and learn the pre-story of the witcher, so beat it and then play onwards to Witcher 2 and 3.
«Buggy as hell»
When I finished Divine Divinity I wanted to take a look at this game so I bought it on one of those sales and was quite disappointed. The voice acting was terrible, I didn’t like that I had to control two characters and the game doesn’t explain much as how to control them and how to, well, play it. Totally thumbs down for me.
«Buggy as hell»
«Disappointment of the year»
An amazing game. I discovered it as late as in 2008, and I’ve played it many times ever since. The story is captivating, the characters are real, the world gives you goosebumps. A total must play and one the most classical games of all-time.
«Blew my mind»
As people say, it is a step backwards after Rock Band 3. There’s no pro mode, no keyboard, no bass effects, and they moved modifiers to the main options menu. How stupid is that? The setlist is good tho, the interface is improved, and there are freestyle guitar solos! All in all, if you are new to the series, you’d better start with RB3. If you are a veteran, than give this part a try too.
This one is a whole new twist to one of the oldest game series. It's a fantastic game that does better on 3DS when you see all the fun going straight to your face. I may be overly impressed, but I hope Nintendo will keep moving in this direction.
Yet another timeless masterpiece by Rockstar, but to me this is the best game they've made.

The very process of investigation is thoroughly copied from detective films or TV-series. In this sense Noire is perhaps the best title the game could get. The story lives up to the highest expectations — it is a dark solid detective set in late 40s along with small whodunnits on the way.

Amazing work with the characters – the main ones are very intrguing to follow and see how they are developing throughout the story, while the secondary ones are just interesting enough to last through one case and keep you suspicious till the very end. Phelps is one of the best playable character I've seen in my life, you really want to help him and to associate yourself with him. Overall, he is just a nice guy and a really good cop.

The graphics feels pretty even in 2018 and the face animation is beyond expectations. The sound and the music are gorgeous. The gameplay makes you feel like a detective, although a little bit more fighting and shooting would be nice, perhaps.

I'd recommend this game to anyone, even if you don't really like Rockstar and GTA in particular. You will love the atmosphere and you will play the game with sinking heart from the first till the last minute.
«That ending!»
«OST on repeat»
This is a good racing game, probably one of the best of the NFS series. The variety of cars is good, enough upgrading and modification options to keep you interested and personalize the car. The racing challenges are different and entertaining. However I didn't like that laps were quite long and you could easily spend much more than 10 minutes for a single race.

Another drawback for me was that you can't play without being chased by cops. I understand that this is kind of the point of the game, but sometimes (especially when you have a high-level car) it is really annoying. It would be great if there were some races with no cops or if there was an option to turn cops off while free-roaming. The chasing itself is also not so fun as it was in Most Wanted – there are no creative ways of how you can escape cops, you just have to speed up. As you might've already guessed, I wasn't a huge fan of playing for cops, but the mode itself can be quite interesting for those who don't mind joining the dark side of the racing world.

The story is close to the Fast & Furious movies — dumb and uninventive. I'm not sure why they decided to write the story for the game at all. 

Despite all the things I disliked about the game, I think this is a good racing game if you play it from time to time. I think the online mode must be pretty competitive, although I'm not sure if it is still alive in 2018. I'd recommend the game if you love fast cars and chases.