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I played in LEGO videogame only once before, it was LEGO Star Wars (released in 2005). This game came out 7 years later, but it feels absolutely the same: same engine, same unresponsive control, same game structure. The only difference in decoration, nothing else. I am a big fan of LOTR, but this game was a waste of time mostly, I don't understand such a high review scores.
Quite fun experience for a few evenings, much better in co-op mode.
«Better with friends»
PS MOVE RULE! When you aim at the enemy and perform a perfect headshot it is the most satisfying way to kill anybody in video games. It takes some practice for sure but it’s well worth your time. The game itself took me 8 hours to beat. Every moment from the beginning till the end was excellent. The storyline is captivating with all the voice acting and scripting they have it is really a top-level narrative.
It's difficult to understand what Zipper tried to achieve with this game, it is half shooter, half something else. The graphics in the game I loved a lot but the modes are very limited. It feels that it must cost much less of its initial price and could disappoint the fans of the series.
The original game was a hidden gem, the sequel didn’t live up to my expectations. I still think this is a good game but it doesn’t look and feel so innovative its predecessor did. Although I can’t ignore that the story and especially the ending is much improved from the first installment. The game feels very complete in this aspect.
This game requires a lot of skill. It is very hard and demands lots of time to master. But at the same time the game is very rewarding for that you have this feeling that you achieved something nearly impossible. Overall this is a small but great and challenging game that will bring you lots of fun.
Fun and entertaining, just as I remember it from my childhood. I remember some missions that made me angry and the whole move to make the Simpsons happen in a GTA-like game was very entertaining.
I understand the DMC series is all about hacking and slashing with a touch of running and jumping but I get tired of them very soon. I lasted perhaps 4 hours on this game (though I managed to complete some previous DMC games). The enemies are very repetitive, the level design is also un-imaginative at most. As far as I understand this is a hallmark of the series to reuse some objects/places or even entire locations over and over throughout the game with small alterations. But to me it feels as if I start watching some blockbuster with cool SFX and then I notice that pretty much all of the action happens in the same stage set with the same background. I guess for DMC fans this game might be the best one of the series, but I doubt that you'll love it a lot if you are not in this community.
«Waste of time»
It's interesting to recall the first installment of The Witcher saga after playing the second and the last part with all the expansions. I remeber how excited I was when the game came out. To be honest, I was a long-time fan of the witcher and had read all the books twice by the time, watched the shitty Polish movie and was craving for a new story in the universe. 

So if you are a fan of the source-material, then you will be delighted by the game, because it picks up where the books left. It throws a bunch of recognizable characters together. Sure it is kind of a fan-service but well when you ARE a fan, you just don't care about it.

The storyline, the choices, the charaters are extremely well-made. As for the levels/maps/areas, I think their design could be improved a bit, since there are some places where there's no content, it's just a place for grinding by killing monsters. But the overall quality is still very good. I loved the combat system a lot: there are three basic styles: (1) to fight a group of enemies, (2) slow but strong, (3) fast but weak. You have to keep the rhythm of the fight in order to commit effective combos. It goes well with descriptions of fights you usually read in books, so to me it felt very natural and at the same time quite innovative as I had never seen something like this in an RPG before. The signs (i.e. spells) are also here but, to be honest, I am not into magic much and it wasn't until The Witcher 3 where I started to use the signs heavily and loved them.

Overall, it is a great RPG of that time. It perhaps can't be compared with the third installment but it laid a sound foundation for the following parts. If you enjoy RPGs, this is definitely a must play. If you are a lover of the witcher books or other dark fantasy stories, you'll love this one as the most solid fan-fiction in any form you can get.
Everything about this game is weird, you know like Japanesely-weird. Features: - The visual style overall is really good especially for the moderate graphics they have here. - The game requires a particular mindset to follow the story and solve tasks. I suspect it works fine for the Japanese, I as a Western felt puzzled in many points of the story. - The good mixture/balance between the story and the gameplay.
The best adjective to describe the game is ‘stylish’. Fighting feel really good. The PC versions has some drawbacks though as you can’t remap controllers and you can’t tweak with the graphics a lot (however you can probably do it with an ini file).
I always revisit this game when I need a smile or even a good laughter. This game thrives on humor and comedy, it has a great story that you really want to follow till the end. The big open world and the landscape fit perfectly for the story and brings the game to a whole new level. In general, I think this game is really one of the best games I have ever played. It’s worth every second you spend on it, so don’t hesitate and play it.
«Liked before it became a hit»
These Beamdog fools must have been really thinking that they could add something to this masterpiece of games and make it better. But no, reality is tough, so they just spoiled it. Everything was messed up (except for the story which probably would be overkill). I call this ‘Enhanced Edition’ a shameless cash grab. It is really a low effort, and it isn’t worth the half of the sum.
«Buggy as hell»
«Ugly as my life»
It might be as well called Splinter Cell: Absolution, because it’s very disappointing for a fan of the series. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good game and may be fun to play, but you expect the depth and non-linearity from a Hitman title, and they are just not there. So it’s a solid ‘meh’ and absolutely not what I hoped for.
«I could make it better»
It is an extremely well-made RTS which any fan of the genre must give a try. If you are a fan of the LotR universe than you must must give it a try. The balance is awesome. The campaign is really good with all the voices and music. The multiplayer is also okay. Create a Hero and War of the Ring take the level of the game even higher.
incredible story
I remember it was my first FPS and quite liked it. Then I played lots of other games and now I decided to revisit the classics from my childhood. Long story short: it’s a solid ‘meh’. Neither amazing, nor terrible, straight okay. It’s still worth a playthrough if you have nothing to play, but if you do, don’t wate time on it.
«Ugly as my life»
In the age of Xbox One and PS4 there are lots of remakes coming out, sometimes they are just poor ports with shinier graphics to be honest. This is not the case with this game, it’s been thoroughly remade with lots of remarkable changes. Firstly, they added more factions. Secondly, they revamped the UI to be more accessible. It was a good game, but after the remake it got even better.
«Liked before it became a hit»
I doubt anyone ever will read this review, because the game is very old and not quite popular, but to be it was one of the most perfect RTS I ever played. I won’t go deep into details, but the game is simply brilliant in all its aspects. I played it first back in 2002 when it came out, and I replayed it now to find out that true diamonds never age. If you love and respect RTS as a genre, find it and play it, it’s worth your time.
«Can’t stop playing»
One of the greatest tactic shooters I have ever played. The Normal Edition might look short, but the expansion solves this. I’ve been searching for other tactical shooters after I played this one, I tried R6 Vegas, for instance, but to my disappointment I found out that most of tactical shooters don’t have any tactics. If you are a fan of this rare genre, play it.
«Liked before it became a hit»