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I wasn't expecting much from the latest addition to the AC franchise, but this game honestly blew me away. I play it every single day, and even when I'm not playing it I'm consuming various types of content about it. The world is ridiculously detailed, the combat isn't overly difficult nor overly boring, the narrative is more thorough than previous AC games and the graphics are out of this world. This is hands-down the best Assassin's Creed since the Altair and Ezio days.
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
Date Of Purchase: 27/3/2017 Paid or Free Copy:Paid Bendy And The Ink Machine is a fantastic indie horror game, now let's list some pros and cons Pros: chapter one is free to try its got a amazing story got a great art style its got a great soundtrack it's original, and that makes it better than some AAA horror games it's cute and eye catching spooky atmosphere brilliant sound design some fun easter eggs now let's talk cons Cons: it's short other chapters cost money, but I guess you gotta make a living somehow not much replayability My thoughts: I think Chapters one and two are short and sweet they have a bundle of content for a £5 game now even though each chapter is £5, it's probably going to be £30 for all chapters I wish Meatly would add a survival mode type of thing with a leaderboard, after hes done storymode to keep replayability, but then again were only on chapter 2 so maybe he will in the future. In conclusion Bendy And The Ink Machine is a fantastic indie horror game developed by a team of 3 or more people and still has a positive future ahead of them so I wish them luck.    Here's my Let's play of Chapter One: 
«Blew my mind»
«Liked before it became a hit»
Very nice idea with totally poor gameplay. 
Stupid rats, plague. Could the city get any worse? Chances are very good. Since you have to cut or sneak your way through Dunwall filled with guards, assassins, and weepers with no time to pause for whisky and cigars. Never doubt it – Dishonored is a great game that constantly keeps you wired.

Speaking about level design, weapons and spells, enemies, this is one of the best games I have ever played. Everything is well thought-out, and as a result you get much freedom when it comes to ways of accomplishing the missions. The game doesn't teach you much, it just explains how this weapon or that spell work and lets you use them as you please. So you can stop time, fire bolts and attach bombs to them; you can possess anybody and casually walk to a safe place to choke the poor guy down; you can acquire Shadow Kill ability (which makes bodies of those you kill turn to ashes immediately) and just kill everybody you see leaving no traces of a bloodbath behind; you can blink your way over the roofs without setting foot on the ground, coz, you know, the floor is lava!

[minor and major story spoilers below]
Although I don't understand the praise the storyline got (to me it was clichéd through and through), I can't deny that the characters and the setting are well-made. Even minor characters have background stories and hidden desires and fears that can easily be revealed with the help of one particular device. The world is a solid mix of dark fantasy, zombie post-apocalypses, and well-known dystopian novels with a bunch of retrofuturistic and steampunk elements.

Although I'd say that there are some unfinished storylines within the game: like you'll never truly understand who the hell Granny Rags is. Sure, she is the old scary witch that could earn some respect even from The Witcher's Ladies of the Wood for her creepiness. But given how detailed some parts of Dishonored is, you always wait for some kind of an explanation and Granny Rags gets none. The same goes to Daud, the leader of assassins. When you manage to ‘neautralize’ him in a ‘non-lethal’ way by stealing his pouch, you kind of wait for his reaction to be ultimately revealed. Was he scared to death that you had got so close but spared his life? Did he shit some bricks? Was he furious with his bodyguards that couldn't stop Corvo coming?

My biggest resentment comes from the thing that needs a bit of explanation for those who haven't played the game. Dishonored lets you choose you own way to complete missions – that's true – but how you tackle them affects the course of the story and the ending. As the game puts it, killing lots of enemies will cause more rats and more weepers in the streets, while adopting a stealthier approach will lead to a happier and lighter outcome. At the same time, if you decide to neutralize Campbell in a non-lethal way (which is ‘good’), you'll find him later as a weeper, living the last days of his life in some swampy dump. So I think killing him in the first place could be actually more merciful. Fates that are worse than deaths will await at least half of your targets if you choose the ‘non-lethal’ way, so at the end of the day you feel like a true monster. 

And in the end, when the game counts all chaos you caused in the city, you expect something more, since the game told you in the very beginning that it would affect the finale. But all you get after you rescue Emily (or let her die) is some stop-motion scenes of Dunwall citizens ranging from dark to happy with Outsider narrating what will happen afterwards. To me it was very unrewarding, it actually killed any mood to replay the game with a different chaos-level. And what was more irritating – I never learned what had happened to Havelock since I just rendered him unconscious like I always did with my targets. Did he go to the prison? Was he executed? Was he pardoned? Did he manage to escape? We'll never know.

[spoilers end here]

All in all, this is truly a great game. I can't put an ‘exceptional’ for everything stated above. But I do recommend it to anyone who appreciate solid stories, interesting characters, an inventive gameplay, and stealth games in general. It's the best game about an assassin with a creed, and it's too bad an appropriate title was taken long before.
best co-op game ever!
«Can’t stop playing»
As a strategy this game doesn't offer anything interesting, it's not deep and it's possible to beat the entire campaign by one tactic. Plot is dull, despite the high quality CGI video between missions. Still this game is quite fun in co-op mode for a few evenings, so if you have a friend it's not a waste of time.
«Better with friends»
Liked this game for the interesting story and great aesthetic: art and plot combined give a feeling of epicness. For me this game was quite difficult on normal and I switched to easy, but that's only because I suck in this genre.
«That ending!»
This game has a very unique graphical style that brings back some memories and nostalgia from the early 3D systems from the 90s. It's kinda hard but there's lots of action and items to find, some easter eggs and lots of humor you may have to be a bit of a nerd to get. You'll spend several hours on this game trying to get the best ending and finding all the artifacts!

 The price is right at $2.99, definitely pick it up!
«Can’t stop playing»
«Liked before it became a hit»
Bridge Constructor Portal joins… ehm… portals and bridge construction. The game is goofy enough and has mildly funny jokes, there's good level design and also the gameplay is very meditative as you can build up the most economically uneffective construction to deliver all trains from A to B, and the game is perfectly fine with that. In a way, there's the only opponent in the game – yourself. So if you want to tweak with the level and build the most absurd but yet effective bridge that will collapse just right after the last train goes over it – because hey, if that works, it isn't stupid! – you can tweak all you want to your own satisfaction.

This is probably the most important difference between this game and World of Goo, from which it borrows heavily – from the concept of building simple yet effective and self-supporting triangular construcions to the vacuum tube at the end of the level where you have to deliver small black living creatures.

This is a good game to casually play from time to time. I'd recommend this to anyone who like construcion puzzles, cute violence, and just want to relax from some highbrow AAA blockbuster games.
«Sit back and relax»
The game feels not like a new part in the Total War franchise. It is more like a revamped first part to be honest. It has a bunch of new features and fancier graphics but that’s pretty much just it.
The original was one of my all time favorites, but the director cut doesn’t add much (duh, like it has added much sometimes). It’s still an exciting story though, it has much suspense and many interesting puzzles and it was nice to revisit this game..
This blend of RPG and RTS resembles both Neverwinter Nights 2 and Warcraft 3. Design your characters, develop them, recruit and command an army. The graphics are dated but well it was released a decade ago, so I can live with that. And the plot is quite immersive, so you stop minding the graphics after a while.
«Just one more turn»
«That ending!»
This game is very underrated. I was very satisfied with the campaign and found all three races unique and interesting. This is very close to Starcraft and Command & Conquer Generals or other games with few races in a single time period and few types of resources. I’m surprised people compare it to Age of Empires or Rise of Nations because here the point is not progressing through the history, it’s about things happening now. I’d recommend this game to all classic strategy lovers, it’s worth your time.
«Liked before it became a hit»
I’m not usually this sentimental but I have a deep emotional connection to the roots of 3D GTA games and it’s hard to choose which is better. I played all parts as they were released so GTA 3 was my first one while San Andreas surprised me with its size and possibilities but till this day I think that Vice City was the best one. The atmo, the 80s feel with all the music, cars, clothes, and still some goofy things that later started to fade out from the series. All in all this is one of my most favorite games.
«OST on repeat»
This is not a game, it’s a mess. Like the devs started the story and knew how to finish it, but everything in between was written by some retarded kids. The story is a total failure, won’t recommend the game to anyone.
«Buggy as hell»
«Disappointment of the year»
Everything is good here - the gameplay, atmo, storyline. The ending was not what I expected though, but I could live with that. There are some bad puzzles but only some, so if you are really into adventure games you should definitely try this one.
It's a really nice and catching puzzle game for mobile devices, slightly similar to Train Valley. Definitely recommend it to train fans.
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
I played in LEGO videogame only once before, it was LEGO Star Wars (released in 2005). This game came out 7 years later, but it feels absolutely the same: same engine, same unresponsive control, same game structure. The only difference in decoration, nothing else. I am a big fan of LOTR, but this game was a waste of time mostly, I don't understand such a high review scores.
Quite fun experience for a few evenings, much better in co-op mode.
«Better with friends»
PS MOVE RULE! When you aim at the enemy and perform a perfect headshot it is the most satisfying way to kill anybody in video games. It takes some practice for sure but it’s well worth your time. The game itself took me 8 hours to beat. Every moment from the beginning till the end was excellent. The storyline is captivating with all the voice acting and scripting they have it is really a top-level narrative.