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Very good quest game - grab it if you like quests with great story telling and charming atmosphere.
Nice game but a little too short. Must-Have for local or net co-op.
Nice for local or net coop, classic already. Single player gameplay is rather boring.
Nice racing game, not a competition to Mario Kart but quite playable.
You can not miss this great 3D platformer one on Vita.
Must-Have game on your Vita - great Japanese vibe, awesome Slasher gameplay with RPG elements.
Quite an enjoyable FPS game - rare occasion on Vita.
Good platforming expirience on Vita.
Excellent game - IMHO a Must-Have on Vita for all RPG-Slasher fans.
Well, everybody knows this game - Braaaains.
Highly recommended for all RPG fans - the presentation on Vita is remarkable - one of Must-Have titles on Vita all time.
Didn't really enjoy it, the story wasn't that interesting and the gameplay just failed my expectations.
Interesting 2D shooter game with great story, graphics and gameplay. Played it on Vita.
Good shooting game on Vita, quite playable.
I would not waste my time on that one. Vita's hardware sucks for such projects IMHO.
Nice racing game to play on Vita - worse than its stationary consoles versions but nevertheless quite an enjoyable one.
Must-have platformer game on Vita and on other consoles. Great narrative, colourful levels, cool characters, awesome music!
Nice fighting game to play on Vita.
Would be better as an interactive fiction
«Beaten more than once»
«OST on repeat»
The flaws of this game are still better than my whole gaming experience. Immersive, fun and silly, usually in a good way
«Just one more turn»