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X-COM: Interceptor

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The fourth installment of the series, X-COM: Interceptor is a combination of genres within the setting of the previously established game. Major Earth corporations ventured to space in order to prevent the decay of civilization, and the player takes command over the elite force to fight the aliens directly in space. Interceptor primarily is a space combat simulator. But the commander is still in charge of the region, so it would be players’ responsibility to manage bases, resources, and finances.
The game main screen is no longer shows the anthill of interconnected rooms of the X-COM headquarters. Now players see the map of the space section. Over the course of the first several missions, a new commander will be taught how to locate, intercept and destroy enemy ships. Every battle is played out as a flight simulator. Commander can purchase equipment, hire pilots and research technologies. It’s the first X-COM game to include multiplayer, where players participate in the space combat.

System requirements for PC

  • Supported OS: Microsoft® 2000/XP/Vista®
  • Processor: Pentium 166MHz or better
  • Memory: 16Mb RAM
  • Graphics: Must be capable of 16-bit graphics (High Color) and have a minimum of 2MB of video RAM
  • Hard Drive: 60 MB Hard Disk Space
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Last Modified: Jul 19, 2024

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3 edits


1 edit
Game Over: X-Com: Interceptor
Mar 13, 2010
X-COM: Interceptor - Part 1
Jan 14, 2016
Let's Play X-COM Interceptor Experienced 1
Jun 15, 2010
X-COM Interceptor OST - Battle Track 1 Mix
Aug 23, 2010
Let's Play X-COM Interceptor Experienced 25 FINALE
Mar 6, 2011
Let's Play X-COM Interceptor Experienced 3
Jun 30, 2010
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X-COM: Interceptor reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Belonging to the original saga of X-Com (known as Ufo Enemy Uknow in Europe), this delivery together with the X-com enforcer, leave the original genre; With the same argument and development at strategic level, R & D and Management, in the tactical part is where this game is unmarked from the first three deliveries. It Is A space combat simulator in the line of Wing Commander or X-Wing; I mean, more arcade than simulator. In fact the controls are very similar to the X-wing. Recommended only if you liked the games I quote and you take into account that you're going to find a very outdated game on a technical level.
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Microsoft from Russian
A Peculiar XCOM in space. You Can call this game a breakout "the Bureau xcom declassified", because here we also collect a squad of three ships, for one of which we play. Yes, the shooter here peppy, to equip the base is also interesting, but nothing stands out. Pros: + Brisk fights. + Base Arrangement. + Tuning of equipment of starships. + Design. Cons:-Implementation of the game on new computers-can be terrible brakes. Monotony. -Everything that happens is terribly dull, there is nothing interesting. -The Aliens act madly sharply. The Game is peculiar, but there is nothing interesting. If you decide to buy, it is better on discounts.
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Microsoft from French
Fourth game of the X-COM series, third chronologically speaking, X-COM: interceptor is different from its predecessors: it is a space game of shoot seen from the cockpit. In itself, the game could be good, with basic constructions and research, as for previous Opus, strategy oriented. However, the scenario is rather limited, bugs appear, including graphics (for example, when you go to your desktop and back in the game) and most importantly, I felt like trying to kill mosquitoes. I'm not a fan of this kind of games at the base, I had it in Pack with the other X-COM that I have vastly more appreciated, but it quickly joins the cemetery, forever. YouTube videos are enough for me to see the little scenario and the end of the game, that will suffice.
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Microsoft from Russian
Let This game is unloved among the fans of X-Com, but this part was the first X-Com'om in which I played, and it is thanks to her I hooked on other parts. As a child in this game I liked everything-gameplay, fights, music, sounds, interface... So in this game X-Com goes into space. As in the previous parts, the player must equip the base, build new, and explore the alien technology. But This is mostly the end of the similarities. Fights in this game are held exclusively in space between fighters. Each fighter has its own set of equipment, as well as a pilot. Up to five fighters can be sent to The battle, and during the battle the player will control one of them. Instead of the countries in this game are the corporations that build stations in the nearest star systems. These stations are the source of the player's income, so they must be protected against alien attacks. Although unusual for X-Com game, but it will always be for me one of the most favorite games.
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