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i am currently playing " horizen zero dawn " and i think it is an excellent game: the graphics are realistic and the story is intresting especially when you get to the middle of the game , I really do recomend this to any gamer who likes action.
- :)
«Just one more turn»
«Sit back and relax»
Despite the popular opinion - i will say one thing: if you liked the original, you should definitely play Catalyst. All the game mechanics we loved are here and almost untouched, with some of the new stuff added on top (like a grappling hook). People are usually frustrated with the empty open world, but if you treat it like a linear game - it works pretty well, and you can knock out all the main story in 6-7 hours straight (compared to 3.5-4hrs of the original) and still have extra things to do, if you'll want to get back to the City of Glass, which is a nice bonus in my opinion. Where the first game left you with a boring time trial on the same missions you already played - here you have a huge set of paths to run after you're done with the story.
«Beaten more than once»
If you expect 100 hrs of pure content from Nex Machina - then you'll be dissapointed.
But if you enjoy old-school games, where each beaten level feels like a real achievement - that's a game for you. It has the whole package: many difficulty levels, a ton of enemies, even more bullets flying at you, cool bosses with phases, leaderboards, time trial and so on.
And yeah, it looks amazing, thanks to the mix of traditional geometry and voxels.
If the above sounds like your kinda thing - definitely check it out!
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»